Chapter 135 Out of the Valley
Seeing Tang Qinghan and Xie Yixiang running towards him at the same time, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being reckless, wondering what the situation was, and immediately pretended to be serious and said: "You two beauties, why are you doing so miserably? My brother and I have been miserable enough, but I didn't expect you to be worse than my brother."

It's just that Tang Qinghan and Xie Yixiang didn't answer his words, but said at the same time: "Stop talking, why didn't you come here until now?"

"What's your situation? How do you speak the same thing?" Yang Xiaobao immediately asked strangely when he heard the two of them say the same sentence. This is indeed quite strange.

Tang Qinghan and Xie Yixiang also looked at each other, and then said in unison: "You, how do you learn how to speak from me?".

"No, how did I learn how to speak from you?" Tang Qinghan and Xie Yixiang said at the same time.

Seeing that these two women said the same thing again, Yang Xiaobao was immediately taken aback. He really didn't know how they could speak in such a synchronized manner, and all the people present, one counted as the other, were all caught by this sudden surprise. It was amused by the situation, and even the big tiger let out a low growl twice as if joining in the fun, to show its existence.

"Amitabha, the two female benefactors, listen to the monk, you didn't learn from each other's words, but your words were too synchronized." The enlightened monk saw that the two women seemed to be in a dead end, so he reminded him.

Tang Qinghan and Xie Yixiang came to their senses immediately, so they glanced at each other and smiled again. After all, the two of them had known each other for a long time, and they even had a fight in the central square of the Huayang Empire, and they both liked each other. Now because they all knew Yang Xiaobao, they got closer, so the two women chatted like no one else was there, and immediately put Yang Xiaobao aside, the more they chatted, the happier they were.

When Yang Xiaobao saw the situation, he immediately felt settled. He thought that the two women would have some unpleasantness when they got together, but he didn't expect that they would hit it off, just like sisters, which just saved a lot of trouble.

Yang Xiaobao then found a place by the pond to sit down, Duhu also sat behind him, but as soon as he sat down, a dozen or so people walked towards him, and these people also raised Xiaobao. Knowing each other, because they are all the group of men and women who were trapped in the Valley of Hundred Flowers, Yang Xiaobao took a casual look and found that they all recovered well, and their cultivation level had also improved a lot.

After these people came to Yang Xiaobao, they all stepped forward to express their gratitude to Yang Xiaobao. Yang Xiaobao also stood up and chatted with them. For those who know how to be grateful, Yang Xiaobao still has a good impression , not in vain to save them.

The current situation is that everyone sat down on their own by the pond, some closed their eyes and rested their minds, some chatted with each other, anyway, there was only one purpose, that is to wait for the Lingyu Valley to close, open the automatic teleportation, and count the time , only a few hours away.

After Yang Xiaobao saw Dumb who was following him, he suddenly thought of a question, that is, Dahu originally belonged to this Lingyu Valley. When the time comes, when Lingyugu starts automatic teleportation, will Dahu teleport with him? , or will it be left behind?Wouldn't it be a big loss if Dumb couldn't teleport out with him.

After Yang Xiaobao thought of this question, he quickly summoned the future in his heart: "Future, now brother, I suddenly thought of a question, that is, Dahu was originally a monster in this Lingyu Valley. Doesn't work?"

"Dear master, you don't have to worry about this at all, because Duo and you recognize the master with a drop of blood, and there is already a soul contract, and this has also been approved by the rules of heaven and earth, and it will be sent out with you, master." .” Future’s pleasant voice whispered in Yang Xiaobao’s ear.

After Yang Xiaobao heard the words of the future, he was immediately relieved, so he stroked Dahu's smooth and shiny hair with his hand, and Dahu also stuck out his tongue and licked Yang Xiaobao's hand. Seeing this scene, many people They all cast envious glances at Yang Xiaobao, Lu Tianyan, an inner disciple of the Unfeeling Sect, was even more envious and jealous, and secretly made up her mind that after leaving Lingyu Valley, she must find someone to teach Yang Xiaobao a lesson first, and then Then kill and seize treasure.

Time is like a wild donkey out of the frame, two hours passed in a blink of an eye, suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, followed by a strong tornado, instantly rolled up everyone in the pond, and spun desperately, and the speed Faster and faster, when Yang Xiaobao saw this situation, he immediately knew that Lingyu Valley had activated automatic teleportation, so he didn't panic, and seeing Dumb beside him, he felt relieved.

About ten minutes later, Yang Xiaobao heard a "boom". Yang Xiaobao quickly opened his eyes and found that he had fallen into a river, and Dahu was beside him, but he didn't Seeing other people, Yang Xiaobao immediately thought, it seems that not everyone was teleported to one place.

However, in fact, it was not the same as what he thought, because other than him, everyone else was teleported to the platform at the entrance of Lingyu Valley. After Tang Qinghan and Xie Yixiang were teleported out, Yang Xiaobao was not seen. Everyone was very anxious, not knowing what happened to Yang Xiaobao.

And Lu Tianyan also looked disappointed, but he immediately became happy again, because he thought that Yang Xiaobao hadn't been sent out, so he probably died. Although he couldn't take revenge on him with his own hands, he knew that the enemy died in an accident. News, that is also a great joy.

As for the others who found out that Yang Xiaobao hadn't been sent out, they all had different expressions, some were sorry, some were disappointed, and some were overjoyed.

On the platform at the entrance of Lingyu Valley, there are already the suzerains of the ten major sects of the Huayang Empire, and the emperor of the empire is also there, and behind the emperor are many mecha soldiers. These mecha soldiers have already surrounded the entrance of Lingyu Valley. It's leaking.

Zhan Feiyi, the suzerain of the orthodox sect, glanced at the crowd first, and then inadvertently searched among them, but he didn't find Yang Xiaobao. He was a little disappointed, but he quickly recovered his emotions.

At this time, the emperor of the Huayang Empire suddenly said loudly: "Welcome everyone from the Qing family to come back from Lingyu Valley. Yes, 100 people went there this time, and 45 people came back, which is more than ever before. Congratulations, all of you! The elites of the empire are all geniuses of the empire. Now, please hand over all the Qiankun bags on your body. The empire will give corresponding remuneration and certain rewards according to the amount of treasures in your universe bags. situation, kill on the spot."

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(End of this chapter)

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