Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 136 Kunyu National Bird Town

Chapter 136 Kunyu National Bird Town

Yang Xiaobao came ashore from the middle of the river, and immediately dried his clothes by running the Yangyi Qigong. After looking at the surrounding environment, he found that he was in a wasteland, and there was no one else in sight except him. Others did not find any place to live.

Yang Xiaobao stood on the spot and thought for a while, decided to find a place with people and ask what it was before talking about it. So, Yang Xiaobao looked at one direction and walked straight forward. After walking for about half an hour, he suddenly heard There was a sound of fighting in the front, and Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being overjoyed that he finally met someone.

Yang Xiaobao immediately touched it quietly, and soon came to the scene of the fight, but Yang Xiaobao didn't show up rashly, but hid in the dark to observe, after all, he didn't know the strength of the person in the fight, If I met a master, wouldn't I also put myself in danger if I ran over so recklessly?
Yang Xiaobao hid in the grass, looked out, and immediately saw two people in the fight, both men, one tall and one short, both in their 20s, but they were neither Martial arts masters are not martial arts experts, but two ordinary people through and through.

I saw these two people fighting there with a short knife each, the tall one had already been wounded several times, seeing that he was dying, and the short one rushed up to repair a few more stabs, the tall one fell to the ground immediately died.The short one immediately found a box on top of the tall one, and then opened the box, Yang Xiaobao immediately saw ten gold bars inside.

Yang Xiaobao walked out immediately. The reason why he came out now was not to rob him of his gold bars. For this little property, Yang Xiaobao's current net worth is simply not worth it. Besides, he will not rob for no reason Others, he can't do this kind of thing.

However, as soon as he came out, before he could open his mouth, the dwarf stabbed him indiscriminately. Yang Xiaobao became angry immediately. He is not the savior, and this world is ruled by the law of the jungle, and he can't control so much, but since this person has clearly threatened him, he will naturally not be polite to him.

So when the man stabbed him with a knife, Yang Xiaobao didn't even look at it, but just nodded his finger, and then fixed the man in place, unable to move at all.Yang Xiaobao stepped forward immediately, and first handed over the man's dagger, but he found that it was just an ordinary dagger, compared to his Xingyun dagger, it was a scum, so he didn't think much of it, so he just casually It dropped on the ground.

Then he took the box in the dwarf's hand, took out ten gold bars, weighed them in his hand, and then put them into the system space with a thought. Since this person doesn't care about indiscriminateness, he wants his life as soon as he comes up. Of course, you will not be polite. Although these ten gold bars are not many, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still a piece of meat, isn't it?
Immediately, Yang Xiaobao patted the man's body and opened his acupoints. The dwarf was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground, kowtowed, and said in a panic while kowtowing: "The good man, spare your life, the good man, spare your life!" , don’t kill me, I have an 80-year-old mother and a three-month-old baby, they are all pointing at my life.”

As soon as Yang Xiaobao heard it, he knew that this person was telling lies, but he didn't point it out. After all, he couldn't talk to such a person, and of course he didn't intend to kill him. Yang Xiaobao is not a person who likes to kill casually, but Some questions still need to be asked, after all, it is not easy to meet such a big living person.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately said with a serious face: "Brother, I will ask you a few words now. If you answer well, I won't kill you. You must tell the truth. If there is even half a lie, I will kill you."

The man immediately swore: "Just ask a good man if you have something to say, but a young man will know everything, and he will tell you everything. If there is even half a lie, it will kill my wife."

When Yang Xiaobao heard this man's oath, he almost laughed out loud, thinking that this kid is really not ordinary cunning, instead of swearing by himself, he actually swears by his wife. It was bad luck.

However, Yang Xiaobao didn't ask him to correct the oath, after all, it was his private matter, and he didn't bother to bother him, so he immediately asked, "What is this place?"

"My good man, this is Kunyu National Bird Town." Seeing Yang Xiaobao asking such a simple question, the dwarf answered truthfully, although he was a little surprised.

"Kunyu Country Bird Town? Are you sure you're not telling lies?" Yang Xiaobao asked this question because he was very surprised when he heard the word Kunyu Country. He thought it would be in the Huayang Empire He was nearby, but he didn't expect to teleport him back to Kunyu Kingdom all at once, but it was just right and saved the travel expenses.

The man immediately swore: "My good man, what the villain said is absolutely true, if there is any falsehood, there will be thunderbolts."

Seeing that he didn't swear on his wife again, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help smiling, and then asked, "How far is it from Shanshui City?"

"Good man, here is more than 100 kilometers away from Shanshui City." Seeing Yang Xiaobao smiled just now, the man immediately relaxed a lot and spoke more fluently.

"What happened to you just now?" Yang Xiaobao then asked.

"My good man, we are both from Qingfengzhai. We originally wanted to go to Shanshui City to join the Spider Gang, but just now we two had a dispute over a matter, so we fought, and then I accidentally killed him." The dwarf said with flickering words.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao heard what he said, he knew that he was not telling the truth, because after he saw the person's body being wounded several times just now, he went up to repair a few times, saying that he killed someone by mistake, and it was almost a lie, but Yang Xiaobao didn't bother to argue with him, at least half of what he said earlier should be true.

"What's the name of the leader of the Spider Gang? Why did you go all the way to join them?" Yang Xiaobao became interested when he heard about the Spider Gang. After all, he and the Spider Gang had an enmity, so he asked In more detail.

"The leader of the Spider Gang is called Ouyang Fear, because now the Spider Gang has annexed the second largest gang in Shanshui City, the Ax Gang, and now the Spider Gang is the largest of all the gang forces in Kunyu Country. Many people want to Go and join them." Seeing that Yang Xiaobao didn't ask him about the murder just now, the dwarf spoke sharply again.

When Yang Xiaobao heard that the Spider Gang had grown up in Shanshui City, he couldn't help being a little surprised, but he didn't take it to heart. If the Spider Gang didn't have eyes and provoked him again, he didn't mind killing them. It's all over, but what he doesn't know is that Ouyang, the leader of the Spider Gang, is afraid that he will not only provoke him, but also trick his mother and sister into his home and rape him.

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(End of this chapter)

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