Chapter 140 Buying Clothes

"I'm sorry, Xiaobao, I shouldn't have lied to you." Xinyi immediately apologized when Yang Xiaobao asked.

"It's okay, I don't blame you, as long as you don't lie to me again." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Xiaobao, I won't lie to you again in the future, don't worry." Xinyi blinked her beautiful big eyes and said.

"Okay, my favorite sister, let's go out for a stroll now." Yang Xiaobao didn't want to talk endlessly on this issue, and besides, it didn't make any sense to keep talking about the past, so he immediately Said.

"Okay, okay, Xiaobao." When Xinyi heard that she was going to go shopping, she immediately became happy. It seems that every girl likes to go shopping, even Xinyi who grew up in the deep mountains and old forests is no exception.

Yang Xiaobao and Xinyi walked out of the big hotel immediately and came to the street. Passers-by saw a very beautiful bald-headed woman in an ancient costume next to Yang Xiaobao, and they couldn't help looking more curiously. In a blink of an eye, several young people took out their mobile phones and took photos of them, and then uploaded them online.

Yang Xiaobao also knows that the shape he likes is really eye-catching, but there is nothing he can do about it. Since he is on the street, he has to let people see him, and he can't stop others from taking pictures. Don't bother with these people and continue on his way.

After Yang Xiaobao and Xinyi crossed two streets, they suddenly saw a large clothing store. Yang Xiaobao immediately walked in with Xinyi. The security of the mall saw Yang Xiaobao and a beautiful woman with a special shape. , Immediately cast envious and amazed eyes, not only the two security guards, but also other customers in the mall looked at them curiously.Yang Xiaobao felt that the eyes of these people were very complicated, but there was nothing he could do about it, after all, the shape he liked and her own beauty were more eye-catching than those celebrities.

Even the shopping guide lady in the mall felt a little ashamed after seeing the beauty she wanted, and forgot to come up to solicit their business for a while, and it was Yang Xiaobao's words that woke her up. Yang Xiaobao looked at her favorite Said: "Sister who likes you, go pick out clothes by yourself, pick the most expensive and best ones, brother, I'm not short of money."

After hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, the shopping guide came forward in a hurry, and then said: "What kind of clothes do you two want to buy, please follow me, we have the best brand clothing in the country, whether it is men's clothing, or Women's clothing is the best."

When Yang Xiaobao heard what she said, it was a bit outrageous, so he said: "They are all the best, maybe, isn't there a saying that there is no best, only better?"

"Sir, you are really good at talking. Please follow me here to look at the clothes. I won't say whether it is the best or not. If you like it, you can buy it. If you don't like it, I can't help it, right?" The shopping guide lady lowered immediately. Said the tone.

Yang Xiaobao smiled, and did not answer her words, but said to Xinyi: "You can let her choose, I will wait for you here."

Xinyi immediately agreed, followed the shopping guide lady to the women's clothing area in front, and the shopping guide took Xinyi to the place with the highest price, pointed to one brand clothing after another, and said: "These are the most popular women's clothing nowadays. , the most suitable for your skin, the most suitable for your figure, as you have such a good figure, these clothes are almost custom-made for you."

Xinyi just smiled when she heard the words of the shopping guide woman. After all, she just came out of the deep mountains and old forests, and she is not used to communicating with people. Besides, she was attracted by these clothes as soon as she came in, because she had never seen them before. These clothes, I think any one is very good, so Xinyi immediately took out the clothes pointed out by the shopping guide lady one by one, and then took them to the fitting room one by one to try, and found that any one was good , It has reached the point where I can't choose, so I have to call Yang Xiaobao over, show him every piece of clothing, and finally ask him which one I want.

Yang Xiaobao also felt that all the clothes she wanted to try just now were suitable for her, so he waved his hand and said to the shopping guide lady: "Wrap up all these clothes, brother, I want them all."

The shopping guide lady thought she heard it wrong, and immediately asked, "Sir, are you sure you want to wrap all these clothes?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"No problem, of course no problem, I'll pack it up for you right now." The shopping guide said in a hurry, she didn't expect to meet such a big customer today, you know, selling these most high-end clothes is just to raise the achievement It can cover her salary for several years.

It didn't take much time, just a few minutes, the shopping guide lady packed the clothes and sent them to the cashier at the front desk. The cashier lady cleaned the clothes for 290 minutes in a row, and then said to Yang Xiaobao: "Mr. , a total of [-] million gold coins, sir, do you want to pay by card or cash."

When Yang Xiaobao heard this figure reported by the cashier lady, he was shocked immediately. He didn't expect to buy these clothes for more than 200 million gold coins, and there was only a difference of 300 to [-] million gold coins. , A few million gold coins are not many, but he still couldn't believe that these clothes cost so many gold coins, so he said casually: "How can it be so expensive, you didn't make a mistake, did you?"

"Sir, this is the serial number. You can check it yourself. It is absolutely impossible to make a mistake." The cashier lady said immediately.

Yang Xiaobao also asked casually. Since there was no mistake in the calculation, he was ready to pay. After all, two or three million gold coins was nothing more than a drizzle to him, but he didn't expect a very disdainful voice to come from behind. Voice: "It's so funny to pretend to be rich when you don't have money. How about this beauty, you bought these clothes for you, how about you follow me?"

When Yang Xiaobao heard the flat voice, he turned his head quickly and found a middle-aged man in his 30s, showing a pair of yellow teeth, talking to his favorite with complacency.When Xinyi heard this man's words, he immediately smiled and didn't say anything. When the man saw Xinyi's overpowering smile, half of his body froze, and he immediately took out a universe bag and took out 290 yuan from it. The [-] gold coins were placed on the counter, and he said in an extremely pretentious manner: "These clothes, I bought these clothes for this beauty."

When the cashier saw that someone was paying, she immediately collected the gold coins, wrapped up the clothes, and handed them to Xinyi, but there were too many clothes, and Xinyi couldn't take them down, so she took a look at Yang Xiaobao, Yang Xiaobao immediately had a thought, these clothes It was taken into the system space by him.

Everyone was not surprised by this scene, others thought that Xinyi had put her into her Qiankun bag, but now, the man who had just paid for Xinyi immediately said to Xinyi: "Beauty, let's go with you. "

"Why should I go with you? I don't know you?" Xinyi immediately blinked her beautiful big eyes and said to the man very curiously.

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