Chapter 141
But the man paid for you just now, of course you are now the man's man. "The man said immediately.

"I didn't promise to ask you to pay either. You have to pay yourself. It's none of my business." Xinyi said innocently.

"You are now a man's man. If you don't leave, you have to leave, but you can't help it." The man said in a strong tone immediately, and stretched out his hand to pull Xinyi, but his hand hadn't touched Xinyi's body. Just couldn't move.

This is of course Yang Xiaobao's masterpiece. As soon as the man raised his hand just now, he pointed down and immediately hit his Jianjing acupoint, and even used [-]% of his vitality Even if the acupoints of this person are automatically unlocked after two hours, his hand will be useless. For such a shameless person, Yang Xiaobao will naturally not be polite to him, let alone be soft-hearted.

After Yang Xiaobao clicked on this person's acupuncture points, he immediately took his favorite hand and walked out of the shopping mall gate. The man stood there like a clay sculpture and wood carving, which attracted many onlookers to look at him curiously. Knowing what kind of evil this person is, he stood here without moving.

Yang Xiaobao and Xinyi walked out of the shopping mall, looked at each other and smiled. No one mentioned what happened just now. She looks harmless to humans and animals, but if anyone doesn't have eyes and thinks she is easy to bully, they will definitely fall a big somersault. It seems that the favorite is still wise, and there is a bit of ignorance.

Yang Xiaobao thought about it secretly, and felt that there was no need to go back to the hotel, and it was better to go home by car.So, Yang Xiaobao beckoned for a taxi, and the taxi stopped firmly in front of him and Xinyi. Yang Xiaobao let Xinyi sit in the back seat, while he himself got into the passenger seat, and then told the driver Said: "Master, go to Shanshui City."

The driver quickly agreed happily, and then started the car and started on the road. No wonder he was happy. He also just got out of the car. He didn't expect to meet a long-distance customer when he came out. You know, most of the customers going from Bird Town to Shanshui City It’s a carpool. It’s hard to meet a chartered car like this once a year or so, because the price of the chartered car is four or five times more expensive than the carpool. He didn't even ask the price, there is no doubt that today he met someone who is stupid and has a lot of money.

Because the driver was happy, he talked a lot. Along the way, he kept talking to Yang Xiaobao, of course, it was just some gossip. Yang Xiaobao didn't mind. Since this person is willing to talk, let him He agreed, after all, he could learn some information from it, so why not do it?Therefore, Yang Xiaobao also added one or two sentences from time to time.

The driver saw that Yang Xiaobao seemed very interested, so he spoke more vigorously. When he talked about the excitement, he almost danced. Yang Xiaobao had to remind him to pay attention to driving, and the driver restrained himself a little. But it's still talking non-stop, this is obviously a chatterbox, but it doesn't matter to raise Xiaobao, as long as he can drive the car steadily.

However, although the driver talked about it for a long time, Yang Xiaobao was a little interested in two pieces of news. One was that the current situation of the Shanshui City's gang force, the Spider Gang, was very good. After successfully annexing the Ax Gang, they annexed it one after another There are several relatively small gangs, and the development momentum of the spider gang can be said to be rapid, and it has the potential to dominate the underworld.

This is the second time Yang Xiaobao has heard about the Spider Gang since he came out of Lingyu Valley, and he couldn't help being a little bit concerned. After all, he and the Spider Gang still have unresolved grievances, so he doesn't believe in the Spider Gang. The leader of the gang will not seek revenge from him, of course, he is not afraid of seeking revenge from him, but if it implicates his family and friends, he does not mind exterminating this so-called largest gang in Kunyu Kingdom.

The second news said that three days later, Starry Sky Academy will hold a promotion ceremony for outer court disciples. Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but feel moved when he heard the news. It seems that the little fat man can be promoted to inner court disciples this time, and strictly speaking , he himself is still a disciple of the outer court, but he just holds the title of an elder.

However, Yang Xiaobao is not very interested in this. With his current ability, he certainly doesn't care about the status of an inner court disciple. Besides, even his current status as an elder is more respectable than that of an inner court disciple. Many, of course, for the little fat man, that's another matter, after all, compared with the disciples of the outer court, both in terms of status and treatment, the disciples of the inner court are much higher, which is undoubtedly a gratifying thing.

After the driver finished these two messages, he didn't speak anymore. After all, talking for a long time is quite energy-consuming, not to mention that he still has to drive.Of course, Yang Xiaobao also wants him to shut up. After hearing so much from him, although there are two pieces of news that I am more interested in, most of them are gossip and other things. Yang Xiaobao does not like to inquire about other people's privacy. He was already a little impatient, and now the driver took the initiative to shut up, which was exactly what he wanted.

Yang Xiaobao turned his head to look at Xinyi again, only to find that she had fallen asleep a long time ago, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help smiling, he didn't expect that this little nun in Xinyi is really good, not only has the wisdom of great wisdom, but also can go with the situation, the old man If a nun knows something under the spring, she should be gratified.

Yang Xiaobao estimated the time, and it would take about two hours to reach Shanshui City, so he simply closed his eyes and regained his composure.

The driver saw that the two passengers in the car had fallen asleep, so he started to drive the car wholeheartedly. Not only did he drive faster, but he also drove much more safely.In less than two hours, they drove to the Sixth Ring Road in Shanshui City.

However, the driver is a bit reckless now, because when raising Xiaobao in the car, he only told him about the past Shanshui City, but did not specifically mention where in Shanshui City. It's not easy to wake them up, it's better to drive to the third ring road and then call.

But what he didn't know was that Yang Xiaobao hadn't actually fallen asleep. His consciousness was completely awake. Now that he was in Shanshui City, he also knew that when the car entered the Fifth Ring Road, he immediately opened his eyes and said, "Master, Let's go to Dadou Village."

The driver suddenly heard Yang Xiaobao speak, which startled him, and felt strange in his heart, this person was obviously asleep, but he still knew where the car was driving. This person is really not simple, so he quickly agreed , After adjusting the navigation, he drove in the direction of Dadou Village.

(End of this chapter)

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