Chapter 142 Check Monitoring

It didn't take much time, just about ten minutes, the taxi arrived at the gate of the villas in Dadou Village, and Yang Xiaobao immediately said: "Don't stop, just drive in."

The driver agreed, and then stepped on the accelerator and drove in. Yang Xiaobao pointed out the route ahead for him. He didn't stop the driver until he reached the gate of the villa. After Yang Xiaobao paid the full fare, the driver immediately He happily turned around and walked away, knowing that he was a rich owner, but he never expected to be so rich, not to mention rich, but also so generous, he would give as much as he said, without any counter-offering, you know, he just now But I asked for an extra fifty gold coins on top of the normal price. I thought this person would pay back the price, but I didn't expect that he gave it without saying a word. He is really a fool with a lot of money.

Of course, it’s not stupid to raise Xiaobao. The reason why he gave him dozens of gold coins is because he thinks these people are not easy. Besides, he doesn’t care about dozens of gold coins. Originally, buying clothes for his favorite would cost millions of gold coins Yes, but I didn't expect that a shameless person who felt good about himself would be taken advantage of and pay for himself, saving millions of gold coins in one fell swoop.

After Yang Xiaobao and Xinyi got off the car, they found that the door of the villa was closed tightly. They didn't know if their mother and sister were at home, so they stepped forward and knocked on the door knocker twice. After about 2 minutes, the door of the villa opened A man in his fifties stood inside the door and looked at Yang Xiaobao and Xinyi with a complicated expression.

The first time Yang Xiaobao saw this man, he saw that he was very similar to Little Fatty, and this must be the little Fatty's father, so he immediately said, "You are Uncle Jiang, right? I am Yang Xiaobao. "

"Ah, you are Xiaobao, you are back, okay, come in quickly." After the little fat man's father confirmed that he was raising Xiaobao, he quickly let him in. This is the home where Xiaobao was raised, and he hasn't seen it for many years. It's time to raise Xiaobao, and Yang Xiaobao has changed a lot now, almost completely different from the original appearance, so if Yang Xiaobao doesn't tell him, he won't recognize him at all.

"Aren't my mother and sister at home?" After Yang Xiaobao and Xinyi came in, Yang Xiaobao asked immediately.

"I also just came back from working outside, but I haven't seen them since I came back, and I don't know where they are." The little fat man's father said immediately.

When Yang Xiaobao heard that his mother and sister were not at home, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. If his mother and sister were not at home, where could he go?It's better to ask the little fat man first, maybe he knows the whereabouts of his mother and sister, and it is also possible.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately thought, and a mobile phone appeared in his hand. This mobile phone has been kept in the system space, and he has not used it for a while, but he did not expect that the mobile phone still has power. It seems that the quality of this phone is really not bad.

Yang Xiaobao immediately dialed the little fat man's phone, unexpectedly the phone rang just once, and the phone was connected, and the little fat man's excited voice immediately came from the other side: "Xiao Bao, have you come out of Lingyu Valley? It's really too much!" Well, where are you now?"

"I just got home now, but I didn't see my mother and sister, fat, do you know where they are?" Yang Xiaobao asked eagerly.

"I've been staying at the Starry Sky Academy for a while, and I haven't visited them. What's the matter, Xiaobao, what happened to them?" the little fat man said immediately.

"I don't know yet. I'll go to the property to check the monitoring later. That's it." After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"What's the matter? Xiaobao, has something happened to your family?" Seeing Yang Xiaobao's sudden nervousness, Xinyi immediately asked with concern.

"Maybe something happened, otherwise they would not be at home, let alone not at home, where can they go?" Yang Xiaobao said immediately, but his concern for Xinyi was very useful.

"You wait at home, brother, I will come back after I go out." Yang Xiaobao then said to Xinyi, he decided to go to the property to check the surveillance video to see if there is anything unusual, but Xinyi should not follow , because she is too beautiful, maybe something will happen again, of course, he is not afraid of trouble, after all, it is better to have one thing less, and there is no need to cause unnecessary troubles at the door of the house.

After Yang Xiaobao confessed for a while, he immediately went to the Residential Trading Office of Dadou Village, where the girl named Shan Benwei Weiwei was there. When she saw Yang Xiaobao coming in, she was taken aback for a moment, and then went up to meet her, and very quickly He said enthusiastically: "Brother Xiaobao, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you still remember Wei Wei?"

"Of course I remember, Wei Wei, brother, why don't I remember you?" Yang Xiaobao was a little moved when he saw Shan Ben Wei Wei being so enthusiastic towards him, it seems that this girl is quite good.

"My mother and younger sister haven't been at home for a long time. I was afraid that something might happen to them, so I thought you would check the surveillance video here. Is there any problem?" Yang Xiaobao continued.

"No problem, of course no problem, even if there is a problem with Brother Xiaobao, it's okay." Shan Ben said with a smile immediately.

"Thank you so much, Wei Wei, take me to have a look quickly." Bao Bao immediately said, he couldn't help but smile when he heard Shan Ben Wei Wei's tongue-twister-like words just now, thinking that this girl was interesting.

Shan Benwei immediately led Yang Xiaobao into the surveillance room, and then asked Yang Xiaobao: "Brother Xiaobao, which period of surveillance video do you want to check?"

"Let's just watch this month's video, preferably the video near my door." Yang Xiaobao thought for a while and said immediately.

"Okay, brother Xiaobao." After Shanben Weiwei finished speaking, he explained to the security guard in the monitoring room. The security guard immediately called up the video of Yang Xiaobao's house for the past month and played it. Yang Xiaobao quickly watched it carefully. Woke up, and found that at the beginning of the month, the family was still normal, mother He Manyao would open the villa door every day, and stood at the door to look around.

Yang Xiaobao immediately thought that this should be because his mother was looking forward to his return. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in his heart. After all, there are too few days with his mother, and it is only a few days in total. Therefore, Yang Xiaobao secretly decided that after finding his mother this time, he must spend more time with her.

Suddenly, Yang Xiaobao was attracted by a scene, because he saw a very luxurious car parked in front of his house, and two men in their 50s got out of the car, one of them had a broken hand, and then his mother He welcomed them into the home very warmly.

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