Chapter 143 The Truth Comes Out
Duo let out a low growl to express his understanding, and then stood next to Xinyi and stared at the members of the Spider Gang. With the strength of its fifth-level monster, as long as Yang Xiaobao gave an order, it would be able to kill those who are not good to the master in a moment. The friendly humans all fell down.

And these members of the Spider Gang suddenly saw a big tiger coming out, they were all shocked, and hurriedly backed away.Yang Xiaobao glanced at Dumb approvingly, and was quite satisfied with its performance.

With Dumb's protection, Xinyi will not have to worry about raising Xiaobao, and then uses the Wind Riding Technique to fly over these people's heads lightly, and instantly arrives in front of the elder Miao Zhiyi. As soon as he stretched out, he grabbed Miao Zhiyi's collar and lifted him up. Miao Zhiyi didn't have any strength to resist at all, and his face turned pale with fright.

Yang Xiaobao immediately stared into Miao Zhiyi's eyes and said, "I'm telling you, brother, I am Yang Xiaobao, I'm going to ask you a few questions now, you have to answer them truthfully, if there's even half a lie, today is the date of your death. "

When Miao Zhiyi heard that it was Yang Xiaobao, she was immediately stunned. Didn't it mean that Yang Xiaobao disappeared?Why are you back again?And the force is still so strong, even if he is the leader of the gang, I am afraid he is not his opponent. What's more, the leader of the gang is not there yet. Judging by his menacing appearance, he must have come for his mother and sister. It seems that if he wants to save his old life, he can only He was able to tell the truth, so he quickly said: "You ask, I can tell you everything I know."

Yang Xiaobao didn't expect this person to be quite cooperative, but he was a little surprised. He nodded immediately, his tone relaxed a little, but he still asked imposingly: "Have you ever been to my house with Ouyang Fear?"

"Yes, I've been there." Miao Zhiyi replied truthfully, even if he wanted to answer honestly, Yang Xiaobao must have known something since he asked this question, and if he was not honest, he might suffer immediately. It's better to answer honestly. It seems that Miao Zhiyi is quite self-aware and knowledgeable about current affairs. There is also a reason for him to be able to get to where he is today in the Tao.

"Did you take my mother and sister away?" Yang Xiaobao asked immediately.

"Yes." Miao Zhiyi replied tremblingly.

"How did you take it away, and what method did you use?" Seeing this person, Yang Xiaobao answered very simply, without quibbling, and said to himself that this guy knows the current affairs, so it's just right, and it saves a lot of trouble.

"We tricked them here by pretending to be your friends." Miao Zhiyi replied truthfully.

"Then where are they now?" Yang Xiaobao then asked, hearing that his mother and sister were tricked away instead of being taken away by force. Does that mean that the mother and sister were only put under house arrest by Ouyang Ai, and they were not killed? they?Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

"They're upstairs." Miao Zhiyi said immediately. He still doesn't know that Ouyang Afraid raped and killed the sister who raised Xiaobao. He only knows that Ouyang Afraid locked their mother and daughter in a room, and this room The room is exclusive to Ouyang Fear, and no one can step into the room without permission, otherwise, if he offends the grumpy Ouyang Fear, his life will be in jeopardy.

And Ouyang was afraid that it would be even more impossible to take the initiative to tell others about this. He failed to experience another kind of pleasure that day, but Yang Xiangxiang bit off his crime tool. Ouyang was afraid that in anger, he slapped Yang Xiangxiang to death , and then practiced kung fu to heal the wound, he treated the wound himself, and then went out to find the elder Miao Zhiyi, explained the things in the gang, and went to the bottom of the cliff to concentrate on practicing kung fu.

"Take me up quickly." Yang Xiaobao was overjoyed when he heard that his mother and younger sister were upstairs. It seemed that they were all right, so he said quickly. Lead the way.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao let go of him, Miao Zhiyi felt relieved immediately, and hurriedly led Yang Xiaobao upstairs, Yang Xiaobao immediately followed, followed by Xinyi and Duhu, and a group of people headed upstairs Go to the room where He Manyao and Yang Xiangxiang were imprisoned.

It didn't take much time, just a few minutes, Miao Zhiyi led Yang Xiaobao and the others to the house, and seeing that the room was locked, Yang Xiaobao immediately ordered: "Hurry up and open the room. "

Miao Zhiyi had no choice but to say with a bitter face, "I don't have a key."

Yang Xiaobao didn't wait for him to talk nonsense, he just pushed the door open with one kick, and immediately saw that his mother and sister had fallen on the ground, dead for a long time, and his sister's body was even more naked, naked, and What's even more disgusting is that a video of Ouyang Fear and Yang Xiangxiang on the bed is being played repeatedly on a player in the room.

Seeing this scene, Yang Xiaobao immediately became furious, kicked the player that was still playing the ugly video endlessly, and then roared hoarsely: "Ouyang is afraid, You bastard, I will raise Xiaobao and swear to the sky today, I will not kill you, I will not be a human being."

When Xinyi saw this scene, she opened her mouth wide in shock and couldn't close it for a long time. She didn't expect that there are such vicious, shameless, low-spirited people in this world, and they are not afraid of going to the eighteenth level of hell after death. .

Seeing this scene, the great elder Miao Zhiyi also had a reckless expression on his face. He also didn't expect that Ouyang would do such a thing. At the same time, he was frightened to death. It is estimated that Yang Xiaobao would not be able to spare him. It seems that This Miao Zhiyi is really self-aware.

After Yang Xiaobao yelled, seeing Miao Zhiyi standing beside him, he immediately remembered that this person went to his house with Ouyang fearing that old bastard to trick his mother and sister here, so he also had the responsibility for the death of his mother and sister. It's a huge relationship, not only him, but the whole Spider Gang can't get away from it. If that's the case, let's put this evil Spider Gang to death today.

Yang Xiaobao was furious, and immediately grabbed the elder Miao Zhiyi beside him, grabbed his hair, and before he could beg for mercy, he slapped him on the face, half of Miao Zhiyi's face Immediately it swelled up, Yang Xiaobao slapped the other side of his face, and then this side swelled up like a steamed bun again, but it was far from over, Yang Xiaobao followed by several big As the ear scraper slapped, Miao Zhiyi spit out bloody teeth one after another.

And Yang Xiaobao was already out of anger, he didn't stop at all, he was still slap after slap, and after a few minutes, Miao Zhiyi was covered in blood all over his head, face, and body. Paradoxically, he Up to now, he has not been beaten to death, and he can still stand. However, after Yang Xiaobao slapped him a few more times, Miao Zhiyi finally couldn't stand up, and fell to the ground on his back, spitting out continuously. blood.

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(End of this chapter)

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