Chapter 151 The Second Mission

Although Yang Xiaobao buried his mother and younger sister in a beautiful manner, he was still very sad and sad. After all, people only have hope when they are alive. After death, there is nothing left in this world. No matter how beautiful the funeral is, you will never see the voices and smiles of your relatives again. Only when your parents are alive, being filial and filial is the most real thing. What you do after death is empty. There is an old saying Well, the child wants to support but the relative is not there. Isn't this a kind of deep sorrow for a child?
Yang Xiaobao now has no relatives in this world anymore, is already alone, and has no more worries. He can only pursue martial arts wholeheartedly, and one day he will set foot on the pinnacle of martial arts and bow down to all living beings in the world. Live in vain.

Yang Xiaobao then thought about his future plans, and felt that he should go back to Starry Sky Academy. After all, he hadn't gone back for a long time. As for his favorite, he should take her with him. It is not at ease to leave her outside alone. As an elder of the Star Academy, it should be no problem to bring someone in.

But before returning to Starry Sky Academy, there is one more thing to deal with, that is, the Spider Gang must be disbanded. If this matter is not done properly, it will definitely affect Dao Xin. The Spider Gang also did a lot of harm in Shanshui City. Exterminating the Spider Gang can be regarded as destroying Ouyang Fear's foundation and hard work, and it can be regarded as recovering a little interest in revenge. The sooner it is done, the better.

Yang Xiaobao thought of this, and immediately glanced at Miao Zhiyi, the chief elder of the Spider Gang behind him, and the two thousand people behind him, and then said to Miao Zhiyi: "You have completed this first task fairly well, and the next step There is a task, if you complete it well, brother, I will let you go, and I will not make things difficult for you in the future."

When Miao Zhiyi heard Yang Xiaobao's words, she felt reckless in her heart. She remembered that Yang Xiaobao said yesterday that he would be released after completing this mission. Unexpectedly, after the funeral mission was completed, another mission came. It's not over yet.Of course, Miao Zhiyi just felt a little bit in his heart. If he really wanted to say it, he would not dare to lend him a few more courage. A slap in the face, and it's over.

So Miao Zhiyi had no choice but to say aggrievedly: "Master, if you have any other tasks, you can just order them. As long as I can do it, I promise to do it properly for you."

Looking at his expression, Yang Xiaobao knew that what this person said just now was a bit duplicity. It seems that the members of the Spider Gang are really not good people. It is better to disband it as soon as possible, so as not to leave these people again. It is lawless and harms people everywhere.

Yang Xiaobao immediately raised his voice and said: "Look at you, you look so reluctant, can you fucking accept the task happily? If you don't want to accept it, brother, I will slap you immediately." Becoming a vegetable, do you believe it or not?" After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he immediately raised his hand as if to slap him.

"Come on, sir, I'll take over the task, sir, just tell me what it is, and I promise to complete it without compromise." Miao Zhiyi was startled when he saw Yang Xiaobao raised his hand, and he Now I have a high degree of phobia about Yang Xiaobao's slap, so I hurriedly said vowedly.

"Okay, this is still like a man, isn't it just a mission? Brother, I don't want your life, is your life more important, or accepting missions? What the hell is taking on missions with a look of resignation, Brother, what else can I expect from you?" Yang Xiaobao saw that Miao Zhiyi had changed his attitude again, he felt a little better, and he spoke a lot more easily.

Miao Zhiyi heard that Yang Xiaobao was just talking about it, but he didn't say what task it was for a long time. He felt a little anxious, but he didn't dare to ask, so he had to act like he was listening attentively, waiting for Yang Xiaobao to come. say.

"This task is actually much simpler than the last one. You don't need money or effort, as long as you say a few words." Yang Xiaobao continued.

Miao Zhiyi saw that Yang Xiaobao still didn't say what the task was, and he was still playing around the edge. He was anxious, but he couldn't do anything. He didn't dare to ask Yang Xiaobao, so he had to continue to do it The way of listening.

Yang Xiaobao saw that Miao Zhiyi's attitude was okay, so he went on to say: "The task you are going to take now is to go back and disband the Spider Gang for me, can you do it?"

As soon as Miao Zhiyi heard that he was asked to disband the Spider Gang, he immediately acted recklessly and did not answer for a long time.

"Can you fucking accept the task happily? If you don't accept it, brother, I won't be able to use you anymore. I'd better slap you into a vegetable." Seeing Miao Zhiyi's death, Yang Xiaobao immediately If Miao Zhiyi didn't get angry, he immediately said unceremoniously, and immediately raised his hand. This time, it was not a gesture, but a real fight. As long as Miao Zhiyi dared to say no, he would be fine With this slap, Xiaobao will take it down.

"Don't tell me, sir, I'll just take it." Miao Zhiyi said immediately, although he was very reluctant, but under the pressure of raising Xiaobao, he had no chance to say no at all, and he didn't have the qualifications to bargain. You know, his old life is saved in Yang Xiaobao's hands, if he offends this killing god, he might slap his face, he just came back from the gate of hell, and he doesn't want to die again.

Besides, the spider gang will be gone if it is gone. This is something that Ouyang was afraid of. Now that he is not here, there is no need to protect this property for him. I gave it to him, and I don’t owe him anything now. Of course, there is no need to lose my life for this spider gang. After all, it is not worth it. Besides, as long as my life is still alive, I can do anything. Everything is over. After all, a person has only one life. If he dies, there will be nothing left. Just like the two women who have just been buried, there is only a cup of loess left, and he is only in his 50s. , I don't want to die, but I want to live another 500 years.

"Okay, since that's the case, you can announce that these people will be disbanded." Yang Xiaobao saw that Miao Zhiyi had already taken over the task, so he immediately said, of course, if Yang Xiaobao wants to deal with these two thousand ordinary gang members, It only took a few minutes to solve the problem, but he didn't want to kill people for no reason, so it would be best to disband the Spider Gang without bloodshed.

 I have a severe cold today, but I still insist on coding two chapters, and continue to ask for clicks, favorites, recommended comments, and subscription support!

(End of this chapter)

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