Chapter 152 Start

When Miao Zhiyi heard that he was asked to disband these two thousand people, he still felt a little bit pained. After all, these are all his direct subordinates, and some of them have been with him for many years. Now it is not easy to dismiss them suddenly. mouth, but there is no way now, if he doesn't dismiss these people, Yang Xiaobao might slap him to death right away, after all, his own life is the most important thing, and these people can only feel sorry for them.

Therefore, Miao Zhiyi had no choice but to gather these two thousand people together and said: "The Spider Gang has been disbanded from today, you should find your own way out."

As soon as these people heard Miao Zhiyi's words, they immediately exploded, and then someone yelled loudly: "Why should we disband us? We have paid so much for the gang. Now we say disband and disband. We don't accept it." .”

"Those who are dissatisfied can stand up, and I don't want to disband you, but there is this uncle who doesn't want to see the Spider Gang continue to exist, so I can't help it." Seeing that someone jumped out to object, Miao Zhiyi immediately softened He said forcefully, and calmly directed the disaster to Yang Xiaobao.

As soon as these people heard that it was Yang Xiaobao who asked to be disbanded, some of the gang members who had seen Yang Xiaobao slapped people fell silent after that, but there were still some gang members who had never seen Yang Xiaobao slapped people. Continuing to boo, Yang Xiaobao saw that these people were making a fuss, and immediately became angry, so he immediately yelled at Miao Zhiyi: "Can you fucking finish the task happily? You can't even do this little thing!" , How did you become a Great Elder? If you don’t have the ability to handle this matter well, brother, I won’t be able to use you anymore, so I might as well slap you to death.”

When Miao Zhiyi heard Yang Xiaobao's words, she woke up immediately. She thought that she wanted to point Maotou at Yang Xiaobao, and let Yang Xiaobao and these gangsters do it directly, then she would have nothing to do with herself, but it was Unexpectedly, Yang Xiaobao didn't look for anyone else, he just looked for him. It seemed that he was clever but was mistaken by his cleverness. If he didn't handle this matter well, he might be slapped to death by Yang Xiaobao. Get this matter done, or I'm afraid my old life will be lost.

After Miao Zhiyi understood this powerful relationship, he immediately said loudly: "Anyone of you who refuses to accept will stand up, and I will break his dog's legs."

As soon as Miao Zhiyi finished speaking, five or six people stood up, but before these people opened their mouths, Miao Zhiyi ran up to them in a few steps, knocked them to the ground with his feet, and crawled I can't get up, probably several bones are broken. Although this Miao Zhiyi is not Yang Xiaobao's opponent, he can easily deal with these ordinary people who have not practiced martial arts.

After Miao Zhiyi knocked down these early guys, those who wanted to oppose stopped their words in time. Although they were still unwilling, they had no choice. Now that the gang leader is not around, and Miao Zhiyi is merciless, so what's the point of staying in the Spider Gang?Therefore, it’s just gone, it’s nothing special, there is no master here, there is a place to stay, so I don’t know who took the lead, and left first, and the rest of the people who figured it out saw someone taking the lead, and immediately They also scattered away like a swarm of bees, without saying anything, and without looking back.

It was almost gone in a short while, but some of Miao Zhiyi's most confidantes stayed behind. Miao Zhiyi immediately took out a bag of gold coins and handed them to them, saying: "You take the money Let's divide up, and then separate, this spider gang will not exist in the future."

Miao Zhiyi himself figured it out, and he didn't want to stay with the spider to take care of these miscellaneous things. After he broke up, he could calm down and practice martial arts wholeheartedly. Maybe he could achieve some achievements. The spider gang stays there, and until they die, they are just the second boss of the gang, and they don't have any sense of accomplishment. It's better to practice martial arts, it's easier to come, and it's more promising.

As for Miao Zhiyi's confidantes, when they saw Miao Zhiyi drop a bag of money, everyone was stunned for a moment, but then they all understood that the Great Elder seemed determined to disband the Spider Gang , not to perfunctorily raise Xiaobao, that murderous god.So, they silently divided the money, then bowed to Miao Zhiyi, and then left separately.

Seeing that Miao Zhiyi really disbanded these people, Yang Xiaobao nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Now brother, I will go with you to each branch of the Spider Gang and disband the rest of the Spider Gang."

Seeing Yang Xiaobao's expression seemed very satisfied, Miao Zhiyi couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that he had made a wise decision just now, otherwise he would have disobeyed Yang Xiaobao, the murderous god, or he would have slapped him several times Pai died, if he died like this, it would be too wronged, so he immediately agreed with a nervous mood: "Yes, sir, I will obey you, and I will take you to each branch of the Spider Gang, but if The rest of the elders refused to accept, and I have nothing to do, after all, I can't defeat them with my martial arts, and now that my headquarters has been disbanded, there is nothing I can do about them."

"As long as you lead me to find them, it's fine. If there are any who don't open their eyes, brother, I will kill them on the spot." Yang Xiaobao immediately said lightly.

When Miao Zhiyi saw that Yang Xiaobao had promised that he didn't need to take action, he immediately felt relieved. He was also afraid that Yang Xiaobao would make him fight with the other elders, and now that Yang Xiaobao had agreed to let him take action, of course. It's a sure thing, and at the same time, he is also somewhat looking forward to seeing those guys get slapped by the God of Raising Xiaobao. For the rest of the elders, Miao Zhiyi doesn't have the slightest affection at all, because these elders It's against him. Except for Ouyang's fear, he can't order them at all.

Therefore, Miao Zhiyi immediately agreed, and immediately led the way, Yang Xiaobao and Xinyi followed behind him and went straight to the branches of the Spider Gang.As he walked, Miao Zhiyi secretly thought about which family to go to first. Although the other three people didn't get along well with him, what he hated the most was Xiang Donglin, the second elder of the original ax gang. When Li Xiangwai, the leader of the Ax Gang, attacked the Spider Gang, he had killed him. It wasn't because he ran fast at the opportunity that time, he might have died long ago. If that is the case, let's go to him first. Bao, the God of Killing, is here, and I believe that his good days will come to an end soon. When the time comes, I will directly order him to disband his gang members. As long as he dares to resist, he will naturally raise Xiao Bao, the God of Killing, to deal with him.

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(End of this chapter)

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