Chapter 153 The First Division
So Miao Zhiyi immediately decided to go to the third elder, Xiang Donglin, which is the first branch of the Spider Gang. Now that the decision has been made, Miao Zhiyi immediately quickened his pace. After getting on the highway, Miao Zhiyi immediately stopped After getting into a taxi, the three of them got into the car. Miao Zhiyi immediately told the driver an address, and the driver agreed, then started the car and drove away quickly.

The first branch of the Spider Gang is in the east of Shanshui City, a little farther away, but if you drive, it takes only half an hour to arrive. After a few people got out of the car, Yang Xiaobao immediately saw a newly built On the roof of the building, there is a signboard of "The First Branch of the Spider Gang". On the left side of the building, there is also a huge martial arts arena, and there are many gangsters practicing martial arts on the field.

The posture of the first branch of the Spider Gang seems to be more imposing than the headquarters, but no matter how impressive it is, Ouyang, the leader of the Spider Gang, is afraid that since Yang Xiaobao has been messed with, the days of the Spider Gang will be over. It is already quite polite not to kill him without leaving a piece of armor. Just to disband the Spider Gang is to raise Xiaobao's kindness. He doesn't want to kill these people. After all, with his current ability, he wants to kill these people , which is a matter of minutes.

Miao Zhiyi got off the car, and the helpers who knew him immediately greeted them respectfully, and some even went to inform the third elder, Xiang Donglin. Miao Zhiyi glanced at the helpers expressionlessly, He didn't speak, one was that he couldn't talk to these people, and the other was that he had nothing to say to these people, after all, after today, the Spider Gang would no longer exist.

After a short time, Xiang Donglin, the third elder of the Spider Gang, came down from upstairs, and said with a half-smile: "Lao Miao, why are you free to come here today? Do you have any new instructions? "Xiang Donglin said while staring at Xinyi, he was also shocked by Xinyi's unique beauty.

"Old Xiang, you are really right, I came today with instructions." Miao Zhiyi immediately said with a stick.

"What instructions?" Seeing that Miao Zhiyi actually said that he was here to give instructions, Xiang Donglin couldn't help feeling reckless in his heart, so he asked immediately.

"I now order you to disband the Spider Gang immediately." Miao Zhiyi didn't talk nonsense with him, and directly stated the purpose of this trip, and she was very righteous and confident.

"What, say it again, what I heard just now." When Xiang Donglin heard that Miao Zhiyi actually said the words asking him to disband the Spider Gang, he was taken aback on the spot. He really didn't expect that Miao Zhiyi Yi came here to tear down the stage, and it was the Spider Gang's stage. Isn't he afraid that Ouyang would destroy him.

"Xiang Donglin, I still say the same thing, and now I order you to disband all the members of the first branch of the Spider Gang immediately." Miao Zhiyi immediately said very imposingly. I know, he has never been so strong in front of Xiang Donglin. Now that he has Yang Xiaobao as his backing, he doesn't have any scruples. How come.

"Miao Zhiyi, you're fucking out of your mind. Disband yourself. Your head was kicked by a donkey last night, and you actually said such mentally retarded words." Xiang Donglin heard Miao Zhiyi's second The second time he said that he wanted to disband the Spider Gang, and he said it so imposingly, so arrogantly, as if he was the leader of the Spider Gang, so he immediately became angry, so he also cursed unceremoniously.

"Xiang Donglin, you're the one who's fucking out of your mind, your whole family is out of their minds, they're all fucking mentally handicapped." Miao Zhiyi couldn't hold back when he heard Xiang Donglin's scolding. , and then began to curse.

And the gang members not far away saw the two elders scolding like shrews. Everyone thought it was very interesting, so they all moved closer to watch. Instead, he gave a wink to the little bosses, meaning that he would listen to his orders at any time when he was ready to move his hands. The little bosses got hints from Xiang Donglin, so they consciously led their subordinates to help the generals raise the little ones. The three of Bao surrounded him.

Seeing these people's little actions, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but sneered in his heart, this is because you are looking for death yourself, if you start fighting later, don't blame my brother and me.However, he doesn't want to do it yet, and let's see how Miao Zhiyi can complete the task he gave him. Besides, listening to these two old guys fighting each other is also a great pleasure. It's not a good thing anyway. That's all.

"Miao Zhiyi, don't f*cking stare at your nose and face, what the hell do you have to order me, you are just hugging Ouyang's fearful thigh, knelt and licked for a long time, and then you become a big elder. What right do you have to come to Lao Tzu's territory and yell at me?" After Xiang Donglin arranged his subordinates in secret, he immediately started cursing loudly without fear.

"Xiang Donglin, you are nothing but a traitor to the Ax Gang, a remnant of evil, and you are not qualified to show off in front of me. You should obediently listen to me and dismiss the staff, otherwise you must be fucking I can't walk around." Miao Zhiyi heard that Xiang Donglin's scolding became more and more ugly, and his face was already unbearable. If it wasn't for his skill that he still couldn't defeat Xiang Donglin, he would have rushed forward. He also kept urging Yang Xiaobao in his heart to hurry up, but he could only urge him in his heart. He didn't have the guts to say it out. If you tidy up one piece, you will cry without tears.

"Miao Zhiyi, have you finished fucking farting? Get out as soon as possible. I don't welcome you here, and I don't need you to come here to point fingers. Today, for the sake of the gang leader, I won't get along with you. You care about how far you can get away from me, but you and that boy can go, and that woman has to stay and serve me." Xiang Donglin also lost his patience, and was ready to fight, of course he can not do anything He still didn't want to fight. After all, Miao Zhiyi still had two blows. If there was a fight, it would be difficult to tell the winner for a while. In addition, after seeing the beauty he wanted, his heart was already itchy and he just wanted to fight. Let Miao Zhiyi go, and have some fun with this intoxicatingly beautiful woman.

And after Miao Zhiyi heard Xiang Donglin say such words, not only was she not angry, but she was also very excited, very excited. You must know that Xiang Donglin's words just now touched Ni Lin who raised Xiaobao. Because he has long seen that the beautiful woman beside Yang Xiaobao has an unusual relationship with Yang Xiaobao.

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