Chapter 154 Uniform
Miao Zhiyi did not guess wrong. Xiang Donglin's words just now had indeed successfully angered Yang Xiaobao, and Yang Xiaobao did not expect that the fellows of the Spider Gang would become more shameless, nasty, and disgusting one by one. , and if Yang Xiaobao gets angry now, the consequences will be very serious.

As soon as Xiang Donglin finished speaking, Yang Xiaobao moved, and he came to Xiang Donglin in the blink of an eye, and gave him a big slap, half of Xiang Donglin's face was swollen immediately, but this It was just the beginning, Yang Xiaobao slapped him again, and Xiang Donglin's other face immediately swelled up again, and when he was about to call his subordinates to do something, he just didn't say this sentence, Yang Xiaobao Bao slapped him twice in a row.

Now, don't say hello to his subordinates, Xiang Donglin can't speak at all now, and there is no room for him to speak. Xiang Donglin's mouth is now full of blood, and there are a few interrupted beads in the blood. Tooth, I saw him spit out a mouthful of blood, followed by another tooth, his face was swollen like a pig's head.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Spider Gang members all opened their mouths wide in shock, unable to close them for a long time. What they saw was that the third elder Xiang Donglin was standing there like a piece of wood, motionless, as if Deliberately making Yang Xiaobao slap him, how did they know that Xiang Donglin couldn't dodge Yang Xiaobao's slap if he wanted to slap him, not to mention the third elder Xiang Donglin, even their leader Ouyang was afraid You can't dodge the same, you can only stand there and be beaten passively.

Seeing this sudden situation, Xiang Donglin's subordinates didn't know what to do now, what they could do, and they didn't know whether the big guys should do it together, because they hadn't received Xiang Donglin's instructions, but Xiang Donglin now Being slapped by Yang Xiaobao one after another, they couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north. How could they give them any instructions?

Seeing Xiang Donglin's miserable appearance being slapped wildly by Yang Xiaobao, Miao Zhiyi was already happy in his heart. At the same time, he was even more afraid and fearful of Yang Xiaobao's slap in the face, and secretly warned himself that this Don't provoke Yang Xiaobao, the god of death, for the rest of your life.

Yang Xiaobao slapped you twice before stopping, and then said very pretentiously: "Brother, I let you disband to take care of you, understand? Otherwise, if I attack you by force, you shit gang will be killed in minutes." To perish, you will be the first to perish."

Ding, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the master 'Yang Xiaobao' for successfully pretending to be aggressive. You have obtained 150 pretending points, 180 experience points, and 100 system points." At the same time, the system light curtain interface pops up in your mind:

"The master raises the little treasure,

Boundary: Wu Zhen Level [-]

Experience Points: 6980 points

Points: 11232 points

Force value: 14950 point

Occupation: None

"Hey, I succeeded in pretending to be coercive, but the rewards are not many. Also, since the accident with my mother and sister, I have been in a bad mood, and I am not in the mood to pretend to be coercive. This is okay, after all, the coercion is still there. I haven't lost the connection either." Yang Xiaobao's mood improved a lot after he successfully pretended to be coercive, and seeing the person in front of him being slapped like a pig's head by himself, it was really funny, and he almost laughed out loud.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao didn't put much effort into slapping these people. If he slapped them a little too hard, he might kill them with a single slap. Yang Xiaobao's attitude towards these people is to punish them slightly, and Disbanded, and I don't want to beat these people to death. After all, everyone's life is precious. As long as these people don't go too far, it's better to forgive others.

However, these people may not know what is good or bad, just like Xiang Donglin, the third elder of the spider gang, after being slapped by Yang Xiaobao a few times, he couldn't find the north and south for a while, but after a while, he calmed down After coming here, he got angry immediately. He was also the one who saw that Yang Xiaobao didn't have any energy fluctuations all over his body, so he thought he was an ordinary person, and he just fell into his way under carelessness.

After Xiang Donglin regained his composure, he immediately waved his hand and shouted, "Brothers, copy guys for me, and give them all. The men will be killed, and the women will be captured alive."

When the members of the Spider Gang didn't know what to do, after hearing Xiang Donglin's order, they immediately picked up the guy they carried with them, Hu Lala, and rushed towards Yang Xiaobao and the three of them. In the face of strength, no matter how many of them there are, it won't help, let alone raising Xiaobao, these people fell down before they rushed in front of him.

And the elder Miao Zhiyi is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although he is not an opponent to raise Xiaobao, he can still deal with these ordinary people, but this time there are indeed too many people, and Miao Zhiyi almost can't stand it. The main reason is that while repelling the gang members of the Spider Gang, he also took time to protect his favorite, so he was stretched.

Yang Xiaobao is quite satisfied with Miao Zhiyi's performance today, especially his act of protecting Xinyi just now, which won his heart even more. He also looked at it just now. Xinyi still has some martial arts foundation, even without Miao Zhiyi With her help, she has no pressure to deal with these ordinary gang members, not to mention that Xiang Donglin also issued an order of "kill the men and capture the women alive". With this order, these people would never give Xiang Xinyi Killer, so there is no problem at all if Xinyi wants to protect herself.

However, Yang Xiaobao doesn't want to play with these people anymore. It seems that these lifeless things, if they don't give them a little bit of information, they won't realize the crisis of life at all. Yang Xiaobao immediately stepped forward and took a look He grabbed Xiang Donglin by the collar of his chest, lifted him up in an instant, and then yelled: "Brother, I'll shout one, two, three, and if you don't stop, I'll throw this birdman to pieces!" It's crappy."

After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he began to count: [-]. But he hadn't reported yet. [-]. Xiang Donglin shouted desperately: "Brothers, stop, if you don't stop, I will die."

As soon as these people heard Xiang Donglin's words, they immediately stopped attacking, but they still did not disperse around. Seeing that these people listened to Xiang Donglin's words like this, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being a little surprised. Unexpectedly, this Xiang Donglin really had a trick, actually bought all the hearts of his subordinates, it was really not easy, it seemed that if he didn't beat Xiang Donglin, these people really didn't know how to advance or retreat.That being the case, don't blame him for being cruel.

Immediately Yang Xiaobao threw Donglin to the ground, but he didn't fall to his death, he just made him suffer a bit, then he stepped on his chest and said, "Now I'll give you two ways, One is to disband the Spider Gang immediately, and the other is to let my brother trample you, a birdman, to death, and then personally wipe out all the remaining evils."

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(End of this chapter)

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