Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 155 Dissolution of Division 1

Chapter 155 Dissolution of the First Division
Xiang Donglin really knows how to be afraid now, he only now understands that the young man in front of him with no vigor in his body is many times stronger than him. The sudden attack succeeded, but now that he understands it, he realizes that this is not the case at all. This young man is really capable, and he is not just ordinary, this is not something he can afford to provoke.

I really don't know how this old man Miao Zhiyi found such a powerful master, and I also don't understand why he wants to disband the Spider Gang. Since there are such powerful masters, why don't they recruit them, but disband them?It can be said that the disbandment is of no benefit to him, Miao Zhiyi.In fact, how did he know that this was not what Miao Zhiyi meant, but that Ouyang, the leader of the Spider Gang, was afraid that he would have a big grudge against Yang Xiaobao, and that it was Yang Xiaobao's intention to disband the Spider Gang.

Of course, he has also heard about the fact that Ouyang, the leader of the Spider Gang, had a grudge against Yang Xiaobao, but he has been busy with the construction of the first branch of the Spider Gang recently, and rarely cared about what happened at the headquarters. Even if Ouyang is afraid that he is missing now, he doesn't know about it, and he doesn't know Yang Xiaobao, let alone how skilled he is in raising Xiaobao.

Now that Xiang Donglin knows how good he is at raising Xiaobao, how dare he fight recklessly? Isn't that just looking for death?Obviously, Xiang Donglin doesn't want to die now. The world is so beautiful, and he wants to live another 500 years. Therefore, after Yang Xiaobao asked him to choose two paths, he immediately chose to disband the Spider Gang. I don't want to be trampled to death by this young man for the sake of a spider gang. Look at this young man's actions and expressions. He is not joking at all. If he doesn't agree to disband right now, I am afraid that he will never see the sun tomorrow again. If he died like this, it would be too embarrassing and unworthy. Originally, the Spider Gang was not his own, but now that even Miao Zhiyi wants to disband, it should be disbanded.

So, Xiang Donglin immediately said repeatedly: "Master, ah no, it's master, master, I agree to disband, agree to disband."

Yang Xiaobao heard that the bird man finally agreed to disband, so he removed the foot that was on his chest, and then said with a face on his face: "You bird man is a bitch, if you agree to disband earlier, you don't need brother I do."

Ding, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the master 'Yang Xiaobao' for successfully pretending to be aggressive. The special reward is 200 points for pretending, 200 points for experience, and 200 points for system points." At the same time, the system light curtain interface appeared in his mind:
"The master raises the little treasure,

Boundary: Wu Zhen Level [-]

Experience Points: 7180 points

Points: 11432 points

Force value: 15150 point

Occupation: None

"Hey, you succeeded in pretending to be coercive, and the rewards are not bad. It seems that the level of coercion has risen again." After Yang Xiaobao successfully pretended to be coercive, his mood immediately improved, so he looked at Xiang Donglin with his eyes, It was Xiang Donglin's luck that he didn't make another move. If Yang Xiaobao was in a bad mood, he would give him a few slaps, and he would stop.

After Xiang Donglin let Xiaobao let go of his feet, the almost suffocating feeling disappeared immediately, and he felt a burst of relief all over his body, so he quickly got up from the ground, and then loudly said to the helpers: " You all listen, all members of the first branch of the Spider Gang will be disbanded starting today."

As soon as Xiang Donglin's words came out, these people also exploded immediately, and most of them started talking. These people are different from those in the headquarters of the Spider Gang. They are basically members of the original Axe Gang, and they have nothing to do with the Spider Gang. The sense of belonging, on the contrary, is more loyal to Xiang Donglin, so now they are not booing or making troubles, but mostly looking at Xiang Donglin.

Seeing these people looking at him, Xiang Donglin felt a little complicated. After all, these people have followed him through life and death for many years. Now that he suddenly wants to disband them, he always feels uncomfortable in his heart. He couldn't help it at all, no matter what, it's better to disband as soon as possible, otherwise the old life will be gone.

Although Xiang Donglin was reluctant to give up, but after understanding the serious relationship and seeing the situation in front of him, he could only reluctantly give up, so Xiang Donglin immediately said to these subordinates: "You have all seen , this matter is beyond my control. If I don’t disband, I will die. Not only will I lose my life, but you will also lose your life. But you have been with me for so many years, and I can’t let you leave empty-handed. Now you Everyone go to the accounting room, and everyone gets 100 gold coins, although the money is not much, but it is a little bit of my heart, everyone go."

As soon as Xiang Donglin finished speaking, these gang members immediately ran to the financial office on the second floor. Only a dozen or so people still stood there without moving. Xiang Donglin glanced at these dozen people, and they were all the ones he trusted the most. His confidantes had fought together for many years, and some of them saved his life. Xiang Donglin also had the deepest affection for these dozen people, so he immediately said: "You guys go too, this time Although the Spider Gang has been disbanded, we are still brothers, you can come to me for anything in the future, as long as I can help, I will help."

Seeing Xiang Donglin's performance, Yang Xiaobao still felt a little touched in his heart. He didn't expect this guy to be quite loyal. It's a show of loyalty, but Yang Xiaobao doesn't want to let him go just yet, because Xiang Donglin's greed and naked desire for his favorite just now have completely angered him, so the punishment for Xiang Donglin is not over yet.

As for these gang members, Yang Xiaobao doesn't want to kill them all, he just needs to disband them. After all, these people have no grievances with him. To be honest, they were also affected by Ouyang Fear.

It didn't take much time. The members of the first branch of the Spider Gang had already dispersed after receiving the gold coins.But Xiang Donglin is still here, because Yang Xiaobao hasn't told him to leave, so he dare not leave, Yang Xiaobao glanced at him, and then said: "I still give you two choices, one is to dig out a piece of wood by yourself. One eye, the second is to ask my brother to slap me twice, and give you one minute to think about it, and when the one minute is up, if you haven't made a choice, brother, I will do it."

"Master, grand master, please let me go, I have disbanded all the personnel according to your order, why is it not enough?" Xiang Donglin was immediately stunned when he heard Yang Xiaobao's words, so I had no choice but to beg Yang Xiaobao with a dejected face, and immediately knelt down in front of Yang Xiaobao.

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(End of this chapter)

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