Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 156 Remembering One Thing

Chapter 156
When Yang Xiaobao saw Xiang Donglin kneeling in front of him, his heart softened immediately, and he felt a sudden pause in his heart, thinking it was better to let this person go, after all, he didn't have much hatred with him, but just as Yang Xiaobao was about to When he opened his mouth to speak, there was a sudden change. Xiang Donglin launched an attack on him in an instant, and it was a fatal attack.

Yang Xiaobao immediately felt an extremely dangerous feeling coming from below, but because Xiang Donglin moved too fast, was so close to him, and was unprepared, it was impossible to avoid it completely. Yang Xiaobao had no choice but to twist his body as hard as he could in his busy schedule to avoid the critical point, but there was still a pain in his left thigh immediately. Yang Xiaobao looked down and saw Xiang Donglin holding a dagger in his right hand into his thigh.

Yang Xiaobao suddenly suffered from pain, and immediately became angry, and slapped Xiang Donglin on the head with a slap, because just now in a hurry, he used [-]% power, so Xiang Donglin immediately suffered a tragedy, Yang Xiaobao Bao's slap would be unbearable even for people with comparable skills, not to mention that Xiang Donglin's skills are far behind Yang Xiaobao's.As a result, Xiang Donglin died immediately, and his death was extremely miserable, because his entire head had been slapped to pieces, the whole head was gone, and then a stream of blood spurted out from his neck.

This scene was too bloody, and it was a bit unbearable to watch. When Yang Xiaobao saw Xiang Donglin's headless corpse, he immediately acted recklessly. He didn't expect that his subconscious slap would have such a terrifying effect, but This guy died as soon as he died, and he didn't deserve any sympathy. Raising Xiaobao originally planned to let him go, but he didn't expect him to attack suddenly.

When Miao Zhiyi saw this violent, bloody, and terrifying scene, she was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth for a long time. She knew that raising Xiaobao was amazing, but she didn't expect it to be so powerful, so she felt very lucky. I can't stop, fortunately I have self-knowledge, I didn't force Yang Xiaobao, let alone attack him, otherwise, I'm afraid I would be decapitated now.

When Xinyi saw this scene, her face turned pale with fright. After all, she had always lived in the deep mountains and old forests, and rarely saw human battles. Of course, she didn't think it was wrong to raise Xiaobao. Before she died, she also saw the sneak attack on Yang Xiaobao's lower body. If it wasn't for Yang Xiaobao's quick reaction, if it wasn't for Yang Xiaobao's high skill, the person who died now would be Yang Xiaobao. Of course, in her heart, Others died a thousand times or ten thousand times. To her, she didn't feel much. At most, she felt sympathy. If there was any accident in raising Xiaobao, then she couldn't accept it. She has been entrusted to Yang Xiaobao, not to mention Yang Xiaobao's care and love for her these days, not to mention that she has developed an inexplicable affection for Yang Xiaobao now, just because she is now The attachment and dependence on Yang Xiaobao makes it impossible to bear the pain of losing Yang Xiaobao.

Yes, it is unacceptable and unbearable. If Yang Xiaobao had an accident in front of her, the pain would be absolutely unbearable. Therefore, this person died too well, because he caused fatal damage to Yang Xiaobao just now. This person really deserved his death, even if he went to the [-]th floor of hell, he deserved it.

Yang Xiaobao is quite satisfied with the result. Although there were some accidents, it was still safe and sound. At the same time, he secretly warned himself that there should not be too many benevolence of women in this world. Sometimes he does not want to hurt Others, but also beware of others hurting yourself, especially those shameless villains.

Yang Xiaobao looked at the scene again, and then said to Miao Zhiyi: "Let's go to the next stop."

When Miao Zhiyi heard Yang Xiaobao's words, he was stunned for a moment, because he was still in extreme shock and didn't understand what Yang Xiaobao said about the next stop, so he hurriedly asked respectfully: " Sir, what's the next stop?"

"What's the matter with you? Your head was kicked by a donkey? I can't even understand the next stop. Of course, the next stop is to go to the branch of your Spider Gang. Don't you have three branches in total? My brother and I Only one was destroyed, so there are two left?" Yang Xiaobao immediately cursed when he heard Miao Zhiyi's naive question, if it wasn't for the fact that he was able to take the initiative to protect his favorite just now. , I have already slapped it down.

"Master, calm down, I understand, let's go to the second branch right now." Miao Zhiyi said hastily after understanding.

"Just understand, let me tell you, don't play any tricks, and don't take any chances, otherwise, this old boy will be your end." Seeing that Miao Zhiyi understood, Yang Xiaobao felt a little smoother, but still I warned him, now that he is very disappointed with these members of the Spider Gang, he will naturally not give Miao Zhiyi any good looks, you know, strictly speaking, this old boy Miao Zhiyi can be regarded as killing his mother and sister He was an indirect accomplice, but because the old boy had done a few things for him in a row and was quite satisfied, he had already slapped him to death.

"Understand, understand, I understand, I am now your pawn, sir, and I will never have second thoughts. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west." Miao Zhiyi immediately vowed.

"Okay, there's no need to talk anymore, let's go now." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, he didn't bother to talk to the old boy anymore, it was more important to get down to business.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao's impatient look, Miao Zhiyi nodded vigorously and said: "Master, you wait here first, I'll drive a car over here. "

Yang Xiaobao saw that he was obedient and his mood improved a lot, so he nodded and said, "Go."

Miao Zhiyi received Yang Xiaobao's affirmative answer, and immediately walked into the garage of the first branch of the Spider Gang, and then drove a car out. This car looked very luxurious, and it should be the one raised Xiao Bao slapped the dead third elder Xiang Donglin's special car.After Yang Xiaobao saw this car, he suddenly thought of a question, that is, although the members of the Spider Gang were all driven away by him, the property inside is still there. Wouldn’t it be cheaper for him to leave? someone else?

Although his family property is rich now, the more money, the better. I believe that no matter which world you are in, no matter who you are, you will not think too much money. Naturally, raising Xiaobao is no exception. He wants to spend money himself, even the system and the future often ask him for gold coins.

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(End of this chapter)

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