Chapter 159
After Miao Zhiyi understands his current situation, he will naturally try to complete the task assigned by Yang Xiaobao. As long as the task is completed well, based on his understanding of Yang Xiaobao in the past few days, it is estimated that it will not be difficult for him in all likelihood. In the end, Yang Xiaobao's understanding will definitely be obtained, so as to save his old life. If the task is not completed well and his wishes are not met, it will be difficult to say.

And his current task is naturally to disband the second branch of the Spider Gang, so Miao Zhiyi had no choice but to bite the bullet and say to Zuohui: "Old Zuo, we came here today with only one purpose, and that is to disband the Spider Gang." This organization, as well as all the staff here, will be disbanded, and there will be no more Spider Gang in the future."

"Why? Why is it like this, old man, how could you say such a thing?" Zuo Hui immediately acted recklessly when he heard Miao Zhiyi's words that he wanted to disband the Spider Gang. He really didn't expect Miao Zhiyi to actually He would say such unreasonable words, so he immediately asked repeatedly.

"No reason, because some people want the Spider Gang to disappear, so the Spider Gang can't continue to exist." Miao Zhiyi said with difficulty, every word he uttered was very cautious, for fear of saying something badly and causing trouble for Yang Xiaobao. Happy, that would be a tragedy. That day Xiang Donglin was slapped on the head by Yang Xiaobao, and the scene of his tragic death was always lingering in his heart, and he couldn't get rid of it. He didn't want this kind of tragedy to happen to him again.

"What kind of person is so domineering and powerful that he actually wants the Spider Gang to disappear? Could it be that the leader just sits idly by?" Zuo Hui was shocked when he heard that someone wanted the Spider Gang to disappear. Asked, I don't know what powerful opponent the Spider Gang has provoked, and even forced Miao Zhiyi, the eldest elder of the Spider Gang, to disband the Spider Gang by himself. What kind of rhythm is this? This person must be some great martial arts master, but He didn't even think about Yang Xiaobao's head. After all, Yang Xiaobao seemed to have no vitality in his body, just like an ordinary person, and he couldn't connect with the word "master". People behaved so respectfully, in his mind, he just thought that this young man was the son of some important person.

"He just had an enmity with the gang leader and wanted to seek revenge from the gang leader, but the gang leader didn't know where he went. When he couldn't find the gang leader, he wanted to disband the Spider Gang. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to let the gang leader Maybe, I'm afraid he himself can't take care of himself." Miao Zhiyi heard Zuohui's question, so he had to explain very hard, answering such a question is indeed quite difficult.

"But even so, we don't need to disband ourselves, right? Isn't this self-defeating martial arts?" Zuo Hui still stared at Miao Zhiyi in puzzlement and asked.

Hearing the conversation between these two people, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but feel a little depressed, thinking that the internal information of the Spider Gang is too closed. This has already wiped out a headquarters and a first branch of the Spider Gang. People don't know how well he raises Xiaobao. Since they don't know, they have to beat them to know.

Yang Xiaobao stood up immediately, and then rushed to Zuohui with a stride, stretched out his hand and slapped him, and at the same time said very pretentiously: "You shit-eating spider gang is my brother, I want to Damn it, why don't you accept it?"

Ding, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the master 'Yang Xiaobao' for successfully pretending to be aggressive. He has obtained 200 points of pretense, 200 points of system points, and 200 points of experience." At the same time, the system light curtain interface appeared in his mind:
"The master raises the little treasure,

Boundary: Wu Zhen Level [-]

Experience Points: 7580 points

Points: 11832 points

Force value: 15550 point

Occupation: None

"Hey, the pretense succeeded. Not bad. Although the reward is still 200 points, it's a good thing as long as you succeed. After all, you can also earn some experience." Once Yang Xiaobao was in a happy mood, he didn't continue to attack, but looked at the person who had just been beaten. Zuo Hui slapped him to see the effect of the slap.

Although this slap didn't use much strength, and it was only a little bit less than successful, the effect was quite good. I saw half of Zuohui's face instantly swelled up, not to mention, even the teeth were hit Two of them fell, and Zuo Hui was spitting them out with blood at the moment.

After being slapped by this slap, Zuohui didn't jump into a rage like the others, but looked at Yang Xiaobao in shock, and now he understood that it was this young man who wanted the Spider Gang to disappear from the world. It's not that Miao Zhiyi wanted to abolish his martial arts, but because he was coerced by Yang Xiaobao, he had no choice but to do so. But this young man doesn't seem to have any vitality at all. How could he be so powerful? He slapped him just now Sometimes, I also want to dodge, but the paradox is that there is no way to dodge at all, and I can't dodge in any direction. Therefore, from this, it can be seen that this young man who looks like an ordinary person is a little It's not ordinary, and its combat power is very human. It is estimated that Miao Zhiyi suffered a lot from his hands before he was coerced by him.

Zuo Hui then thought about it secretly. His own skill was about the same as Miao Zhiyi's, both of which were at the peak of the second level of Wu Yuan, and this young man had no vitality at all. If you are stronger, the means are a bit weird. Although you are facing each other, you may not be his opponent, but if you join hands with Miao Zhiyi, can you deal with him?

Zuo Hui thought of this, and his mind immediately became active, so he winked at Miao Zhiyi several times in a row. Seeing Zuo Hui's winks, Miao Zhiyi immediately understood what he meant, but he pretended not to Seeing the same, because he knew very well in his heart that in terms of raising Xiaobao's skills, let alone him and Zuohui teaming up, even ten or eight more would not be enough to see, Zuohui wanted to court death Just look for death yourself, but don't pull him, he doesn't want to die yet.

Zuo Hui was also depressed. He didn't know what was going on with Miao Zhiyi. He even winked at him several times, but he didn't realize it. He really didn't understand why his IQ was so low. Of course Now, since Miao Zhiyi didn't understand the wink he made just now, he couldn't cooperate with his actions, so he had to give up temporarily.

When Yang Xiaobao saw Zuo Hui's wink at Miao Zhiyi just now, he immediately understood what he meant. It turned out that this person wanted Miao Zhiyi to join forces with him to deal with him, so he couldn't help but sneered. , then no wonder he.

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(End of this chapter)

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