Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 160 Dissolution of Division 2

Chapter 160 Dissolution of the second branch (second more)

When Zuo met with Miao Zhiyi, he didn't cooperate with him. Now he can't do anything alone, so he had no choice but to give in. He has a relatively cautious character, and he will never take risks when he is not sure about things. This kind of cautious character is what keeps him alive in the treacherous rivers and lakes. This time, it was his cautious character that saved his life. , I am afraid that I will never see the sun tomorrow again.

So Zuo Hui immediately said: "I will disband, and I will disband all the staff in the headquarters immediately."

Seeing that this person suddenly agreed to disband, Yang Xiaobao was stunned for a moment, thinking that this guy was going to resist, but he didn't expect that he would give in before this started, but since he knows the current affairs, he wouldn't It's too much, and it's not impossible to spare him this time, after all, this person has no grievances with himself, if there is any, it is because of Ouyang's fear.

Yang Xiaobao then nodded and said: "Since that's the case, let's disband quickly. After finishing, brother, I have to go to the next stop."

But what is unexpected is that after Yang Xiaobao had finished speaking for a while, Zuohui still stood still, and Yang Xiaobao became angry immediately. It seems that this guy still didn't see the situation clearly. You have to give him some good news.

Yang Xiaobao did it when he thought of it, and then he slapped it again, the other side of the second elder's left face immediately swelled up, but it didn't end, Yang Xiaobao slapped five or six big ear slaps in a row Only then stopped.

Zuo Hui, the second elder of the Spider Gang, was about to suffer a tragedy. After Yang Xiaobao had been slapped several times in a row, he was already dizzy. It took a long time to wake up, looking at Yang Xiaobao in horror while spitting out his bloody teeth.

Seeing that the man finally woke up, Yang Xiaobao immediately raised his slap again, making a gesture to slap him. Zuo Hui saw Yang Xiaobao raised his slap and immediately screamed in fright: "Master, don't slap, don't slap me! Disband now, disband immediately." After speaking, he immediately turned around and asked all the gang members to call for an emergency assembly.

Yang Xiaobao saw that this person no longer dared to be obedient and disobedient, but immediately acted, he couldn't help but also smiled, it seems that he really has nothing to say to these people, if he doesn't hurt him, he doesn't take himself seriously at all .

Seeing Yang Xiaobao slap Zuo Hui just now, Miao Zhiyi was also very frightened, and at the same time he said a few words to Zuo Hui in his heart: "Old Zuo, Lao Zuo, you are usually very clever. Why can't we turn the corner now? Raising Xiaobao is not something we can afford to provoke. Didn't you see that even Lao Tzu followed behind this master? Now you know It’s amazing, it really deserves it.”

Seeing this scene, Xinyi couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled. She also felt that raising Xiaobao's ability to slap people has become more and more good. He also controlled the strength so well that he could not only achieve the maximum damage value, but also not kill people, but only hit them until they were scared.

It didn't take much time, that is, within ten minutes, the Zuohui gathered all the members of the second branch of the Spider Gang, and immediately announced the order to disband. However, it is strange that these people listened to After the order to disband, no one objected, and they all left silently.

When Yang Xiaobao saw this scene, he couldn't help being a little surprised, but he didn't care, as long as they disbanded, if they played any tricks, then don't blame him for killing them.

Seeing that this matter was done, Yang Xiaobao was generally satisfied, so he said to Zuo Hui and Miao Zhiyi: "Brother, Ouyang and I were afraid that there would be unresolved hatred, so we originally planned to destroy the entire Spider Gang." , but I think God has the virtue of being good at life. Brother, I don’t want to kill too much, but if you don’t open your eyes and want to get ahead because of Ouyang, then don’t blame my brother for being cruel. If in the future, there are rumors of spiders The news of the resurgence of the gang, brother, the first thing I want to kill is you leaders, and I will definitely ask you to survive or die."

"Master, don't worry, we will never and dare not organize the Spider Gang again." Miao Zhiyi and Zuo Hui immediately said in unison.

"Okay, brother, that's all I have to say. As for whether you want to find death yourself, that's your own business. Now the Zuohui can leave as long as you hand over all the gold coins of this second branch. Remember Living is everything, if you keep it secret, you will die." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, his voice was firm and severe, making people shiver involuntarily.

"Okay, sir, I will hand over all the gold coins immediately." Zuo Hui replied immediately, and immediately took out a universe bag and handed it to Yang Xiaobao. He was also frightened by Yang Xiaobao's slap in the face. Did not dare to have any disobedience at all.

Yang Xiaobao took the Qiankun bag, and with a thought, he immediately saw a large pile of gold coins piled inside, at least four to five million. Yang Xiaobao estimated that this was at most half of the total assets of the second branch of the Spider Gang A lot, but since this person can come up with so many gold coins, it's not bad. I originally planned to take advantage of it and do some calculations, and I didn't plan to search them out one by one. After all, this is unrealistic. It is also impossible to waste too much time for this little gold coin. Generally speaking, I am quite satisfied, so I nodded immediately and said, "Zuohui, this time you are smart, you can go now."

When Zuo Hui heard that Yang Xiaobao let him go like this, he couldn't help but feel a little rejoiced. Fortunately, Yang Xiaobao didn't search him, otherwise it would be a disaster, because the gold coins he gave Xiaobao just now were not even a third. It turns out that over the years, he has indeed accumulated a lot of wealth, and he still has a Qiankun bag on his body, which contains tens of millions of gold coins.Now, how dare he stay here for one more minute, hurriedly went downstairs, drove out a car, and left immediately.

Yang Xiaobao didn't mind seeing Zuohui leaving in a hurry, and then said to Miao Zhiyi: "You and I go to the next stop, which is the last stop."

After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he immediately walked downstairs to the luxury car with Xinyi. Miao Zhiyi rushed forward and opened the car door for him, then sat in the driver's seat, started the car and went straight to the first place of the Spider Gang. three divisions.

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(End of this chapter)

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