Chapter 161 Found a letter (third change)

The third branch of the Spider Gang is located in the southwest of Kunyu Kingdom Shanshui City. It is not too far from the second branch. If there is no traffic jam, it is only a ten-minute drive. However, Yang Xiaobao and the others drove this time. Going, but it was not smooth, it was blocked before driving halfway, and the blockage was extremely severe, the four lanes were full of blockages, and it was impossible to move an inch.

Now that it's blocked, there's no need to worry about raising Xiaobao, and there's nothing to worry about, so just wait, it will work.There is no rush to raise Xiaobao, and Miao Zhiyi is naturally not in a hurry, even if you are in a hurry, it is useless, after all, this is not something he can decide.

Yang Xiaobao saw that he couldn't get through for a while, so he planned to call the little fat man. After all, he was idle, so he immediately took out the phone from the system space, and Yang Xiaobao picked up the phone , as soon as I opened it, I saw a missed call. This missed call was from the little fat man, and Yang Xiaobao immediately called back.The bell only rang once, and then it was connected, and the voice of the little fat man came from the other end of the phone immediately: "Xiaobao, where are you now?"

"I'm still in Shanshui City, what's the matter? Fatty, what happened?" Yang Xiaobao seemed anxious when he heard the voice of the little fat man, so he hurriedly asked.

"It's nothing serious. I just want to tell you that Niu Shuzhen has returned from her hometown. Besides, the Starry Sky Academy's inner court disciple assessment has started. Come back quickly to participate." There was some anxious voice, so he quickly explained.

"I see, fat, I still have something to do here, but I will try to get back as soon as possible." After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and then put the phone back into the system space with a thought.

When Yang Xiaobao heard the two messages from the little fat man, he just smiled and was not much moved. He knew about the Starry Sky Academy's inner court disciple examination when he was still in Bird Town. As for Niu Shuzhen who came back from his hometown , that's more normal, after all, she has been back to her hometown for more than half a year, and she should be back now, but I don't know if Niu Shuzhen is fat or thin now, maybe she is not fat or thin.

After Yang Xiaobao waited for a while, seeing that the car in front hadn't moved, he was finally a little annoyed, so he said to Miao Zhiyi: "I don't know how long the traffic jam will last, I think it's better to just abandon the car and Let's go on foot."

Hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, Miao Zhiyi couldn't help being reckless, leaving such a good car on the road, don't want to go on foot, this is what Yang Xiaobao said, but since Yang Xiaobao When Bao said this, he naturally didn't dare to disobey him, so he had no choice but to nod in agreement.

However, just as Yang Xiaobao and the others got out of the car and were about to walk, the car in front moved.Yang Xiaobao saw that the car in front of him was moving, so he returned to the car, since he could go by car, of course he would not have to walk, Miao Zhiyi saw Yang Xiaobao returned to the car, and hurried back to the cab, After starting the car, there was a series of horn sounds from behind. It seemed that these people were also waiting impatiently.

So the car started to move forward again, but the speed was still astonishingly slow. After driving at a slow speed for more than ten minutes, the front began to smooth out. Once the road opened, the speed naturally became faster. It only took a few minutes to arrive at the Spider Gang. The third branch gate.

The three of Yang Xiaobao got out of the car, but they didn't see a single person, not even the sign of this branch. Seeing such an empty place, Yang Xiaobao even wondered if Miao Zhiyi was doing something wrong. He made a mistake, so he immediately said to him: "Did you make a mistake? Not only is there no one here, but you can't even see the sign. What's going on?"

"Master, that's right, it's here. I've stayed here for several years, so there's absolutely no way I could have made a mistake." Seeing Yang Xiaobao's expression of concern, Miao Zhiyi quickly swore.

"Go, go in and take a look." Yang Xiaobao saw that Miao Zhiyi didn't seem to be lying, so he didn't dwell on this issue any longer. He also believed that Miao Zhiyi would never dare to lie about this matter unless He doesn't want to live anymore.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao believed him, Miao Zhiyi couldn't help but feel relieved, he was really scared just now, if Yang Xiaobao didn't believe him and gave him a slap on the ear, it would be too aggrieved, He also couldn't understand, how could there be no one here, could it be that they heard some news, disbanded by themselves, and ran away?
The more Miao Zhiyi thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible. Now that Yang Xiaobao said that he was going upstairs, he hurriedly walked ahead to lead the way. He also wanted to go up and take a look to see if his guess was correct.

The three of them went upstairs quickly, but just as Yang Xiaobao and the others imagined, the upstairs was already empty, and they didn't even see a ghost, let alone a living person.However, although no one was seen, a letter was found in the elder's office on the second floor, and what was even more unexpected was that the letter was actually written to Yang Xiaobao, because the cover of the letter was impressively written: The words "Raise a little treasure and give it to you".

When Yang Xiaobao saw this letter, he immediately became reckless, thinking what the hell is going on, that someone still wrote to him, so he immediately said to Miao Zhiyi: "Send this letter to me. Open the letter, see who wrote it, and see what happened."

Seeing this letter, Miao Zhiyi almost confirmed what she thought just now. This must be because the Fourth Elder, Liu Duizhong, knew that he was afraid after learning about the fact that the Second Elder, Xiang Donglin, was slapped to death by Yang Xiaobao. That's why we left early.Now when he heard the order to raise Xiaobao, he naturally didn't dare to be negligent, so he quickly opened the letter, and looked at the inscription Liu Duizhong below, it was indeed a letter written by the fourth elder Liu Duizhong, it seems that he guessed It's not wrong, Miao Zhiyi thought anxiously, he didn't know if Yang Xiaobao would be unhappy when he found out that they had escaped, and if he would vent his anger on himself.

But, no matter what, let's see what Liu Duizhong wrote in the letter before talking about it, so Miao Zhiyi immediately read the letter as quickly as possible, and it was almost as he thought. The general meaning of the letter is that Liu Duizhong already knew that Yang Xiaobao and the gang leader Ouyang were afraid of enmity, and knew that Yang Xiaobao wanted to disband all the spider gangs. After he knew the news, he immediately disbanded himself. The Spider Gang, hope that Xiaobao will be raised for the sake of his active cooperation, and stop making troubles for him.

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(End of this chapter)

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