Chapter 163
The central square of Starry Sky Academy is the place where the inner court disciples are assessed. In the middle of the square are two rings. When the competition on the arenas is going on, there are many people standing in the audience. These are the disciples of the outer court. They are all waiting to challenge those inner court disciples. According to the assessment rules, only by defeating an inner court disciple can they be promoted, and the cultivation base of outer court disciples is generally low. It can be seen how many people want to be promoted to inner court disciples , If you are not a martial arts genius, if you can leapfrog the challenge, it is simply impossible. After all, the cultivation level of the inner court disciples is not 01:30 points higher than that of the outer court disciples, but much higher.

Everyone attaches great importance to the assessment for this promotion to the inner court. Only when you become a disciple of the inner court can you truly integrate into the Starry Sky Academy, and you will also receive personal guidance from the elders of the inner court and get more training resources , Therefore, almost all the disciples from the outer courtyard came, even if they knew they were defeated, they still had to compete on stage, hoping for a miracle to happen.

After Yang Xiaobao came here with his dream, he immediately saw that the little fat man was competing in the arena. Opposite him was a Wu Yuan ninth-level inner court disciple. Yang Xiaobao took a look and felt that the little fat man wanted to win This competition is still a bit of a suspense, after all, the little fat man is only at the third level of Wuyuan. It is unknown if the little fat man can perform miracles today.

However, Yang Xiaobao just looked at it, and then looked away. After all, with his current skills and knowledge, he has no interest in such a low-level fight. Yang Xiaobao then moved his gaze to a high platform , unexpectedly found that apart from a few inner deans and foreigners, Dean Ling was also sitting on it. It seems that the college still attaches great importance to the assessment of the inner court disciples this time, and even Dean Ling, who is rarely seen on weekdays, showed up in person up.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao's eyes moved to the high platform, Dean Ling found him. After seeing Yang Xiaobao, Dean Ling was surprised, and nodded slightly to Yang Xiaobao. Yang Xiaobao was very moved, but he didn't expect that Dean Ling was really kind to him.

Yang Xiaobao took another look at the inner disciples waiting for the challenge. These people are all around 40 years old, and there are more than 50 people in total. Among them, the highest cultivation level is only five levels of martial arts. Those who are waiting for the challenge Among the disciples in the inner court, Wu Yuan ninth level is the most, there are more than 30 people, and the rest are Wu Heng level martial arts, because the inner court disciples who accept the challenge will be given certain rewards by the academy, otherwise, who would Come here to accept the challenge of these outer court disciples?
Yang Xiaobao looked at the scene again, but he didn't see Niu Shuzhen. I don't know why she didn't come here to watch the excitement. Of course, as a disciple of Dean Ling, she is already a core disciple, and of course she doesn't need to come to participate in the inner circle. The assessment of the disciples of the academy, of course, coming here is just to watch the excitement.

Yang Xiaobao is now thinking about a question, that is, whether he should participate in the assessment of the inner court disciples. If he does not participate, he is not qualified to use some of the training resources of the college. Although he also has the status of an elder, that After all, it is only from the Alchemy Department, and has nothing to do with martial arts. To obtain these cultivation resources, one must have the identity of an inner court disciple.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao only thought about it for a while, and then immediately made a decision, it is better to participate, after all, it is not a bad thing to have another inner court disciple, and besides, there is nothing to do now, just play with these people, abuse It is also a great pleasure to torture these inner court disciples.

After raising Xiaobao to think about it, he immediately said to Xinyi: "Sister Xinyi, brother, I am going to participate in the competition now, you just wait here below, don't wander around."

"Xiaobao, go about your business, I'm fine, just watch from below, I won't wander around." Xinyi immediately replied, she saw these people fighting back and forth on the ring , is also a little itchy, but unfortunately she does not belong here, nor is she qualified to participate in the competition.

After Yang Xiaobao asked his favorite, he immediately came to the inner court disciple assessment registration office. The person in charge of the registration was an elder from the inner court named Li Shuiquan. He was about 50 years old and was a strong martial artist. When Yang Xiaobao came to register, he couldn't help being surprised, because he heard rumors that Yang Xiaobao had been missing for half a year, but he didn't expect to come back now, and he didn't expect Yang Xiaobao to participate in the inner court disciple assessment. I really can't figure it out, Yang Xiaobao didn't even pass the physical fitness test, and he doesn't have the slightest vitality on his body, this is an ordinary person at all, why come to join in the fun, isn't he afraid of losing face later? ?After all, Yang Xiaobao also gained the status of an elder by virtue of his medicine, so why bother?
Of course, Li Shuiquan couldn't figure it out, but registration is still required. After all, according to the college's regulations, all outer court disciples can participate in the inner court disciple assessment, and it's not said that ordinary people can't, so raising Xiaobao As a disciple of Starry Sky Academy's Outer School, although he has the title of Alchemy Master Elder, he fully meets the registration requirements.However, out of good intentions, Li Shuiquan still felt that he needed to remind Yang Xiaobao, so before registering, he took a deep look at Yang Xiaobao, and said, "Elder Yang, are you sure you want to participate in this inner court disciple's competition?" Examination? If you don't pass, it's not a glorious thing, after all, you have already obtained the status of an elder now."

"Elder Li, thank you for your reminder, but I've already thought about it, please register for me." Yang Xiaobao replied with a smile, he could hear that Li Shuiquan's words were kind, and he immediately had feelings for him some favors.

"Okay, since you've already thought about it, I'll write it down, and you can go over there to challenge in line now." Li Shuiquan said immediately, seeing that Yang Xiaobao insisted on participating, he stopped trying to persuade him, anyway, he lost He didn't want to lose him anymore, so he picked up a pen and wrote down Yang Xiaobao's name on the registration book with a few strokes.

Yang Xiaobao thanked Li Shuiquan, and then came to the bottom of the ring, ready to wait in line, and the disciples from the outer courtyard were surprised to see that Yang Xiaobao also came here to participate in the assessment, but everyone still respected Yang Xiaobao Saying hello, and they all gave up their seats one after another. Yang Xiaobao felt very good seeing these people's enthusiasm.

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