Chapter 164
Seeing that someone gave up his seat for him, Yang Xiaobao was not coquettish, thanked him, and then jumped in. He didn't want to waste time queuing up, and now someone took the initiative to give up his seat, that's okay You're very polite, but it's not his turn right away, there is another person in front of him, this person is short and fat, looks like a big wax gourd.

This big winter melon doesn't even look at Yang Xiaobao, but Yang Xiaobao doesn't mind, after all, everyone has different ideas, and it's impossible for everyone to appreciate him. Of course, he can be ranked behind this big winter melon, It is already very good. If you are at the back of the long queue, you really don't know when you will be in the queue. Therefore, Yang Xiaobao still has a good impression of the student who offered to give up his seat. If the opportunity is right, It might do him some good.

Yang Xiaobao took a look at the competition on the stage. At this time, the little fat man was covered in blood all over his body. He looked like a blood man. It looked a little shocking. Even his challenger, the disciple from the inner court, looked at him. I couldn't go on anymore, and I didn't make any more heavy blows, and said kindly: "Forget it, you should admit defeat. If you continue like this, I'm afraid your life will be gone."

Seeing this situation, everyone in the audience persuaded the little fat man to stop fighting. Yang Xiaobao also admired the little fat man's persistence. I really didn't expect the little fat man to be so durable and able to resist blows. Fortunately, he has a lot of fat, otherwise I'm afraid there wasn't so much bloodshed, but Yang Xiaobao didn't persuade the little fat man to truce, since he was willing to persevere, he should persevere, maybe a miracle will happen.

And the little fat man turned a deaf ear to everyone's persuasion. He was knocked down once, got up again, was knocked down again, and then got up again. This ruthlessness moved even Dean Ling and several inner deans on the high platform. , but they did not say anything, just wait and see.

At this time, the little fat man had been forced to the edge of the ring, and he didn't want to be knocked down again. After the little fat man got up again, he felt a little unable to hold on, so he quickly took out a special pill and swallowed it. Simple, it just recovered some physical strength in an instant, the inner court disciple couldn't help laughing when he saw the little fat man stand up and swallow a pill, and then said: "I advise you not to hold on, although I admire your perseverance , but in the face of absolute strength, these are nothing, even if you take the elixir, it is useless, you should lose or lose."

After the inner courtyard disciple finished speaking, he kicked up immediately. He didn't want to spend any more time with this little fat man, so he decided to kick him off the ring. However, to his surprise, it seemed that the time had come The little fatty Jiang Yu, who was at the end of his battle, actually dodged out of the way all of a sudden. After the little fat man got out of the way, he immediately used all his strength to slam into the inner court disciple. The inner court disciple was caught off guard and instantly He was knocked out of the ring by the little fat man, and then fell to the hard floor below the ring with a "bang", unable to get up for a long time.

At this moment, the central square has been silent for several seconds except for the sound of "boom". This situation happened too suddenly, too strange, and too unbelievable. It is obvious that the little fat man Jiang Yu must be defeated. They actually counterattacked, and then I don't know who took the lead to applaud, and then I heard an inner court elder announce loudly: "Congratulations to Jiang Yu, a disciple of the outer court, for passing the examination of inner court disciples!"

After the little fat man Jiang Yu heard the announcement from the elders in the inner courtyard, he couldn't hold on any longer, his eyes were filled with stares, so he had to sit down on the ring, and managed not to pass out on the spot. Yang Xiaobao saw this situation, he immediately shouted loudly: "Little Fatty, you are doing well, hold on, and walk off the ring by yourself."

Hearing Yang Xiaobao's cry, the little fat man immediately lifted his spirits, then stood up from the ground, and walked off the ring inexplicably excitedly.

Then came the big winter melon in front of Yang Xiaobao. This big winter melon's cultivation is not bad, and he is already a martial artist of the ninth level of Wuyuan. Big one, but I don't know what this person is thinking, maybe he was stimulated by the little fat man's leapfrog challenge just now, he didn't choose Wu Yuan's ninth-level opponent at the same level, but first chose Wu Heng's first-level opponent The inner court disciples challenged.

However, his choice was obviously wrong, because this Wuheng first-level inner court disciple is also quite strong in combat power, and he is also a master who can leapfrog challenges. His combat power is even higher than this big wax gourd. More importantly, this person is quite calm, every move and style is steady, Da Donggua can't find any flaws in him, so the two of them only passed less than three rounds, Da Donggua He was knocked off the ring with a single punch by this Wuheng first-level inner court disciple, and his movements were as natural as flowing clouds and flowing water.

After Big Winter Melon was blasted off the ring, he was so regretful that his intestines were green. If he hadn't been so proud, if he had chosen a player of the same level as Wu Yuan ninth level, he would definitely not have lost. I have become a disciple of the academy, but now I wasted this opportunity for nothing, and according to the regulations of the academy, everyone only has one chance. If they lose or miss it, they can only wait until the next time.

However, no matter how remorseful this big winter melon is, no one will sympathize with him, and the ghost told him to overestimate his capabilities and leapfrog the challenge?Of course Yang Xiaobao would not sympathize with this guy who was rude to him, and now it was his turn to challenge him.

Yang Xiaobao then stepped onto the ring, yes, he stepped onto the ring, he didn't use the Wind Riding Technique to fly up, and Yang Xiaobao didn't want to be too prominent all of a sudden, so as not to surprise others, Of course, it's not that he wants to keep a low profile on purpose, it's just that he doesn't feel the need to be too public at the beginning.

After Yang Xiaobao stepped into the arena, there was a lot of discussion immediately in the audience. They said everything, but they were probably surprised and a little unbelievable. After all, Yang Xiaobao was already the youngest elder of the Star Academy. Who would have thought of him Will he still participate in the assessment of an inner court disciple?Besides, Yang Xiaobao is not good at force. Everyone knows that Yang Xiaobao is good at medicine.Moreover, they have all seen with their own eyes that Yang Xiaobao failed the physical examination half a year ago. Just imagine how much force a person who can't even pass the physical examination can have?

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(End of this chapter)

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