Chapter 169
When Niu Shuzhen saw Yang Xiaobao's favorite girl, her first feeling was that this woman was really beautiful. Although she was considered a beauty, she was still not as good as this woman, so she couldn't help but feel ashamed. The second feeling was that Yang Xiaobao Sure enough, there was another woman beside Xiaobao, but he didn't know what the relationship between the two of them was.

Yang Xiaobao saw the emotional changes on Niu Shuzhen's face, of course he knew that she had thoughts in her heart, but there was no other way to do it, he had to explain it to her later, let's say hello to her now, so Yang Xiaobao Xiaobao immediately smiled and said to Niu Shuzhen: "Beauty, long time no see, have you missed me during this time?"

When Niu Shuzhen heard that Yang Xiaobao was still talking to her like this, she couldn't help being startled. It seemed that Brother Xiaobao was still the same as before, but why was there such a beautiful woman by his side, but in front of Dean Ling? , she couldn't say anything, but smiled at Yang Xiaobao, but she replied silently in her heart: "Brother Xiaobao, since I returned to my hometown in the country, I have been thinking about you almost every day. It is because Miss you, I will come back so soon."

With her favorite Bingxue being smart, she could tell at a glance that the relationship between Yang Xiaobao and Niu Shuzhen was not simple, but she didn't say anything, because there was nothing to say about her delicate relationship with Yang Xiaobao, and her future was uncertain now. However, since Master and her old man handed her over to Yang Xiaobao before she died, of course she will follow him. Besides, through the observation of the past few days, she found that Yang Xiaobao is a very responsible, affectionate and committed person. Man, so she wouldn't worry about anything at all.

However, when Xinyi entered Dean Ling's house, she was shocked to see so much gold. After all, she grew up in an ancient temple deep in the mountains. How could she have seen so many decorative furniture made of gold? However, She just sighed in her heart, and didn't show anything on her face. Yang Xiaobao couldn't help admiring her indifferent expression when she saw her favorite. You must know that it was the first time she entered Dean Ling's house and saw such a Duojinzi was amazed at that time, and the expression of astonishment was beyond words, and Niu Shuzhen was as surprised as he was at that time, and she was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth for a long time.

After Yang Xiaobao and Xinyi came in, Dean Ling immediately asked them to sit on the sofa, and then, Dean Ling immediately said to Yang Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, what do you want me to do for you, now you can say it."

"Dean Ling, I want my friend to enter the academy, and I ask Dean Ling for help." Yang Xiaobao said straight to the point. He didn't expect Dean Ling to mention this matter as soon as he entered the door. It seems that Ling Yuan The boss is still quite concerned about his affairs, so Yang Xiaobao continued: "It would be best for Dean Ling to accept her as a disciple. Xinyi is now just like me, alone, with no family left. If Dean Ling can accept her as an apprentice, she also has something to rely on."

"Girl, show me your right hand." Dean Ling didn't directly answer the question about raising Xiaobao, but said to Xinyi that she had already faintly felt that the girl's physique was not simple, and that she should be a beautiful girl. Wu is a good seed, so I want to confirm her pulse.

After Xinyi heard Dean Ling's words, she was taken aback for a moment, then stretched out her right hand without hesitation, and brought it to Dean Ling. She could also see that this Dean Ling was very powerful, no matter what aspect he was She is much better than her original master. It would be great if she could be her teacher. Since she and Yang Xiaobao came out of the mountain, seeing so many people and things, she gradually understands that this world is one. In a world where the weak prey on the strong, only by achieving higher achievements in martial arts can he have the power to protect himself, and will not drag Xiaobao's hind legs.

Dean Ling saw that Xinyi stretched out her hand carelessly and calmly, and she couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction. She still liked this girl very much. Not only was she very beautiful, but she was also so smart and so extraordinary. , in such a materialistic society, she is indeed a rare and good girl, but I just don't know what kind of physique she is. If her physique is acceptable, she can still be accepted as a disciple.

Dean Ling immediately picked up the wrist she liked, but she was shocked as soon as she took the pulse of her wrist, she looked at her in disbelief, and then took the pulse carefully.

Seeing the change in Dean Ling's face, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help raising his heart. Seeing Dean Ling's surprised look just now, he should have discovered an incredible situation. Generally speaking, incredible things are nothing more than two situations , One is very good, the other is very bad, I don't know whether my favorite physique is very good or very bad, so Yang Xiaobao can't help but feel a little worried.

However, his worry was obviously superfluous, because she immediately saw Dean Ling's surprised expression, and she couldn't hide it at all, and she couldn't stop admiring: "Okay, very good, very good." It's no wonder Dean Ling wants to applaud loudly, because she really did not expect, really did not expect that this favorite is actually the legendary Tianjue Physique. Not only that, what is rare is that this girl has not practiced any martial arts mentality, she is like a blank sheet of paper, she can write whatever she wants, what is even more rare is that this girl is still a virgin, which is very suitable for cultivation She mastered the Nine Yin Yuan Jing, a technique of her master's school.

After Dean Ling repeatedly said yes, then saw Lie Xin happily saying to Yang Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, I accept this friend of yours, this is a rare body in a thousand years, Xiaobao, you Where did you find such a good product for me, thank you."

"Tianjue physique? Is it stronger than Tianyin physique?" Yang Xiaobao immediately asked in surprise. The physique is not good, and I was afraid that Dean Ling would not like it, but I didn't expect that the favorite had the physique of Tianjue.

"Of course, Tianjue Physique is much better than Tianyin Physique." Dean Ling said immediately, but seeing Niu Shuzhi's disappointed expression, she added: "Of course, Tianyin Physique is not bad either. They're all top-notch physiques."

When Niu Shuzhen heard the master's last words, her complexion immediately improved. It's no wonder that she was worried about gains and losses. She was already inferior to her favorite in appearance, but she didn't expect that even her Tianyin physique, which she was most proud of, lost to her favorite Of course, she can only accept these things, and she can accept them, but if the master looks down on her physique from now on, it will be too chilling. Fortunately, the master still cares about her and gave her affirmative words.

(End of this chapter)

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