Chapter 170
When Xinyi heard Dean Ling's words, she was also overjoyed. She didn't expect that she still had such a good physique, so she quickly called Master, knelt down and kowtowed three times to Dean Ling, and said, "Disciple I would like to meet Master."

Seeing Xinyi going on the road like this, Dean Ling liked it more and more. He immediately helped Xinyi up and said, "Okay, good apprentice." After speaking, he took out a very special small stone and handed it to Xinyi, saying, "Okay, as a teacher, I will give you a hand. I will give you a Lingyuan Stone as a meeting gift."

Niu Shuzhen saw that the master actually gave this junior sister a precious Lingyuan stone as a meeting gift, and she couldn't help being a little envious, but she didn't have any dissatisfaction, but she was just a little envious. After all, she is also a sensible person, not to mention that this junior sister They are all much better than her in appearance, and it is quite normal to be favored by the master. There is no need for me to be jealous, and I can only practice hard to narrow the gap as much as possible.

Xinyi thanked her and put away the Lingyuan stone, but she had no place to put it, so she naturally said to Yang Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, I have no place to put the precious gift that Master gave me. No, you can put it away for me first."

"Sister Xinyi, this is a gift from your master. It's not suitable for me. Otherwise, I'll give you another Qiankun bag." After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he immediately took it out of the system space A Qiankun bag was handed to Xinyi. Of course, the Qiankun bag was not empty. In addition to the clothes bought for Xinyi in Bird Town, there were more than a dozen low-grade Lingyuan stones, which were given by Dean He Ling. There are many things like her Lingyuan stones, such as low-grade Lingyuan stones, Yangxiaobao, middle-grade Lingyuan stones and high-grade Lingyuan stones, and he also has a lot of them. Harvest, if others know that he has so many spirit stones, I am afraid that he will have no peace and will definitely be hunted down. However, of course Yang Xiaobao will not show his treasure in front of others. We already know the principle of keeping money secret on earth, let alone in this world where the jungle preys on the jungle?
Xinyi took the Qiankun bag, showed an alluring smile, and said, "Xiaobao, thank you."

Yang Xiaobao also smiled at Xinyi, then waved his hand and said: "Your master entrusted you to me before he died, so it is only natural for me to take care of you, no thanks."

After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he suddenly saw Niu Shuzhen's disappointed expression, so he quickly took out a Qiankun bag and handed it to Niu Shuzhen with a smile and said, "Beauty, brother, let me give you one too."

Niu Shuzhen immediately accepted it happily. This was the first time Yang Xiaobao gave her a gift, and it was a gift she liked very much and needed very much. Although it was given to her after giving it to her junior sister, she also Don't worry about it, it's useless to worry about it, although she first met Yang Xiaobao when she was in her favorite junior sister, but so what, after all, she and Yang Xiaobao are just friends, and Yang Xiaobao has helped her too much , it is better not to be insatiable in life.

"Xinyi still has a master? Entrusted her to you before she died? What's going on? Xiaobao, tell me about it." Dean Ling became interested in what Yang Xiaobao said to Xinyi just now. After all, she still doesn't know the life experience of this new disciple, and now she hears about Yang Xiaobao, so she naturally wants to ask a question. The more she knows about this new disciple, the better she can understand Teach students according to their aptitude, and better cultivate a future martial arts expert. From this, we can see that Dean Ling is not only a good leader of the academy, but also a very persistent and responsible master.

When Yang Xiaobao saw Dean Ling asking about it, he immediately told him about getting lost in the deep mountains of Bird Town, finding an ancient temple later, and being left alone by his favorite master on the deathbed, etc. Xiaobao's eloquence is good. When it comes to the heartbeat, Niu Shuzhen almost shed tears when she heard it. Therefore, now she doesn't have any dissatisfaction with her favorite, but only pity and helplessness, and Dean Ling also listens. I was so sad, and I felt more pity for this little apprentice.

Dean Ling heard Yang Xiaobao tell the whole process of meeting his favorite, and he couldn't help but lamented that the two of them were destined for each other. Yang Xiaobao didn't leave sooner or later, and when the old nun was about to die, only the last one was left. It took only one breath to arrive. It can be seen that all this is really predestined.

Dean Ling sighed for a while, then suddenly pointed to Niu Shuzhen and said to Xinyi: "Xinyi, this is also a disciple of the teacher, he entered the door earlier than you, so you can call her Senior Sister, she will be accepted as a teacher in your life." You two disciples will not accept apprentices again in the future, I hope you two will be more intimate, just like real sisters."

Xinyi heard what Master said, and immediately called Niu Shuzhen a senior sister very affectionately. Niu Shuzhen felt very kind when she heard this senior sister, so she immediately agreed affectionately. Unknowingly became intimate.Niu Shuzhen also didn't expect that now she has a smart and beautiful junior sister who is deeply related to Yang Xiaobao, so she couldn't help but feel speechless.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao didn't know what Niu Shuzhen was thinking, even if he knew he would just laugh it off. After all, many things were beyond his control, just like his feelings for Xinyi, Niu Shuzhen, Tang Qinghan and Xie Yixiang. He doesn't know who to treat more affectionately, and whom to treat less, it seems that in his heart, these women are very important. In this regard, he feels that he and Mr. Jin Yong from Huaguo in the previous life on Earth Duan Zhengchun in the martial arts novels he wrote has some similarities, of course they are only emotionally similar, and he will never be the same as Duan Zhengchun, showing mercy everywhere, always giving up, and he still has great confidence in this point. , at least, it must be the case at this stage. As for what will happen in the future, he can't say clearly. After all, what will happen in the future is not something that can be imagined now.

However, he doesn't bother to take care of these things now, after all, he doesn't want to get married now, and he doesn't need to make any choices, just let things take their course, let them put aside their disputes first, and develop together later.

Dean Ling saw that Yang Xiaobao looked at Niu Shuzhen for a while, and then at his favorite, and his face kept changing, as if he was fighting some kind of psychological struggle. Kind of like, two of his beautiful disciples are constantly arguing and messing with him, but it may not be easy for this kid to make a choice between his two disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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