Chapter 172 Foodie Nun
Seeing that the three of them had no objections, Yang Xiaobao immediately adjusted the navigation to the Kaixuan Hotel, then started the car and started on the road. However, Yang Xiaobao did not drive fast this time, but kept driving at a constant speed. I'm not familiar with the roads in the city, so it's okay to drive slowly, and I don't need to be in a hurry anyway.

About half an hour later, Yang Xiaobao arrived at the entrance of the Kaixuan Hotel. It had been more than half a year since Yang Xiaobao had been here. The signboard of the big hotel, but it is a little different from the original, and the paint on the exterior wall has been changed again. The doorman standing at the entrance of the big hotel has disappeared, and has been replaced by two girls in uniform, standing on one side One, seeing the four of Yang Xiaobao walking in, quickly smiled and said, "Welcome."

Yang Xiaobao led Niu Shuzhen and the others into the Kaixuan Hotel without looking sideways, or went straight up to the second floor, or chose to sit down at the table by the window. As soon as Yang Xiaobao and the others sat down, the waiter came over immediately Greeting them, Yang Xiaobao took a look at the waiter. It was a coincidence that this was the same waiter. Yang Xiaobao immediately smiled at her and said, "Beauty, we are really destined. Too many, you are still here and met again."

The waiter was stunned when he heard Yang Xiaobao's words, but soon remembered who Yang Xiaobao was. Although Yang Xiaobao had changed a lot now, the waiter still recognized him. There have been two incidents here, and each time was more violent. Her original boss Qian Feizong and his son were severely injured and died. Moreover, Qian Feizong has never returned since he left half a year ago. Knowing whether to be dead or alive.

After the waiter recognized Yang Xiaobao, she was taken aback immediately, wondering if Yang Xiaobao would come to make trouble again. In fact, her idea really wronged Yang Xiaobao. It wasn't that Yang Xiaobao took the initiative to provoke him, it was him who responded passively. Besides, Yang Xiaobao is not a person who likes to cause trouble, but he is not afraid of things that provoke him, just like the previous two incidents, then He had just come to this world not long ago, he was not familiar with many things, he couldn't even recognize a recipe, and his martial arts were not strong, but he still won battle after battle with his courage and wisdom.

However, Yang Xiaobao doesn't care what the waiter thinks of him. He has always been indifferent to other people's opinions. His own affairs are always in his own hands. That's all.

Yang Xiaobao then picked up the menu and handed it to Niu Shuzhen, saying: "Sister Shuzhen, it's better for you to order, order whatever you want, don't save money for me, brother, I am really not short of money now."

The waiter next to him couldn't help but lick his mouth when he heard Yang Xiaobao's words, and thought that what you said frankly sounds nice, it's true every time you eat good food and expensive food, but which time did you pay the bill?But she just said this in her heart, she didn't dare to say it, even if she lent her a few more courage, she didn't dare. There is a reason, and he is not to be blamed at all. The first time it was because after the conflict with Ouyang He, the young master of the Spider Gang, things got out of hand. ?After the second time they came here to eat and drink, they wanted to pay the bill, but they didn't expect that Qian Feizong and his son, the owner of the hotel, wanted to blackmail him for 2000 million gold coins, but the blackmail failed. Qian Feizong's son With a lot of money, even relying on some cultivation, he even wanted to kill someone. Fortunately, Yang Xiaobao activated the system energy blessing at the time of emergency, and killed the money in an instant. Since the owner of the hotel, Qian Feizong and his son If he is not benevolent, then naturally he cannot be blamed for raising Xiaobao for being unrighteous, so it is naturally impossible to settle this debt with him.

Niu Shuzhen took the menu and looked at it. Instead of ordering immediately, she handed the menu to Xinyi and said, "Junior Sister, you should order."

Xinyi quickly waved her hand and said, "Senior Sister, I won't order, you can order." Also, Xinyi grew up in the mountains since she was a child, and has never been to any hotel, and she can't even read a few words. Where will I order what dishes.

Yang Xiaobao met Niu Shuzhen and Xinyi for less than a day, but since they both worship Dean Ling as their teacher, the relationship is very harmonious. I couldn't help feeling very relieved, and my mood improved, so I waved my hand and said to Niu Shuzhen and Xinyi: "You two beauties, you don't need to order, just serve the best and most expensive dishes."

After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he turned his head around, looked at the waiter and said, "Sister, did you hear what I said just now? We don't need to order any more. We will serve you the best dishes from your hotel and the chef's best dishes." Just come up to a table and bring a piece of high-quality red wine."

The waiter had seen Niu Shuzhen and Xinyi looking at the recipes for a long time, but they didn't order a dish, so he couldn't help but scorned in his heart: "It looks like a woman who has never seen the world, and she has no money to come to a big hotel. Pretentious, do you think you can show yourself around because you are beautiful?" The waiter probably had a strong jealousy of the beauty of his favorite, so he developed a sense of hostility towards his favorite for no reason.

And now she heard Yang Xiaobao yelling for the best food and the best wine again, and she thought that this person would not want to eat the king's meal again, so he wouldn't give him money, but she could only say that Thinking about it in my heart, of course she didn't dare to say it out. She knew how good Xiaobao was, so she didn't dare to say anything more. Besides, even if Xiaobao came to eat Bawang's meal again, it would not be a loss to her. It's just working in a hotel.Therefore, after hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, she quickly agreed, and then went in to confess.

About 10 minutes later, a table of good dishes and a good wine were delivered one after another. Yang Xiaobao and Xinyi, Niu Shuzhen and Xiao Fatty started to eat and drink, and celebrated with each other. The theme is of course It was to celebrate that Xinyi found a good master, and that Fatty and Yang Xiaobao both passed the assessment and became disciples of the inner courtyard of Starry Sky Academy. She is a nun, but no matter whether it is meat or vegetable, whether it is flying in the sky, swimming in the water, or running on the ground, she will eat as much as she wants, and she can drink a lot. She can kill two bottles of red wine by herself. Xiaobao was stunned again when he saw his favorite food, how could he be a nun like this, this is a foodie at all, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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