Chapter 173
When the waiter saw Xinyi's eating appearance, she also despised her in her heart, and said she didn't know where such a starving ghost appeared, as if she hadn't eaten for a few days, she was already full of the beauty of her favorite. Jealousy, now that she finds a reason to despise her, of course she won't miss it, or she doesn't know that her favorite has a nun's identity, if she finds out, maybe it will be so embarrassing in her heart.

That's right, Xinyi's head has already grown an inch-long hair, and she has never been ordained, and her clothes are very trendy, so she can't see the appearance of being a nun at all, not only can't be seen, And it also added a lot of charm. I just drank a bottle or two of red wine, and my face was even more radiant like a peach blossom, adding infinite charm, which directly attracted many diners upstairs to pay attention to the ceremony, and they all sighed its astonishment.

Seeing Xinyi's stunning and charming appearance, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but take a few more glances. He had already experienced the special beauty of Xinyi, but he didn't expect it to be so beautiful, and he sighed in his heart that it was amazing.

However, just when Yang Xiaobao was secretly lamenting the beauty of his favorite beauty, which harmed the country and the people, a voice that sounded harsh suddenly came: "Yoha, what a beautiful beauty, Fourth Young Master, come and see, our brother's welfare is here!" .”

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but twitched when he heard this piercing sound, because the sound was too unpleasant, so Yang Xiaobao turned his head to look at the source of the sound, and there was a beautifully dressed man at the top of the stairs. The bearded young man was staring intently at his favorite, his eyes still glowing green. Behind him came another young man. He looked so oily and powdered, and as soon as his people came up, he said: "There are few flowers, where is the beauty?" However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw that his face was like peach blossoms, and he was a little surprised, and immediately turned his face Surprised, he immediately walked towards Yang Xiaobao and the others, and then six people came up behind the two young people. After these six people came up, they all stood behind the two young people in front, watching It can be concluded that these six people are the bodyguards of the two young people.

Yang Xiaobao noticed that these six people were all Wuxiu, and they were Wuheng ninth-level Wuxiu. Such a lineup of bodyguards is really strong. It can be seen that these two young people have a lot of background, but Yang Xiaobao doesn't care how old they are. Boss, as long as you don't offend him, everyone will live in peace, but if you offend him, you can only blame them for being unlucky. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, I will offend others. This sentence The words are not just words, raising Xiaobao has always been like this, a martial artist must have the momentum to move forward, if he is timid, how can he become enlightened?

"Young Master Hua, I said why I heard magpies calling when I woke up today. It turns out that there is really a happy event." The young man named Si Shao said as if there was no one around him.

"Isn't it? Fourth Young Master, such a top-notch beauty is rare in a hundred years, and today we brothers met." The young man named Hua Shao immediately responded, although his voice was full of surprises, But still so harsh and ugly.

The two young people came to Yang Xiaobao's table while talking, stared at Xinyi and Niu Shuzhen, and regarded Yang Xiaobao and little fat Jiang Yu as air, it's no wonder they were like this, after all They have always looked at no one to blame, they have always walked sideways in the boundary of Shanshui City, and they are also strong martial arts.

And they also saw that Niu Shuzhen had the highest cultivation level for raising Xiaobao and the four of them, Wu Heng was at the second level, and the little fat man Wu Yuan was at the fifth level. As for raising Xiaobao, because he didn't have any vitality fluctuations at all , so in their eyes, he was just an ordinary person, so he was directly ignored by these two people.

"Beauty, are you full?" The guy named Hua Shao made such an opening remark as soon as he came up, which surprised Yang Xiaobao. Ouyang He, the young master of the Spider Gang, didn't expect that this guy didn't make a move, but said something like this, it seems that these two guys don't want to follow the routine of the overlord, but want to hook up It's interesting, let's see how they blend.

"Are you talking to me?" Xinyi asked in confusion, blinking her beautiful big eyes, but her appearance became more and more charming, even Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but stare dumbfounded, not to mention Are these two perverts called Hua Shao and Si Shao?
The guy called Young Master Hua actually forgot to answer for a while, and the same guy called Young Master Si said, "Yes, of course we talked to you, and only a woman as beautiful as a fairy like you is worthy of our brother's initiative." speak to you."

"I don't know you guys, so what can I say." Xinyi still said with some doubts.

"We got to know each other soon, let's treat you to dinner." The guy called Hua Shao immediately interjected, but he was still talking about the topic of eating, and it seemed that he already knew about eating.

"But I'm full." Xinyi said immediately, and after she finished speaking, she hiccupped, breathed out the smell of alcohol, and her face turned even redder.

"It's okay if you don't eat, then let's go and sing." The fourth young master said immediately, and the two guys actually said something each, and they cooperated quite tacitly.

"But I can't sing, and I've never sung before." Xinyi said with a blank face, but her appearance added a hazy beauty.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know how to sing, we brothers can teach you, the song I sing is really nice." The young man called Hua Shao immediately interjected.

"You're lying, you speak so badly, it's no wonder you sing well." Xinyi said with a look of disbelief.

"He made a mistake just now. What he said was that the song I sang is very good. It's really good. If you don't believe me, I'll sing a part for you." The fourth young master said immediately, and coughed immediately after finishing speaking. Twice, cleared his throat, and then began to sing:
"Touch my sister's face, my sister will blush, see if my sister obeys.

The second touched my sister's head, my sister is so gentle.

Touch my sister's waist three times, my sister is so coquettish.

Si touch my sister's back, my sister is sleeping with me.

Wu touches sister's legs, sister has a lot of water.


(End of this chapter)

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