Chapter 175
The little fat man was thrown to the ground by a Wuheng ninth-level powerhouse. After all, his current Wuyuan fifth-level skill cultivation base is indeed far from the bodyguard of Si Shao, so he can't even parry a single move. , was thrown down all of a sudden, and then passed out.

This Wuheng ninth-level bodyguard strongman saw the little fat man thrown to the ground by his stroke, and immediately smiled contemptuously, but he didn't stop there, because they got the order from their second young master that the man's life and death are irrelevant, and the woman's Capture alive, isn't this little fat man a man?Then you can't blame him for killing him, if you want to blame, blame yourself, the ghost told him that he is a man and not a woman!But even if he is a woman, if he is still so fat, the second young master probably won't like it, and I'm afraid he will die.

This Wuheng ninth-level bodyguard turned his thoughts to this, and immediately raised his palm, and was about to slap the little fat man's Tianling cover, when he felt a huge pain in the back of his heart, and the vitality of his body was disappearing rapidly. There was no way he could slap this palm, but he glanced back instinctively, only to find that Yang Xiaobao was holding a dagger in his back, but he hadn't had time to think about it. What happened, he fell headlong to the ground, lost all consciousness in an instant, and was already too dead to die.

Immediately with a thought, Yang Xiaobao put away the bloody Nebula dagger, and then with another thought, he took out a special pill from the system space and stuffed it into the little fat man's mouth, but the injury the little fat man suffered this time was indeed too serious. It was too serious, so he didn't wake up immediately, but with this special pill, his life was definitely saved, and the injury was also slowly recovering.

When Yang Xiaobao fed the little fat man the pills and was about to get up, there was a sudden sound of piercing behind him, and Niu Shuzhen and Xinyi also yelled in unison: "Xiaobao, be careful." Niu Shuzhen struggled even harder, He wanted to go to rescue Yang Xiaobao, but she was captured by a Wuheng ninth-level strongman, and there was no way she could break free, so she could only worry.

Of course, if he knew Yang Xiaobao's current real cultivation level and super combat power, he wouldn't be so worried. She still thinks that Yang Xiaobao's cultivation level is about the same as hers, but her favorite performance is better than hers. Much calmer. Of course, it's not that she likes Yang Xiaobao and doesn't worry about Yang Xiaobao, but that she has been following Yang Xiaobao for the past few days, and witnessed Yang Xiaobao single-handedly defeating the entire spider gang, and the whole process of being invincible. In her heart, she felt that raising Xiaobao was an invincible existence, so although she was a little worried, she was not as anxious as Niu Shuzhen and almost collapsed.

When Yang Xiaobao heard the sound of breaking through the air from behind, he immediately knew that someone was sneaking up on him, but with his current cultivation base, he didn't feel any danger at all, whether it was hot weapons, pistol bullets, or cold weapons, knives and swords Even a halberd can't hurt him easily, unless the powerhouse of the weapon wielder is stronger than him, that's a different matter, but here, the highest cultivation level of these people on the scene is only Wu Heng's ninth level, so he doesn't even Don't be afraid.

Yang Xiaobao didn't even turn his head to take a look. He just quickly ran the Liangyi Shengxi Divine Art for a week, and the strong bodyguard of Wuheng ninth level who attacked behind saw that Yang Xiaobao didn't move at all, thinking that Yang Xiaobao Bao didn't have time to react, he was overjoyed, and quickly added another force to the soft whip in his hand, and the whip immediately became hard and straight, like a golden gun poking at Yang Xiaobao's back.

And Yang Xiaobao just instinctively twisted his body to avoid the back of his heart. The hard and straight whip immediately poked his back. Seeing this scene, Niu Shuzhen and Xinyi both cried out at the same time Waking up, Niu Shuzhen felt a piercing pain in her heart, and tears flowed down in an instant.

Seeing that the whip had hit the target, the sneak attacking Wuheng ninth-level powerhouse immediately became ecstatic. Although he didn't hit the man's back, but with the blessing of ninety-nine percent of his skills, the whip went down, even if A huge rock can poke a big hole, let alone a human body of flesh and blood?

However, his joy did not last long, and his good thoughts were shattered after all, because he immediately saw that Yang Xiaobao was fine after being whipped, not only fine, but also calmly Turning around, he glanced at him with a playful smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, the strong man at the ninth level of Wuheng immediately acted recklessly. What the hell is swollen? Just now, the whip with almost all his strength failed to stab him to death. Could it be that this person's body is stronger than granite? Still harder?You know, with the power of his whip just now, even granite can pierce a big hole.

It's really a ghost. Seeing that there is no fluctuation of vitality on his body, it is absolutely impossible to be a strong martial artist. Is this person a human or a ghost?Thinking of this, the strong bodyguard of Wuheng's ninth level felt a shudder involuntarily in his heart.

When Niu Shuzhen saw this scene, she couldn't help but burst into tears again, but the tears didn't have a hint of sadness, but were full of infinite joy, and a heart that had just sunk into the bottom of the sea instantly surfaced The surface of the water was covered with overcast clouds just now, but now the clouds have opened and the sun has risen.

Xinyi also had a happy smile on her face at the moment. When she saw Yang Xiaobao being poked by that hard and straight whip just now, she was really frightened. , and now when she saw that there was nothing wrong with raising Xiaobao, a hanging heart finally settled down.

As for the two second young masters Si Shao and Hua Shao, they were also very frightened at the moment. They all looked at Yang Xiaobao in disbelief, as if they were looking at a monster. They also knew just now how powerful Yang Xiaobao is. But he didn't expect him to be so powerful that even his subordinate Wu Heng's ninth-level powerhouse couldn't do anything to him with a sneak attack. What the hell is going on?Is this kid a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death?
But Yang Xiaobao is too lazy to care about what they think now, because they have successfully angered him now. Since they have violated him, he will definitely return it. If he does not return it, it will definitely affect his way. Heart, and this is by no means the desired result of raising Xiaobao.

At this moment, Yang Xiaobao had put away his joking smile, and took a step forward to meet the Wuheng ninth-level strongman who sneaked up on him. Seeing that Yang Xiaobao had already slapped him with a slap, although he wanted to avoid it, but under the pressure of Yang Xiaobao's powerful aura, his body didn't listen to him at all, and he couldn't even move, just like It's like being immobilized by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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