Chapter 176 Bleeding
After two crisp sounds of "Papa", the bodyguard of Wu Heng's ninth-level strongman was shot up immediately, a mouthful of blood sprayed from his mouth, and fell from the air. After a few seconds, he heard "Papa" again. " With a sound, the strong bodyguard fell on a dining table again.

Then there was another series of bangs, and the dishes, chopsticks, wine bottles, wine glasses and other messy things on the table were smashed to the ground, and the man also fell to the floor, spitting out the last mouthful of blood, rolling his eyes upwards Overturned, he died instantly.

After Yang Xiaobao slapped the ninth-level Wuheng bodyguard to death, he immediately said to the other two bodyguards who were besieging Niu Shuzhen and his favorite bodyguard: "You all should be sensible and let go of my friend, otherwise this dead man underground will be yours." end."

The brains of the other two Wuheng ninth-level strong bodyguards have been short-circuited for several seconds at this moment. They really did not expect that Yang Xiaobao would be so strong. Killing a Wuheng ninth-level martial artist, is this the concept of a god horse?Is this world going to change?Are warriors inferior to ordinary people?

The two men immediately came to their senses when they heard Yang Xiaobao's yelling and blatant threats, but they couldn't decide whether to let go or not, so they all looked at the fourth young master, and the fourth young master and Hua Shao looked at each other After one glance, he immediately made a decision to release them, so he immediately said, "Let them go."

When the two heard the young master's words, they quickly let go of Xinyi and Niu Shuzhen, and then quickly retreated to the side, secretly rejoicing in their hearts. Fortunately, they were ordered to arrest these two women, or they would have been with a few of them. Like his companions, he was either dead or injured.

The current situation is that the three of Hua Shao's subordinates have been seriously injured, but they are not dead. It is estimated that they can survive after treatment. However, one of Si Shao's three subordinates died, and two are still alive. The losses suffered by the two second young masters were equal, and they were not much worse.

However, the two second young masters were really scared. They also knew that this refusal was kicked on the iron plate, not just the iron plate, but the steel plate. I can't imagine that this person is not Star Academy Is it a disciple of the inner court?How could an inner court disciple be so powerful?

However, the facts are right in front of them, and they couldn't help but believe it. Four of the six martial arts masters at the ninth level of Wuheng were knocked down by Yang Xiaobao in the blink of an eye. Already lying on the ground.

Now there is only one thought in the minds of these two second young masters. This person cannot be offended, at least not yet. Not good, if you offend this person, you may lose your life. Therefore, if you don't suffer the immediate loss, you'd better give in for a while, and let's avoid this disaster.

So, the two of them hugged Yang Xiaobao at the same time and said: "My friend, you are very skilled. It was our brother's fault just now. I'm here to accompany you. Let's leave for now, how about it?"

"What the hell, you injured my brother and scared my girlfriend, so you want to leave like this? Are you a fucking bully?" Yang Xiaobao asked the two of them. If he wanted to leave it like this, he would naturally not agree. As far as what these birdmen did just now, it would not be too much to kill them. How could they easily forgive these two shameless second young masters.

"My friend, you can't say that. Your brother was injured, but my men suffered heavy casualties, so we didn't say anything." The Second Young Master called Fourth Young Master immediately interjected.

"My god, you guys are so shameless and low-spirited that you are so shameless and mean-spirited now?" When Yang Xiaobao heard the second young master's words Wanting to find a balance, he immediately said angrily that he was fortunate to have met him just now, if they were really ordinary people, wouldn't they have already become desperate souls?
From what happened just now, it can be seen that these people must have done bad things in normal times, and bullying men and women is probably commonplace. For such evil guys, Yang Xiaobao will never let them go easily, even though he is not No good person will deliberately do things like a hero, but since these shameless guys have already bullied him, there is no reason not to get them back.

"My friend, how do you want to end this matter?" The second young master named Hua Shao asked immediately. Pressure, how could he say such weak words, others have always spoken to him in a low voice before.

"Give you three options, first, each cut off a hand and add another leg; second, the two of you slap each other a hundred loud slaps, and then poke an eye blind; third, each Compensation is 800 million gold coins, plus ten Qiankun bags per person." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"My friend, did you make a mistake? Please forgive us for not accepting these three conditions." The guy called Fourth Young Master immediately objected when he heard Yang Xiaobao say such harsh conditions.

"I can't accept it, right? Then let me help you implement the first condition. Each of you cut off a hand and add a leg." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, and immediately took a step forward after speaking, with a thought, A star dagger appeared in his hand, and under the fluorescent light of the hotel, the nebula dagger shone dazzlingly, obviously it was not ordinary.

"Wait, friend, let's agree to the third condition." The second young master called Hua Shao saw that Yang Xiaobao showed the Nebula dagger, and obviously wanted to do it, so he said quickly, 800 million gold coins plus Although the ten Qiankun bags were already bleeding heavily, they were still much better than cutting off their hands and feet.

After all, money is something outside of the body. If it is gone, you can find a way to get it again. If you lose your hands and feet, you will really be gone. If you want to regenerate it, you have to practice after Wu Zun. But with their cultivation speed, Will it take until the year of the monkey to get Wu Zun?Perhaps it may not be possible to do it at the age of one hundred.

"Okay, since that's the case, then each person will give out 800 million gold coins, plus ten Qiankun bags." Yang Xiaobao saw that they had agreed to compensation, so he immediately put away the Xingyun dagger, and said immediately.

"But we don't have so many gold coins on us, my friend, can you go home with us to get them?" The second young master named Fourth Young Master suddenly said helplessly and with some panic.

(End of this chapter)

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