Chapter 177

"Okay, brother, I'll accompany you for a walk." Yang Xiaobao immediately agreed, with his current cultivation skills and various means, even if he meets a stronger warrior than him, he will not be afraid , just go, I'm afraid they will pull out some magic tricks to make it work?If it really annoyed him, he didn't mind killing these two shameless guys at any time.

However, before going to the homes of the two second young masters, it is still necessary to send the three of Fatty, Xinyi and Niu Shuzhen back to Starry Sky Academy. Only by sending them back to Starry Sky Academy can he have no scruples Let go and do it.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately said to the two second young masters: "You two follow me to the Starry Sky Academy. I will go back with you after I send my brothers and friends back."

The two second young masters Hua Shao and Si Shao looked at each other and immediately agreed, even if they disagreed. With Yang Xiaobao being so powerful, they had no place to speak, and they had to agree even if they disagreed.

Of course, they are not worried about what Yang Xiaobao will do to them. You know, with Yang Xiaobao's skill, they are not his opponents at all. If you want to kill them, you can kill them at any time here. There is no need to go back to the Starry Sky Academy to attack them again. If this is the case, wouldn't that mean taking off your pants and farting?

Therefore, the two second young masters immediately said to the two accompanying bodyguards: "Go back first, take them all back, and we will go to the Star Academy with this friend before coming back."

The two powerful bodyguards of the ninth level of Wu Yuan immediately agreed readily, and then went to carry a few companions who were lying on the ground. This time it was also thanks to their fate, otherwise they would either die like the three seriously injured companions, or they would never see the sun tomorrow morning again.

Immediately, Yang Xiaobao picked up the little fat man from the ground, and then said to the two second young masters: "You can buy the bill for me first."

When the two second young masters heard Yang Xiaobao's words, although the boss was unwilling, they immediately said to the waiter standing not far away: "Calculate how much this friend spent on this table just now."

"A total of [-] gold coins." The waiter said immediately.

"What the hell, why are there so many? Did you make a mistake?" The second young master named Fourth Young Master said in disbelief when he heard that the meal cost so many gold coins. This really shocked them. You must know that with their identities, they have never eaten [-] gold coins at a table when eating in a hotel. They did not expect these disciples of the Star Academy to spend so much at once.

Of course, how much they consume has nothing to do with them. Now that they have to pay the bill, they naturally feel a feeling of being slaughtered. A hotel also wants to play their ideas, which is not the result they want.

However, now that Yang Xiaobao is here, they are not easy to get angry, so they can only say: "Just put the account on the account of the commander of the Royal Guards, and someone will come up to settle the account with you in the future."

When the waiter was about to say something, suddenly a bald middle-aged man ran over quickly, and said in a hurry: "You two young masters, please don't get me wrong, this waiter is ignorant, so this order will be waived. How can I accept money from you, my lord!"

"Hmph, you're wise." The second young master named Hua Shao saw that the owner of the hotel was still a good person, and felt a lot better, so he snorted.

Seeing that this boss is no longer the original boss Qian Feizong, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being stunned for a moment, it seems that Qian Feizong is no longer here, even the owner of this hotel has changed, Yang Xiaobao thought of this, and then shook his head , and didn't bother to take care of their affairs anymore, and then took Niu Shuzhen and Xinyi out of the Kaixuan Hotel, and the two second young masters hurriedly followed.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao and the others still didn't pay for the meal this time, the waiter couldn't help saying in his heart: "This guy is really not a good person. He ate here three times in a row. He ate more than once, and he ate more than once. It's expensive once, and the food is better than once, but I haven't paid for it even once."

However, the waiter had just finished eating when the bald boss suddenly yelled at her: "Do you know who you were talking to just now? Do you know that you said something you shouldn't have said? Those two The young master is the second-generation official of the royal family, so you can't say something nice? If you don't do it well, it will bring us murder, do you understand? Show me some insight in the future."

When the waiter heard the boss yelling at her suddenly, he felt aggrieved, but he had no choice but to despise Yang Xiaobao even more in his heart. If Yang Xiaobao knew what the waiter was thinking, he would only I can haha.

Yang Xiaobao carried the little fat man out of the big hotel to the parking lot, opened the car door and put the little fat man on the back seat, asked Niu Shuzhen to help him to prevent the little fat man from rolling off the seat, and then let Xinyi get into the passenger seat Okay, after arranging everything, he said to the two second young masters: "You also drive a car and follow behind me, brother. Remember, don't play any tricks, or I will let you die right away."

"Friend, don't worry, we will never leave alone, we will definitely follow behind your car." The second young master called Fourth Young Master said immediately, and at the same time thought to himself: "You guys are not stupid, why do you want to leave now? After you go back with us, we will settle the general account with you, new and old accounts together, and you still want to go to the house with us to ask for money, you are fucking poor and crazy, man Is money so easy to ask for?"

Yang Xiaobao doesn't care what the two birdmen think, as long as they follow him, it's better to send the little fat man and the others back to the Star Academy, so Yang Xiaobao immediately opened the car door, sat in the cab, and then started the car. The car drove out of the parking lot, and then drove directly to Starry Sky Academy. Along the way, he saw in the rear view mirror that the cars of the two second young masters were always following behind. He couldn't help smiling, thinking that these two boys were quite acquainted.

"Little Treasure, you should stop asking them for money later, and go back to the academy with us." Xinyi suddenly said worriedly.

"Yes, Xiaobao, my junior sister is right, you don't want to ask for money with them, you should go back with us." Niu Shuzhen also persuaded.

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(End of this chapter)

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