Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 178 Mercedes-Benz Turns Left, BMW Turns Right

Chapter 178 Mercedes-Benz Turns Left, BMW Turns Right

"It's okay, don't worry, brother, I have my own sense of proportion and confidence. Besides, martial arts practitioners of my generation can be afraid of the head and the tail, afraid of wolves and tigers? It is agreed that if they want to bleed, they will have to let those two scumbags bleed." "Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

After Niu Shuzhen and Xinyi heard Yang Xiaobao's words, they didn't say anything more. They all knew that Yang Xiaobao was a man of his own mind, and that whatever he decided would be done to the end.At the same time, he also secretly decided that he should practice hard in the future, try to help raise Xiaobao a little bit, and don't hold him back no matter how bad it is.

About [-] minutes later, Yang Xiaobao and the others returned to the gate of Starry Sky Academy, Yang Xiaobao parked the car, then got out of the car and carried the little fat man out, unexpectedly the little fat man woke up suddenly, He also said, "Xiaobao, let me come down, I feel like I'm fine."

"Really? Fatty, that's great. Brother, I thought you were going to lie in bed for a few days!" Yang Xiaobao was overjoyed when he saw that the fat man woke up suddenly and he was fine, and then slowly moved the The little fat man put it down.

As soon as the little fat man landed on the ground, he walked a few steps immediately. He felt that there was nothing wrong with his body. It is probably because Yang Xiaobao gave him special pills, so he recovered so quickly, but there is one thing he didn't know. Although the special pills that Yang Xiaobao gave him played a big role, there is another point that is also very important, that is, he is now a Wuyuan level [-] martial artist, and during the process of his serious injury and coma, he had subconsciously moved Healing the wounds with power, which played a complementary role with the special pills, which is why he healed so quickly.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the little fat man was fine, so he couldn't help but feel a little relieved. It seems that the little fat man has made a lot of progress in his practice. Yang Xiaobao doesn't think that the little fat man has suffered such a serious injury. The pill healed so quickly, unless it was the elixir, it must be the result of the little fat man's own exercise and assistance.

Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Fatty, Xinyi, and Niu Shuzhen, "Go back first, don't come out if you have nothing to do, just practice hard in the academy."

The little fat man was taken aback when he heard Yang Xiaobao's words. After all, he didn't know what happened after he passed out in the Kaixuan Hotel, and he didn't know that Yang Xiaobao would go back to the homes of the two second young masters to collect debts. But the little fat man Still nodded immediately, he would never ask about raising Xiaobao.

Now the little fat man not only trusts Yang Xiaobao, but also admires him very much. He is also strange. This Yang Xiaobao was originally the same person as him. He grew up together since he was a child. Who can eat a few bowls of dry rice? They all know that, but ever since Xiaobao woke up in the starry sky academy's outer courtyard disciple assessment ring the day he raised Xiaobao, he's been a completely different person.

Since that ring competition, Yang Xiaobao has become different from before in both his psychological quality and his external temperament. What's even more outrageous is that his ability has become unusually great, but it's okay, that is The brotherhood between them is still there, and the friendship between them is still as strong as ever, which is good enough, and being able to have a brother like Xiaobao is also considered a blessing from the little fat man's previous life.

Niu Shuzhen and Xinyi also looked at Yang Xiaobao reluctantly, and then walked into the Starry Sky Academy. Although they were still a little worried, they were helpless. After all, Yang Xiaobao had his own way to go, and they knew it. If you want to achieve success in martial arts, you must go through the baptism of blood and fire, but their current cultivation base is still low, and they cannot walk in the bloody rivers and lakes. After all, they do not have the ability to protect themselves, so they secretly decided to I have practiced well.

When Yang Xiaobao saw that Fatty, Xinyi, and Niu Shuzhen had all entered the Xing Kong Academy, he immediately smiled, and now it was time to let go, so he immediately went to the car of the two second young masters and pulled He opened the back door, sat in directly, and said to them: "Come on, you can go back and get the money now."

"Okay, friend, we won't let you down." Si Shao who was sitting in the driver's seat heard Yang Xiaobao's words, and immediately agreed, then started the car and started on the road. At the same time, he secretly laughed in his heart, this kid is really fucking The most important thing is that he is crazy about money, and he is not afraid of having money and spending his life.

Yang Xiaobao is too lazy to care what this person thinks of him. As soon as he gets in the car, he immediately closes his eyes and secretly calculates his current hole cards. Even if he is a strong man at the level of Wu Zun, he has the power to fight. Besides, his current pretense value is already more than 1 points, which means that he can use system energy to bless for more than ten seconds, even if he is No matter how strong the opponent is, he still has the power to protect himself.

Si Shao and Hua Shao, the two second young masters saw that Yang Xiaobao was still asleep, they couldn't help but smiled at each other, and said to themselves that this kid is really arrogant, and he is not usually very courageous, he dares to go to other people by himself The family wants money, is this money so easy to ask for?When the time comes back home, there is no need to rush to kill him, just grab him and torture him first.

After Si Shao drove the car on the main road, he didn't speed up, but kept driving at a constant speed. He wanted to leave time for the family to prepare. I believe that the subordinates who carried the wounded back must have reported to the old man, and they would definitely set up a net for this kid. Waiting, thinking of this, the Fourth Young Master couldn't help being in a good mood, and even unknowingly sang loudly.

The thoughts of raising Xiaobao were suddenly disturbed by his singing, and he couldn't help shouting: "You are fucking mourning, shut up quickly, brother, or I will whip you a few big bastards right away!" Mouth, believe it or not?"

The fourth young master was awakened immediately by Yang Xiaobao's yell, and then secretly scolded himself for being complacent, if he annoyed this guy, if he really wanted to slap himself a few times, it would be a big loss, so he quickly shut up, and then focused on to start the car.

Seeing that the second young master shut up obediently, Yang Xiaobao didn't say anything else, and then looked out the street view from the car window, feeling that the streets here are still similar to those on the earth. The car was going, thinking that he had returned to the earth, but suddenly he was attracted by the two cars in front of him.

Because, he saw that the models of these two cars were very similar to the Mercedes-Benz and BMW in the previous life on earth, so Yang Xiaobao immediately ordered the fourth young master who was driving: "Drive faster, catch up with the two cars in front of me. "

When the fourth young master heard Yang Xiaobao's order, he immediately increased the speed of the car. It seemed that this car was really not bad, but it caught up with the two cars in front in a few seconds. Yang Xiaobao finally saw clearly. The car really had the logos of Mercedes-Benz and BMW, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange, but when he wanted to take a closer look, he found a fork in the road ahead, and then the Mercedes-Benz turned left, BMW turned right, and the two cars went away. up.

(End of this chapter)

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