Chapter 179 Pain and happiness
The second young master named Fourth Young Master saw that the two cars in front had separated and left, and he didn't know which one to chase, so he immediately asked, "Friend, which one should we chase now?"

"Don't chase after it, just drive back to your home." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, originally he was just a little curious to see the same car here on earth, now that he has seen it, of course there is no need to chase it down.

"Okay, friend." When the Fourth Young Master heard that Yang Xiaobao said that he would not pursue him, he immediately agreed happily, and then drove away on the way back.

Originally, he didn't want to chase any cars, but he was forced to do so because of the pressure from Yang Xiaobao. Now he heard Yang Xiaobao said that he didn't need to chase the car and wanted to drive home. It seems that this guy really hates death Not fast enough, eager to reincarnate, this cannot but make him happy.

Si Shao guessed that the old man at home was almost ready, so he immediately increased his speed, and it took less than 10 minutes to return to the palace of the Kunyu royal family. After Si Shao stopped the car, several People got out of the car, Yang Xiaobao took a look at the royal palace, it was still the same as half a year ago, several gleaming silver armored chariots were still parked in place, and the surroundings were still as solemn as before.

Yang Xiaobao suddenly remembered the scene when he and Tang Qinghan came here on foot, and remembered the pleasant exchange with Tang Qinghan along the way, so he even forgot the time. When Bao thought of this, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Seeing the smile on Yang Xiaobao's face, the Fourth Young Master and Hua Shao couldn't help but feel a little reckless. I really don't know if this person is stupid or crazy. He's even in the palace, and he can still laugh. I'm dreaming of getting rich, I hope you can still laugh when you're caught, then you're a kid.

Fourth Young Master almost laughed out loud when he thought of this, so he immediately said, "Friend, we've arrived, are you waiting outside, or go in with us to get it?"

"I'll go in with you." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Okay, come in with us." Hua Shao said immediately.

With the two second young masters Hua Shao and Si Shao leading the way, raising Xiaobao is still as smooth as when Tang Qinghan brought him in last time, but without the treatment of being respected, it can be seen that the identities of the two second young masters are indeed different. Low.

Yang Xiaobao followed the two through the double side halls, and when they came to an empty field, Yang Xiaobao suddenly felt that something was wrong. As soon as the idea came up, he and the two second young masters were thrown together. Countless soldiers surrounded him, and at the same time, some people shouted: "There is an assassin, catch the assassin quickly."

Seeing this battle, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but sneer, brother, I said how come all the way, nothing happened, I thought these two boys were really willing to pay compensation!But it turned out to be waiting here.

Seeing so many soldiers, Si Shao immediately understood that it was the old man's arrangement, so he immediately exchanged glances with Hua Shao, and then prepared to run away, but before they took three steps, they were caught by Yang Xiaobao one by one Here, like an eagle catching a chicken.

Yang Xiaobao grabbed these two people, and then used Liangyi Shengxi Divine Art, piercing his dantian, and shouted: "Report to the king, Yang Xiaobao captured two assassins." Yang Xiaobao's voice was full of vitality Internal force, so the spread is extremely wide, every corner of the entire royal palace can be heard, of course the king also heard it.

At this moment, King Kunyu was very excited to talk to his daughter Tang Qinghan who had just returned from the empire in the study. The assessment of Lingyu Valley not only preserved his royal power, but also further stabilized the status of Kunyu Kingdom because Tang Qinghan came out of Lingyu Valley alive.

However, what makes the king very regretful is that he learned from Tang Qinghan that Yang Xiaobao did not come out of Lingyu Valley. People, he really likes them quite a lot. This young man is not only good at martial arts, good in intelligence, but also excellent in physical strength.

Your Majesty still remembers that day when his daughter stayed with Yang Xiaobao that night, when she woke up the next morning, her daughter looked out of spirits, while Yang Xiaobao, a young man, was in good spirits. At that time, he sighed that this young man's physical strength was really good, and he had the style of his youth.

However, just when the king was feeling sorry for himself, he suddenly heard the noise outside and the voices of soldiers yelling to arrest the assassins. The assassin came, and it was still in broad daylight, the assassin's courage was too great.

When the king was about to send people out to check, he suddenly heard Yang Xiaobao's cry, saying that the assassin was caught by him, and two more, the assassin was caught by Yang Xiaobao?Why does Yang Xiaobao's voice sound so familiar?

Although more than half a year has passed, he still has some impressions of Yang Xiaobao's voice. By the way, isn't Yang Xiaobao his daughter's friend?Didn't he lose his honor?But came out of Lingyu Valley?
As soon as Wang Shang came to his senses, he was about to go out to check in person, but found that his daughter Tang Qinghan had already run out like flying, yes, there was no mistake, this was definitely the young man who raised Xiaobao.

After the king figured this out, he immediately confirmed that Yang Xiaobao had returned. Not only did he come back, but he also helped him catch two assassins. This Yang Xiaobao was really his lucky star, so he blushed immediately Walking out lightly, he wants to see with his own eyes how the young man Yang Xiaobao has become in the past six months, whether he is still the same as before without any fluctuations in vitality, just like an ordinary person.

After Tang Qinghan heard Yang Xiaobao's cry, she immediately confirmed that it was Yang Xiaobao's voice. You must know that since she came out of Lingyu Valley, she hadn't seen Yang Xiaobao. Her heart was almost dead. For the sake of her father and his country's regime, she didn't want to come back.

Now when she heard Yang Xiaobao's cry, she thought it was a dream, so while running outside, she twisted her thigh hard, the pain made her almost cry out, but her My heart was extremely excited, and I didn't think this kind of pain was pain at all, but thought it was a kind of great joy.

(End of this chapter)

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