Chapter 180
Tang Qinghan ran out at a gallop, and saw a group of soldiers surrounding a person from a long distance, and this person even grabbed another person, which should be the assassin he said, Tang Qinghan recognized this person as Yang Xiaobao before he approached , although she can't see it clearly, she can feel it by feeling, not to mention seeing the shadow of wheels and corridors?
Tang Qinghan then quickened his pace, and within a few breaths, he came to the periphery of the crowd of soldiers, and then said loudly, "Get out of the way, let me in."

The soldiers saw that it was the princess who was coming, and when they were about to get out of the way, a sudden voice rang in her ear: "Princess, don't go in, this assassin is too cruel, it's not safe for you to go in, princess."

"Commander Hua, haven't these two assassins been captured? Where is the danger?" Tang Qinghan asked in surprise when he saw that the commander of the imperial guards stopped her and refused to let her in.

"The princess doesn't know. It was the assassin who called "Stop the thief" just now to confuse the public. The one who was captured was not the assassin, but a hostage, or an important hostage. The one who captured was the assassin." Commander Hua immediately explained with gestures.

Tang Qinghan can now see very clearly through the cracks in the person that that person is the one she has been thinking about day and night to raise Xiaobao. There is nothing wrong with this, so she immediately shouted: "Commander Hua, what nonsense are you talking about? Friends of the palace, where is the assassin, get out of the way quickly and let me in."

"Princess, this person is really an assassin. Princess, you can't put yourself in danger." Leader Hua still tried his best to stop him. He was shocked when he heard that the person who injured his son was actually a friend of the princess. , I said in my heart that this is over, the only way now is to prevent her from meeting with Yang Xiaobao first, and delay it for a while, if Yang Xiaobao hadn't caught his son, he would have ordered to shoot and shoot arrows.

"Get out of the way, don't get out of the way again, don't blame me for being rude." Tang Qinghan became angry when he saw that Commander Hua wanted to stop her from meeting Yang Xiaobao, if it wasn't for Commander Hua's loyal guarding of the palace all these years On, she had already slapped him down with a slap.

But Commander Hua still stood still, and when Tang Qinghan couldn't help but want to make a move, suddenly a majestic voice came: "Hua doesn't know, get out of the way, let Han'er in, and immediately remove these people, the assassins have already been killed." It's caught, what are you still doing around like this?"

"But, Your Majesty..." Hua Buming wanted to say something, but was interrupted by His Majesty's stern voice.

"But what, don't you even listen to the widow's words?" The king immediately said more severely.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Hua didn't know where she dared to say anything, and immediately ordered the removal of all the soldiers surrounding Yang Xiaobao.

As soon as the besieged soldiers withdrew, Yang Xiaobao immediately saw Tang Qinghan and her father. He didn't expect Tang Qinghan to come back, but he didn't know if she was also sent out in Lingyu Valley that day. It was directly sent back to Kunyu Country, so I must ask her about it later.

Yang Xiaobao immediately grabbed Si Shao and Hua Shao, the two second young masters, and came to the king, gave a symbolic salute, and then said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Xiao Bao has caught two assassins for you. Come here to receive the reward."

"Hahahaha, good, good, good boy, I will definitely reward you a lot." Seeing that Yang Xiaobao actually gave him a salute this time, the king laughed heartily, remembering the last time he raised Xiaobao and his When my daughter came to the palace, she didn't salute. Now this young man has not only improved his skills, but also knows how to be polite. It's a rare, rare, really rare good talent.

Tang Qinghan also immediately called out excitedly: "Xiaobao." Then he walked up to Yang Xiaobao in a few steps.

Seeing Tang Qinghan coming, Yang Xiaobao immediately said, "Sister Qinghan, wait a minute, let me interrogate these two assassins." Yang Xiaobao then said to the king: "Your Majesty, I will also be an official now. , try the assassin's case on the spot, okay?"

"Hahahaha, okay, I will now watch you try the assassin's case on the spot. If the trial is good, I will immediately appoint you as a high official." The king laughed heartily again, he is in an exceptionally good mood now, The more you look at raising Xiaobao, the more pleasing to the eye, this young man really likes him very much.

"Okay, thank you, Your Majesty, let's not talk about being an official, and let me try this case." Yang Xiaobao said, and immediately threw Si Shao and Hua Shao to the ground, and then drank: "Boldly!" Assassin, how did you enter the palace to assassinate, come here quickly."

"You are wronged, Your Majesty, we are not assassins." Si Shao and Hua Shao immediately shouted out their grievances. They originally wanted to say that Yang Xiaobao was an assassin, but they retracted their words because They all saw very clearly just now that the relationship between Yang Xiaobao, the king, and the princess is absolutely extraordinary.

Only now do they really know the feeling of remorse. If they knew this person was still acquainted with the king, they would not have brought him into the palace if they killed him. If they had known this, let alone compensate him 800 It's over, even if he pays him 800 million yuan, they also admit it. Now this situation must be over, not only they are over, but their whole family may be over.

"Since you are not assassins, then who are you?" Yang Xiaobao asked immediately.

"I am the second young master of Leader Hua's family, and I am the second young master of Director Fang." Fourth Young Master and Young Master Hua said respectively.

"Papa", Yang Xiaobao immediately slapped him twice, and then said: "How dare you call yourself a young master in front of the king and the princess, are you courting death?"

The king and the princess had actually recognized these two people long ago, but they were caught by Yang Xiaobao, there must be a reason, so they were very interested to see how Yang Xiaobao tried this so-called assassin case, anyway, they had nothing to do. It's like watching a show.

"Don't dare, the villain dare not, the villain is really wrong." Fourth Young Master and Hua Shao saw that Yang Xiaobao put a big hat on their heads, and their faces turned pale with fright, so they hurriedly distinguished.

"Slap your own mouth, and everyone slaps their mouths." Yang Xiaobao continued.

"Papa" The two second young masters didn't dare to neglect, and they slapped each other as expected.

"Okay, since you are not assassins, why were there so many soldiers shouting to catch the assassins just now? Who brought these soldiers? What is the purpose? Do you want to take advantage of the chaos to rebel?" Yang Xiaobao suddenly raised his voice Eight Baidu, shouted loudly.

"No, we don't know, we really don't know." Fourth Young Master and Hua Shao were frightened when they heard that Yang Xiaobao had buckled them a rebellious hat again. It's not good to kill even the nine clans.

(End of this chapter)

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