Chapter 181 Reunion
"Sister Qinghan, where were you teleported after Lingyu Valley automatically activated the teleportation that day?" Yang Xiaobao asked this question he had always wanted to know in order to break the embarrassment just now.

"Of course it was teleported to the entrance of Lingyu Valley." Tang Qinghan was taken aback when Yang Xiaobao asked such a simple question, but answered immediately.

However, Tang Qinghan immediately realized that Yang Xiaobao was not sent to the entrance of Lingyu Valley, so he asked curiously: "Xiaobao, weren't you sent to the entrance of Lingyu Valley? If not, then you were sent to the entrance of Lingyu Valley." Where was it sent?"

"Brother, I was directly teleported back to a place called Bird Town in Kunyu Country, which saved a little travel expenses." Yang Xiaobao immediately said in surprise.

"What about Dahu? Did Dahu come out with you?" Tang Qinghan continued to ask, because Dahu had saved her life, so she always remembered him a little bit.

When Yang Xiaobao heard Tang Qinghan talking about Dahu, he was stunned for a moment. He was a little busy for a while, and even forgot Dahu in the system space, so with a thought, Dahu was released from the system space.

When Dahu saw Tang Qinghan, he was also very surprised and surprised, and even ran around Tang Qinghan, wagging his tail. Tang Qinghan was immediately overjoyed, and then hugged Dahu's head and made out for a while.

The tiger suddenly started whining, and Yang Xiaobao immediately said, "Sister Qinghan, the tiger must be hungry, and it hasn't eaten for several days."

"Xiaobao, why are you so careless? Why don't you let him eat, really." When Tang Qinghan heard that Dumb hadn't eaten for several days, his heart ached immediately, so he couldn't help complaining A few words about raising Xiaobao.

Tang Qinghan then patted Duhu on the head and said, "Dahu, let's go, I'll take you to eat." When Dahu heard that there was food, he nodded quickly, wagged his tail vigorously, and followed Tang Qinghan away.

Yang Xiaobao saw Tang Qinghan taking the big tiger to dinner, so he had no choice but to follow. Along the way, Tang Qinghan took a big tiger with him and looked majestic. The others stood in the distance and looked nervously and excitedly. The timid maid screamed in fright when she saw Dug.

Tang Qinghan just said to everyone with great pretense: "Don't worry, my big tiger will not bite without my order."

"The princess is mighty!" Everyone in the palace knelt down and worshiped.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. He didn't expect Tang Qinghan to have a side that loves to pretend, but he didn't see it before.

Tang Qinghan saw these people worshiping so fanatically, and couldn't help but blushed with excitement. He rode on Dug's back at once, and Dug raised his head very cooperatively, showing off his might.

It didn't take much time, about 2 minutes later, Tang Qinghan rode a big tiger and came to the dining room amidst the worship of everyone. When the palace cooks saw Tang Qinghan coming in on a big tiger, they were all shocked and frightened. The chef screamed in fright, and sat down on his buttocks. Unexpectedly, he was sitting on an oil drum, and his whole body was immediately covered with oil. His whole body was greasy and wet. Fortunately, it was a bucket of cold oil. If you use hot oil in a barrel, I'm afraid her whole body will be scalded.

Seeing the embarrassed look of the female chef, Tang Qinghan couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then couldn't help but said, "Don't be afraid, Dahu won't hurt you, quickly bring out some meat for Dahu to eat. "

When the chefs heard what the princess said, they immediately calmed down and went up to see it. An older chef immediately took out a bag of meat, which weighed about six to seventy catties, and carefully put it on the big tiger. In front of him, seeing so much meat, the tiger immediately roared happily, and then opened his mouth to swallow it. It seemed that the tiger was really hungry, and he ate up so much meat in just ten minutes.

After eating and drinking, the tiger immediately became full of energy and snorted. Yang Xiaobao felt good when he saw the satisfied look of the tiger after eating. It seems that he will often release it for use in the future. food, or else he would really starve the tiger to death.

Tang Qinghan was also very happy to solve Dahu's rations. After all, she and Dahu had shared a period of hardships in Lingyu Valley, and they still had some feelings.

"Sister Qinghan, how many people were sent out from Lingyu Valley that day? Are all the disciples from the big sects there?" After Yang Xiaobao and Tang Qinghan walked out of the dining room, Yang Xiaobao immediately continued the topic and asked.

"There are 45 people in total, and you add up to 46 people. The disciples of those big sects are all there. There were so many people that day, even the emperor of the empire came." Seeing Yang Xiaobao asking about that day, Tang Qinghan immediately replied .

"The emperor is here? What is he doing?" Yang Xiaobao asked in surprise.

"He's here to collect the treasures. Anyone who comes out of Lingyu Valley will have to hand in their Qiankun bags, and all the treasures will be confiscated by the royal family." Tang Qinghan replied immediately.

"This dog emperor is too domineering. Why should we give him the treasure that we worked so hard to get inside?" Yang Xiaobao said angrily when he heard that the emperor had actually taken away the Qiankun bag.

"Xiaobao, how dare you disrespect the emperor, you don't dare to say that in the future." Tang Qinghan said a little uneasy when he heard Yang Xiaobao scold the emperor.

"Sister Qinghan, look at how nervous you are. You're so scared. Isn't he an emperor? What's so great, why can't people say a few words? There is a good saying that the emperors take turns to sit. Come to my house next year."

Seeing Tang Qinghan's nervous face, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being a little funny. It's no wonder, after all, Yang Xiaobao came from the earth, and the democratic education he received since he was a child is qualitatively different from Tang Qinghan's worldview. In fact, it is impossible for two people to synchronize their feelings at once.

Tang Qinghan was speechless when she saw that Yang Xiaobao was still disapproving, but she couldn't help it. After all, it was his business that Yang Xiaobao respected the imperial power, and she couldn't control it.

Although Yang Xiaobao said so, he was still a little thankful that he was not directly teleported to the entrance of Lingyu Valley that day. Otherwise, there would have been a lot of losses. Although most of his things were put into the system space, but Dahu didn't enter the system space that day. If they found him, he might not be by his side anymore.

Although Yang Xiaobao has improved a lot in terms of skills and combat power after he came out of Lingyu Valley, but he is not arrogant enough to compete with the imperial family, let alone fight with the royal family for a little money , that is tantamount to courting death, and raising Xiaobao will definitely not do such an easy-to-seek death.

(End of this chapter)

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