Chapter 182
Yang Xiaobao and Tang Qinghan were chatting happily when suddenly two court ladies came over and asked them to eat. It turned out that the banquet had been set and the king was waiting for the two of them to eat.

Yang Xiaobao took Dahu into the system space, and when he and Tang Qinghan came to the dining room, the king was already waiting for the two of them to arrive. In the dining room, besides the king, there was also a beautiful woman People, and even a few court ladies who stood aside and waited for orders, did not see an outsider to accompany them. Obviously, this was a pure family banquet.

Tang Qinghan immediately bowed to the king and the beautiful woman, and then called his father and mother, and Yang Xiaobao followed suit. This is called going to the countryside to do as the Romans do. There are still some etiquette.When the king saw Yang Xiaobao salute, he was already smiling. The more he looked at Yang Xiaobao, the more pleasing he was, and the more he looked at him and Tang Qinghan, the more he felt that they were a good match.

However, although such a meal is very rich, it is a bit embarrassing for such a few people to eat together, and it is always difficult to let go and talk.

Therefore, everyone ate with their heads depressed, and no one spoke. The dining room suddenly became quiet, but Yang Xiaobao ate faster, and the sound of chewing was louder. Such a sound was indeed too abrupt. These made the three of them look at Yang Xiaobao at the same time.

Yang Xiaobao just smiled and continued to bury his head in eating, but his chewing sound was still so loud. After all, he was used to it. It is not easy to get rid of this habit that has become natural!Besides, Yang Xiaobao would not deliberately change anything at all. As for whether others are used to seeing it, that is other people's business, and he would not care about it.

However, the king didn't think anything of it, on the contrary, he admired Xiaobao's undisguised and unpretentious nature, so he just smiled and continued to eat, and unconsciously made a sound, it seems that he also Influenced by Yang Xiaobao, Tang Qinghan almost laughed when he saw this scene, but she held back in the end.

After they finished their meal quietly, the king immediately said to Yang Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, who are there in your family?"

Yang Xiaobao suddenly heard the king asking about his family, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, he didn't know what the king's purpose was, but he didn't bother to think about it, so he replied truthfully: "Back to the king, I originally had a mother, There was also a younger sister who died in an accident a few days ago, and now I am alone."

"Your family had an accident a few days ago? What happened? Two people died in one fell swoop?" Wang Shang immediately asked with concern.

"They were killed by Ouyang Fear, the leader of the Spider Gang, but now the Spider Gang has also been wiped out by myself. It's a pity that Ouyang Fear, the chief culprit, was not found and let him go at large." Yang Xiaobao said sadly.

"Spider Gang? Which Spider Gang? What kind of organization is this?" His Majesty asked suddenly. Obviously he didn't know that there was a Spider Gang in Shanshui City. It seemed that these small gangs hadn't caught the attention of His Majesty yet.

"Father, the Spider Gang is a gang organization, and it is said that it is the largest gang organization in Shanshui City." Tang Qinghan said immediately, probably because she often walks in the rivers and lakes, so compared with her father, these sect forces are still more important. Be clear.

"Oh, has it been destroyed?" Wang Shang suddenly said to Yang Xiaobao.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Spider Gang no longer exists in Shanshui City, but the chief villain, Ouyang, may still not be found, and I don't know where he went." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Okay, it's good to kill, a good man just wants to be kind and friendly." The king immediately said approvingly.

When Yang Xiaobao heard what the king said, he couldn't help being speechless for a while. He didn't expect that, as the king of a vassal state, he still had the thoughts and consciousness of a green forest hero. It can be seen that this world is really respected by martial arts. Don't pay attention to any legal concepts.

"Xiaobao, since your family is empty now, the widow sees that you and Qinghan are a good match, and now that the relationship between the two of you has reached this stage, why don't you just join the royal family? You have done the work." The king said suddenly.

Tang Qinghan suddenly heard her father talking about her and raising Xiaobao, and immediately blushed with shame, and quickly lowered her head.

And Yang Xiaobao suddenly heard the king talking about him and Tang Qinghan, and he was immediately taken aback. This happened too suddenly, and he wasn't ready at all, okay? When his cell phone rang suddenly, Yang Xiaobao was taken aback immediately, wondering if his cell phone had been placed in the system space all the time?How could it sound?

Yang Xiaobao subconsciously touched his pocket, and immediately found a mobile phone. It turned out that when he took out the mobile phone to look at it yesterday, he put it in his pocket by the way, and did not put it in the system space.

Yang Xiaobao took out his mobile phone and saw that it was the fat man calling, so he said to the king first: "I'm sorry, my lord, I'll answer the call first."

The king then nodded with a smile.

Yang Xiaobao got on the phone immediately, only to hear a very anxious voice from the little fat man: "Xiaobao, something has happened, something big has happened, the prince of the imperial family came to the Star Academy to play, I didn't expect him to fall in love with Xinyi and Niu Shuzhen , I'm about to kill them now..." The phone was cut off suddenly at this point, and it seemed that something happened to the little fat man.

Yang Xiaobao immediately said to the king and Tang Qinghan, "I'm sorry, my lord, sister Qinghan, something happened to my friend, something serious happened, and I have to go back quickly." So he used the Wind Riding Technique and flew out lightly, only to fly out of the palace in the blink of an eye.

The king was stunned for a moment when he saw Yang Xiaobao's light body skills, and he was amazed in his heart. He really didn't expect that although Yang Xiaobao didn't show his vitality and looked like an ordinary person, he was a Possessing peerless martial arts, even the lightness kung fu and agility are so against the sky.

However, Tang Qinghan still knew about Yang Xiaobao's Wind Riding Technique, because she and Yang Xiaobao bought this skill at the auction in the imperial capital, but it was incomplete when it was bought. Ben, when Yang Xiaobao bought this exercise book, he didn't spend a lot of money at all. He practiced well, really amazing my brother.

(End of this chapter)

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