Chapter 183 Breakthrough
Yang Xiaobao suddenly saw eight strong Wu Zuns coming out, and two of them turned out to be level [-] Wu Zuns. Before he understood it, with a thought, he immediately put Xinyi and Niu Shuzhen's corpses into the system space, and then with another thought, he put the head of Prince Hu Cai into a Qiankun bag.

If the eight Wu Zun powerhouses just now were not sure that the things here were caused by Yang Xiaobao, but of course they have fully understood now that everything here is the masterpiece of Yang Xiaobao. Have all the heads been taken away?
So these eight Martial Masters immediately surrounded Yang Xiaobao from all directions. Looking at this posture, Yang Xiaobao seemed to have no escape. However, is it really a doomsday situation?Maybe not, after all, it's man-made, if you break through, you will see a blue sky above your head, if you can't break through, you will die. However, Yang Xiaobao is obviously not at the end of the rope, because he still has system energy blessing, which is a brake that can be used.

However, the voice of the future suddenly sounded in Yang Xiaobao's ears, and it was an unprecedentedly anxious voice: "Dear master, the situation is already very bad, and the system energy blessing can be used for ten seconds at most, because the pretentious The value has been used up, if there is no pretense value, the system will not be able to boost energy, and it cannot be replaced with gold coins and other property, you must use pretense value."

When Yang Xiaobao heard what the future said, he immediately became reckless, and blamed himself for pretending to be too little. He actually lacked the value of acting at this critical point. Now surrounded by eight high-end martial arts experts, it is indeed It's already very bad, and finally it's the most dangerous time.

However, the more dangerous the moment is, the more you must keep calm. If there is even a slight mistake in judgment, you will definitely die today. You must know that these are eight strong Wu Zuns, and there are two Wu Zuns who are at the ninth level. Yang Xiaobao's cultivation and combat strength of Wuzhen's second level, even if he can leapfrog the challenge, it is quite good to be able to defeat a strong martial artist of Wu Zun's third level.

Yang Xiaobao observed the cultivation bases of these eight Martial Masters. They were two ninth-level, one eighth-level, three fifth-level, and two second-level. The adjacent position in one direction, Yang Xiaobao decided to open a breakthrough from here, success or failure depends on it, it is either life or death.

Immediately, Yang Xiaobao moved his mind, and the Tai Chi gun appeared in his hand. As soon as the Tai Chi gun was released, a murderous intent enveloped the entire room, and the eight Martial Masters shuddered involuntarily, and then they They all stared at the Tai Chi gun with greedy eyes, obviously these people have seen that this gun is extraordinary.

After all, if one can cultivate to the level of Wu Zun, how can one not have a little knowledge?They can feel that the gun in Yang Xiaobao's hand is definitely a magic weapon just by feeling. I believe that no matter who it is, as long as they have such a magic weapon, their combat power will definitely be able to rise to a higher level. Therefore, these people's Looking at Yang Xiaobao became more and more fiery.

However, Yang Xiaobao can't care about what they think in their hearts. After all, the current situation is not optimistic for him at all. Originally, his biggest reliance is the blessing of system energy. Near the end of use, it can only support ten seconds at most, and if he wants to kill a strong Wu Zun in seconds, he must use at least five seconds of system blessing energy, and it can only be a strong martial artist in the early stage of Wu Zun. In the later stage of Zun, much more system blessing energy will be needed.

So, now he only has one chance, he is only allowed to succeed, and if he fails, he will pay the price of his life.

Yang Xiaobao secretly operated the two instrument energy-generating powers, concentrating on his wrists. After sensing Yang Xiaobao's fighting spirit, the Tai Chi Spear automatically trembled a bit, making a cheerful trill, and his fighting spirit also rose.

Yang Xiaobao immediately activated the system energy to bless his whole body, and immediately launched an attack on the two martial arts masters of the second level of Wuzun. Immediately resorted to the strongest move: "no extreme peace".

The reason why this move "No Ji Tai Lai" is said to be the strongest move is that its strength lies in its extreme speed, which can be described as extremely strong and extremely fast, and under the energy blessing of the system, this extreme is directly Turned over a few times.

Therefore, within a short time to meet each other, there was a deep bullet hole in the eyebrows of the two martial arts masters of the second level of Wu Zun. Knowing what was going on, he immediately fell to the ground and died without even taking a breath.

After Yang Xiaobao opened a breakthrough at this moment, he snatched the door away under the shocked gazes of the remaining six Martial Masters, and then launched the Wind Riding Technique, and quickly floated out of the Starry Sky Academy like a gust of wind.

After the remaining six Wu Zun powerhouses reacted, they immediately exchanged glances, and decided to leave a fifth-level Wu Zun powerhouse to deal with the aftermath. I chased him out.

After all, they are all entourages protecting the prince. Now the prince is not only dead, but also died very miserably. He is already decapitated. If they can't find the murderer, they will die if they go back. Therefore, no matter whether they chase to the end of the world, It's still Haijiao, they must chase Yang Xiaobao, this is their only way out now, otherwise not only will they die when they go back, but they will also have to kill their family members.

However, when they chased them out, Yang Xiaobao had already flown out of Starry Sky Academy, and they didn't know which direction Yang Xiaobao escaped from, so they couldn't chase together, so they could only split up and go to different places. direction to catch up.

After Yang Xiaobao used the Wind Riding Technique to fly out of the Starry Sky Academy, he looked back and found that they hadn't caught up. If these few Martial Masters catch up, it will undoubtedly be a dead end. Fortunately, they have finally got rid of them temporarily.

However, Yang Xiaobao didn't stop, but sped up his speed even more, because he also knew that these people would never let it go, after all, he killed the prince of Huayang Empire, once this news was sent back to the empire, It must be earth-shattering.

(End of this chapter)

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