Chapter 184 The Brave Wins
The fifth-level martial artist who stayed behind thought twice, but immediately sent back the news of the prince's death to the imperial family. The prince's entourage and guards cannot escape the responsibility, but the matter has come to this point, and the news can only be reported to the royal family as soon as possible.

And the emperor of the empire almost fainted on the spot after hearing the sad news of the tragic death of the prince. You must know that he has only one son like the prince Hu Cai, and now that he dies, he will immediately die.Although he has dozens of concubines and three thousand beauties in the harem, no matter how he sows, no matter how he cultivates, these women are like hens that don't lay eggs. When a child comes, it is independent of human will.

Although his power is all over the world, although no one can match his wealth in the world, but without a son, it will lose a lot of meaning. Therefore, the emperor's heart is already filled with endless shock, endless anger, and endless sadness.

The emperor of the empire has long hated the murderer who killed his son. He must catch this person, execute him Ling Chi, and punish the nine clans, so as to dispel some hatred. If it fails, you must know that Yang Xiaobao originally traveled from the earth, so how could any of the nine tribes ask him to come to Zhulian?
The furious imperial emperor immediately summoned Hu Yanhu, the commander of the royal guards, and asked him to lead three thousand elite mecha soldiers to Kunyu Kingdom to capture the murderer. The battalion mobilized [-] mecha elite soldiers, and marched in the direction of Shanshui City in Kunyu Country overnight.

After the imperial emperor dispatched elite mecha soldiers, he still felt that it was not enough. After all, under the protection of ten powerful warriors, the prince was able to escape safely after he succeeded in the murder. He also summoned the suzerains of the top ten sects of the empire overnight to discuss the revenge plan.

After the arrival of the suzerains of the top ten sects, the emperor of the empire directly told the truth about the murder of the crown prince in Shanshui City, Kunyu Country. According to the news from Shanshui City, the murderer was named Yang Xiaobao, who was 20 years old. Left and right are the youngest elders of Star Academy.

Raising Xiaobao?After hearing this name, the suzerains of the top ten sects immediately thought of the Yang Xiaobao who came to participate in the Lingyu Valley assessment half a year ago. After all, the Yang Xiaobao at that time really left a deep impression on them. Little Treasure is just an ordinary person who doesn't show much vitality, but he defeated the fifth-level monk Wuyi, so that everyone wondered whether Yang Xiaobao had practiced a hidden cultivation method, and finally he was the suzerain of the orthodox sect Zhan Feiyi personally verified Yang Xiaobao's innocence.

Is this Yang Xiaobao who killed the prince the same Yang Xiaobao who entered Lingyu Valley?Everyone is asking such questions, including the emperor, he also has some impressions of Yang Xiaobao who participated in the Lingyu Valley assessment half a year ago, but now Kunyu Kingdom has only sent back this news, and no photos have been sent, so Everyone can't confirm that this Yang Xiaobao is that other Yang Xiaobao.

What made them unbelievable was that when the Lingyu Valley was closed and the automatic teleportation was turned on, among the 45 people who came out, there was no Yang Xiaobao, which meant that Yang Xiaobao had already fallen in Lingyu Valley. Therefore, it is very likely that it is a person with the same name and surname, but it is still too early to draw a conclusion. Only after the photo of Yang Xiaobao is sent back from Kunyu Kingdom can it be completely confirmed.


After Yang Xiaobao launched the Wind Riding Technique and flew for a while, he still landed on the ground. After all, the Wind Riding Technique was extremely exhausting to perform, and now that there were strong enemies around, if he accidentally escaped The consequences of that are unimaginable.

However, as soon as he landed on the ground, he ran into a strong Wu Zun who was chasing up. Yang Xiaobao immediately acted recklessly, and it was such a coincidence. It seems that the road between enemies is really narrow. Coincidentally, there is also a reason, because these six Wu Zun powerhouses are chasing in six different directions, and it is not surprising that one direction just happens to meet.

Fortunately, this is a strong martial artist in the middle stage of Wu Zun, and Yang Xiaobao can barely fight. If he meets those two strong men in the late stage of Wu Zun, it will be very bad.

At this moment, Yang Xiaobao and the fifth-level Wu Zun are on guard against each other, and neither of them makes the first move, because neither of them is sure of winning. Although Yang Xiaobao is not sure of winning, but for this Wu Zun strong As far as the latter is concerned, he is also not sure of victory. After all, Yang Xiaobao instantly killed two early-stage Wu Zun strongmen in an instant not long ago. He also witnessed it with his own eyes. Hitting, he still remembers it vividly, the extreme speed left an indelible impression on him.

Therefore, he now has an instinctive fear of Yang Xiaobao, and now he suddenly encounters him, he is already timid before fighting, and his body trembles imperceptibly, and this subtle change in him immediately He was captured by Yang Xiaobao.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately said in a very pretentious manner: "Brother, I was just about to clean up your trash one by one, but I didn't expect to meet you. It's true that there is no way to go to heaven, and there is no way to go to hell." .”

Ding, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the master 'Yang Xiaobao' for successfully pretending to be an emergency. The special reward is 1000 points for acting, 100 points for the system, and 100 points for experience. "At the same time, the system light curtain interface appeared in my mind:
"The master raises the little treasure,

Boundary: Wu Zhen Level [-]

Experience Points: 9180 points

Points: 13432 points

Force value: 1000 point

Occupation: None

"Hey, the coercion was successful, but it was still an emergency coercion, and the coercion value was immediately given 1000 points, which happened to be able to use the system energy to bless for a second. I didn't expect the system to be really powerful, and there was even an emergency coercion , It’s really amazing my system.” After Yang Xiaobao got the 1000 points of pretentiousness, he suddenly felt relieved, and his nervous mood immediately relaxed a lot.

And this strong Wu Zun felt even more nervous after hearing Yang Xiaobao's confident words. It seemed that this man was really confident. Now he began to regret that he chased too fast. Why didn't someone else meet him, but why Did he meet him?

Yang Xiaobao laughed immediately when he saw the increasingly tense expression of this powerful warrior. For this guy who was timid before fighting, he is now sure of winning, and he doesn't need the system's energy blessing at all.

(End of this chapter)

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