Chapter 190 No Fear
"Are you going to catch my brother and I'll collect the reward?" Yang Xiaobao waited for the fat and thin two martial arts masters to finish speaking, and then asked, he also felt that these two brain-dead guys were really interesting , so I wanted to tease them, and it would be nice to just relax.

"Yes, how did you know?" The tall Wu Xiu asked in surprise.

"No, since you know that our brothers are going to arrest you to collect the bounty, how can you not be afraid?" The short man suddenly asked suspiciously.

"Because brother, I also want a bounty, why would I be afraid." Yang Xiaobao said with great interest.

"They want to arrest you, how can you claim your bounty?" The tall martial artist asked in surprise.

"Brother, I am teasing you! Aren't you going to catch me? Come and catch me, if you don't catch brother, I will leave." Yang Xiaobao didn't want to go around anymore, and if he continued around, it would really be endless. He also doesn't want to waste time on these meaningless things.

"Hey, you can't go. Once you leave, our brother's bounty will be gone." The tall Wuxiu said eagerly, stretching out his long and thin hand to grab Yang Xiaobao's chest. Come.

When Yang Xiaobao saw his palm grabbing him, he didn't dodge or avoid it, he just stretched out a finger and clicked down casually, and hit the Laogong acupoint of this man without hesitation. Xiu Deng couldn't move, and his whole body was like a clay sculpture.

After Yang Xiaobao restrained this person, he didn't continue to kill him, but turned his head to look at the short martial artist and pretended to be extremely aggressive: "Do you still want to catch me? To deal with someone like you, believe it or not, brother, I will kill you." finger to kill you."

Ding, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the master 'Yang Xiaobao' for deliberately pretending to be coercive. The special reward is 1000 points of pretense, 100 points of system points, and 100 points of experience." At the same time, the system light curtain interface appeared in the mind:
"The master raises the little treasure,

Boundary: Wu Zhen Level [-]

Experience Points: 9480 points

Points: 13732 points

Force value: 4000 point

Occupation: None

"Hey, I succeeded in pretending to be coercive, but I still deliberately pretended to be coercive. Well, the pretense value has reached 4000 points, which means that I can use the system energy to bless for four seconds." It's much better, after all, with the pretentious value, in the state of being hunted down all the time, life has an extra layer of protection, only by being alive can you do what you want to do.

Moreover, I am also very satisfied with the acupoint technique of Shaolin Yijinjing. Although I have become a martial artist in this world now, traditional martial arts have not fallen behind, and they can still play a great role, and they can also achieve surprises. Effect.

The short martial artist saw his brother as if he had been immobilized, so he couldn't help but act recklessly. This is a supernatural situation. He thought that the guy who killed the prince of the empire was an ordinary person, but he didn't expect it to be an ordinary person. A strong man who can use magic spells, how can he catch this person to receive the bounty, I am afraid that before the bounty is seen, his own life will be gone. You must know that this person dares to kill the prince, and he wants to kill them What else dare not?
The short Wuxiu became more afraid and regretful the more he thought about it, so he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Yang Xiaobao repeatedly: "Master, please forgive me, please forgive me, we know we were wrong, we shouldn't offend you."

"Look at your virtue, you still want to catch my brother and I will collect the bounty. Is the bounty so easy to get?" Yang Xiaobao saw that the man suddenly knelt down and begged for mercy, so he didn't attack him again, after all God has the virtue of good life, try not to kill if you can, unless your life is seriously threatened.

"Get up, as long as you answer a few questions honestly, brother, I will let you go." Yang Xiaobao continued.

"Master, you can ask, as long as I can know, I will definitely tell it without reservation." The short martial artist was overjoyed when he heard Yang Xiaobao's words, he didn't expect his life to be in front of this murderous devil I kept it, so I immediately stood up and said respectfully.

"Where is this place?" Yang Xiaobao saw that this person's attitude was okay, so he didn't say any more threats, but directly asked him what he wanted to know.

"This is Qing Town of Yuanshi Kingdom." The short martial artist said respectfully.

When Yang Xiaobao heard that it was the Yuanshi Kingdom, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he ran out of the Kunyu Kingdom and arrived in the Yuanshi Kingdom in such a hurry. It's a bad thing, besides, now that I am alone, I have nothing to worry about, and I can go anywhere, so it doesn't matter.

"Who posted this order? When was it posted?" Yang Xiaobao continued to ask.

"Master, this order was posted by someone from the Nebula Sect, and it took less than 10 minutes to post it." The short martial artist replied quickly. The word Tongji was omitted, and only the word command was used. It can be seen that this person has become a little smarter when his life is threatened.

"What does Xingyun sect do and where is it?" Yang Xiaobao asked immediately.

"Master, the Xingyun Sect is the largest martial arts sect in the Yuanshi Kingdom, and their territory is on Yunwu Mountain." The short martial artist replied quickly, fearing that he would speak too slowly and cause Yang Xiaobao's dissatisfaction. Finger, like his brother, was finished.

Of course Yang Xiaobao knew that Xingyun Sect was a sect. The reason why he asked this question was to test whether this person was telling the truth and whether he knew a lot.

Originally, he was no stranger to the Nebula Sect. Not only had he heard of it, but he had two conflicts with two inner disciples of the Nebula Sect. The first time was caused by fighting for a guest room in the Imperial Capital Hotel. There was another time in Lingyu Valley. After he fought with the monster centipede, he lost both sides. He didn't expect that the two inner disciples of Xingyunzong wanted to pick up the ready-made ones, but they were shot one by one by the Taiji gun. Together, it's like stringing a bunch of candied haws. In the end, you can't steal the chicken and eat a lot of rice, and you even lose your life.

I didn't expect that the Nebula Sect was on the same page with him again, and even posted a notice about him. Since that's the case, I don't mind going to the Nebula Sect to see what powerful characters this Nebula Sect has. Although Yang Xiaobao is now a person who has been listed, he has nothing to be afraid of. Since these people want to chase and kill him, they must have this ability. The strong are all killed, and he is really not afraid of ordinary martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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