Chapter 191 Surrounded

After Yang Xiaobao asked the questions he wanted to know, he lost interest in talking to this person, so he stretched out his right hand and patted the tall martial artist casually, and the tall martial artist immediately patted him. He can move, but he no longer dares to be rude to Yang Xiaobao.

That's right, when life is threatened, no matter how nervous a person is, he knows to be afraid, especially the strange method of raising Xiaobao, he is even more afraid from the bottom of his heart.

"Go away." After Yang Xiaobao said two words casually, he didn't bother to care about them anymore.

"Thank you, master, thank you for not killing me." The short martial artist heard the simple two words of raising Xiaobao, and thanked him in a hurry like hearing the sound of a fairy, and then pulled the taller one. Wu Xiu ran forward desperately, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help smiling when he saw the backs of these two people going away, but although the two people ran away, the surrounding people still did not disperse, and they were still walking towards Yang Xiaobao's side from a distance. Wait and see, but these people are just ordinary people, they are just watching the fun, and raising Xiaobao certainly won't bother with them.

Yang Xiaobao suddenly felt a little hungry, so he walked towards a restaurant, he still eats first, the world is big, and eating is the biggest, but his current level of Wu Zhen's level [-] cultivation, even if he doesn't eat for a month, he's fine. But now he actually felt hungry, which meant that the vitality in his body was insufficient.

In fact, this is also easy to understand. After all, the vitality in his body needs to maintain the operation of his cultivation base, so he naturally does not care about the consumption of his body, so it is normal to feel hungry, but in this way, it is also necessary to support Xiaobao. Just a reminder, since I came out of Lingyu Valley, I haven’t practiced well once. Of course, it’s not that raising Xiaobao is lazy and unwilling to practice. And special.

Originally, when Yang Xiaobao was still practicing Taiji and Taichu Divine Art, the vitality needed was particularly amazing. What's more, it has been upgraded to Liangyi Shengqi Divine Art, and the two dantians absorb the vitality of heaven and earth at the same time, so the amount of vitality required is even greater. It's astonishing, so practicing in a place without sufficient vitality will not have any effect at all, and practicing forcibly is just a waste of time.

Yang Xiaobao walked all the way, and when everyone saw him coming, they all backed away, as if they saw a devil. Also, these people who didn't know the truth saw the crimes against Yang Xiaobao in the martial arts general order The description is indeed outrageous, so it is not surprising that they have such an attitude towards Yang Xiaobao under the preconceived circumstances.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao is too lazy to care about what these idlers think of him. To him, what these people think of him is irrelevant. These people can think whatever they want. It's good not to provoke him, if there is someone who is not good-looking and wants to get a bounty from him, Yang Xiaobao will not be polite to him.

It didn't take much time. After about a few minutes, Yang Xiaobao came to the door of this restaurant. When he looked up, he saw a few large characters on the gate: "Hao Ke Restaurant". Know how it tastes.

Yang Xiaobao then walked into this hospitable restaurant, and immediately a waiter in ancient costume sang promises loudly: "My dear guest, please come upstairs."

Yang Xiaobao is not surprised to see this person dressed in a retro style. In his previous life, there were many such business establishments on the earth, and some tourist attractions are not only directly named Huaguo Mountain, Water Curtain Cave, but also scenic spots. There are also some staff who are dressed as goblins.

Yang Xiaobao immediately walked up to the second floor and sat down at a window-side seat. As soon as he sat down, another waiter came up to greet him attentively. Yang Xiaobao also responded briefly, and then asked for ten Pig trotters, twenty roast chickens, thirty roast ducks.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao asked for so much at once, Xiao Er was stunned, but didn't react for a while, Yang Xiaobao said it again, Xiao Er woke up immediately, agreed quickly, and went in to pass the dishes.

Raising Xiaobao requires so many vegetables, not because he wants to eat them himself, and it is impossible for him to eat so much. At most two roast chickens will go to heaven. The reason why he needs so many vegetables is for Dahu. It's just a mix of food, and it has been staying in the system space and can't come out. Now that I have come to the restaurant, of course I have to prepare a copy for it.

Xiaoer soon started to serve food, and when a plate came up, Yang Xiaobao sent it to the system space immediately with a thought, and soon the food was served, and finally Yang Xiaobao left only a pig's trotter and a roast chicken , and the rest were sent into the system space by him.

Yang Xiaobao then started to eat without asking for wine. Yang Xiaobao is dispensable to wine. When alone, it is even more abstaining from alcohol.

After Yang Xiaobao finished eating, when he was about to pay the bill and went downstairs, he suddenly found that there were a lot of martial arts experts on the second floor at once. There were about 30 people, occupying most of the space on the second floor. After coming up, he immediately surrounded Yang Xiaobao.

Yang Xiaobao took a look at the cultivation bases of these people, the highest one was at the third level of Wu Zhen, the rest were mostly at the Wu Yuan level, there were about twenty of them, and those at the Wu Li level were four or five There are more than a dozen at the Wuheng level.

It seems that these people want to win with more, but what Yang Xiaobao is most afraid of is group battles. If he really wants to kill, he only needs to take out the Tai Chi gun, and he can sweep a large area with one shot. Xiu is really not enough in Yang Xiaobao's eyes, even if there are more, he is not afraid.

The third-level Wuzhen Wuxiu was obviously the leader of this group of Wuxiu. He walked up to Yang Xiaobao a few steps, and then said with a sly smile: "Friend, you should know why we are here. Get acquainted with us. Take a trip, and you can save yourself a little bit of suffering."

"Walk? Where are you going? Brother, why should I listen to you? What the hell are you?" Yang Xiaobao scolded unceremoniously immediately, and since these people have come to tease him , then there is nothing to be polite about.

"You, you dare to scold me." The Wuzhen third-level martial artist heard Yang Xiaobao's unceremonious words, and immediately said in disbelief. When he thought about it, Yang Xiaobao saw so many people surrounded He should kneel down and beg for mercy, but he didn't expect that Yang Xiaobao would dare to scold him.

"Crack", Yang Xiaobao slapped him casually, and this Wuzhen third-level powerhouse was immediately sent flying.

(End of this chapter)

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