Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 192 The speed of life and death

Chapter 192 The speed of life and death

Yang Xiaobao walked out of the restaurant and looked up at the sky, the sky was covered with dark clouds, a large black cloud was wandering in the sky, sometimes heading east, sometimes going west, the black clouds were overwhelming the city, looking at this, seeing It's going to rain, but, it's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, let her go, I don't even bother to care about the weather when raising Xiaobao, and I can't care anymore, your mother's love is too much.

After Yang Xiaobao killed the prince angrily, the entire Huayang Empire was covered with his order, but if you want to make a copy, you can do it. Yang Xiaobao is also happy and not afraid, since such a big thing has been done Whether it is shocking the sky or shaking the earth, come all of them. If you want to catch him and raise Xiaobao to receive the reward, you must have this ability. He's a loser.

Originally, this matter was that the prince wanted to do something wrong with his favorite and Niu Shuzhen, and then he killed him first, and Yang Xiaobao took revenge later. Since the prince can kill, why can't Yang Xiaobao kill him? The people light the lamps?As for the imperial power, raising Xiaobao really doesn't care, he was originally from the earth, he received a democratic education since he was a child, and he pays attention to the equality of all beings, whether it is a dignitary or a commoner, life is equally precious.

Since this world pays attention to the law of the jungle and follows the law of the jungle, then only by practicing hard to make yourself stronger, and only by becoming the supremely strong can you use the strong to resist the strong, and use violence to control violence.

However, in this place where spiritual energy is so scarce, it is impossible for Yang Xiaobao to practice, because once his kung fu is cultivated, the amount of energy from the world is too great, if the spiritual energy cannot be supplied, it will be in vain.

Since he can't cultivate, there is no way to raise Xiaobao. If it is really impossible, he can find a place to make alchemy, but now that he is under the general order of the whole empire, how can he have a quiet place to make alchemy with peace of mind?Now no matter where he goes, there are people following him, he can't kill them all, Yang Xiaobao can't do such a random killing, since these people want to watch him, let them watch him.

Yang Xiaobao then reviewed the levels of force in this world, from low to high: Wu Yuan—Wu Heng—Wu Li—Wu Zhen—Wu Zun—Wu Ji—Wu Tai—Wu Ji— —Wu Sheng, each major level is divided into one to nine small levels.

With Yang Xiaobao's current combat strength, he can completely challenge the early and mid-stage Wu Zun by a higher level. If you count all kinds of means, even a strong Wuji level, he has the power to fight.

Now Yang Xiaobao is not only facing the threat of high-end martial arts, but also an even bigger threat, which is the world's hot weapons, not to mention the powerful laser guns, which are the laser guns equipped by the imperial family to the mech troops. Yang Xiaobao's current skill and cultivation base can't bear it at all.

Fortunately, when Hu Yanhu, the commander of the royal guards, led the elite mecha soldiers to Shanshui City of Kunyu Country, Yang Xiaobao had already escaped from Kunyu Country in time. However, the rest of the Star Academy suffered a disaster and was slaughtered by the emperor. Yikong, this emperor is really crazy. You know, even if he wants to find and raise Xiaobao, avenge his son, at most he will kill all the nine clans. What is going on with killing the entire Star Academy now? , This is of course killing innocent people indiscriminately, because this is no match for the nine clans who raised Xiaobao.

Yang Xiaobao originally wanted to go to the Nebula Sect, but after thinking about it, he would forget it. If he encounters a high-end martial artist of the martial arts level, he will not be able to deal with it.Until one's own strength has not been reached, it is better not to worry about it.

However, although Yang Xiaobao didn't trouble the Nebula Sect, the people from the Nebula Sect came to him again, and not just one or two people came, but five or sixty people, that's not counting, actually There are also nine strong Wu Xius of the ninth level of Wu Zun. With such a lineup, it is estimated that the entire Nebula Sect's masters have already come out. It seems that this Nebula Sect is determined to catch him and raise a child Treasure.

With Yang Xiaobao's current cultivation base, if he does not use special means, it is quite difficult to deal with a strong man of the ninth level of Wu Zun, and there is even no chance of winning. Now there are as many as nine of them at once. , Raising Xiaobao immediately became reckless.

Fortunately, he didn't go to Xingyun Sect rashly, otherwise, he might have thrown himself into a trap. It seems that he underestimated the background of these sects. With his current strength, it is still not enough to shake a sect. The strength of these sects is obvious. It's not comparable to a gang like the Spider Gang.

After seeing Yang Xiaobao, the gang of strong martial artists from Xingyun Sect rushed over without saying a word. Yang Xiaobao knew that he was invincible, so he rushed forward without waiting for them to come forward, yes, that is Running away, since you know you are invincible, you must run away. Facing a powerful enemy, you have to run away if you have to, or you will die if you are caught.

When I am still very weak, of course it is important to save my life. Of course, if I encounter someone who is alone, or whose strength is not as good as him, Yang Xiaobao will definitely make a decisive move. Even if I don’t kill them, I can’t let them beat him. The idea, the guy who wants to receive the sky-high bounty is better off.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao running away, the gang of strong martial artists from Xing Yunzong quickly chased after him, and the nine strong martial arts masters at the ninth level took the lead, and their speed was astonishingly fast, so Yang Xiaobao had to run even more desperately But, even so, the nine Martial Masters are still getting closer and closer to him. It doesn't take long for them to catch up with him. It is indeed a lot worse for them to come.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but feel a little anxious, because the place where he is now is a vast wilderness, it is difficult to find a place to buffer it, let alone set up an formation to deal with them, and Yang Xiaobao is the only one who can deal with it now The only way for these people is to set up a trap, but the formation also depends on the location and time. Now that they are being chased by these nine martial masters and running without touching the ground, how can there be time to set up the formation?

In the worst case, Yang Xiaobao can only resort to the Wind Riding Technique. Although this kind of exercise is extremely exhausting, there is no other way, and the most important thing is to save his life. After riding the wind technique, he quickly opened up a long distance from the nine Wu Zun powerhouses who were chasing after him.

Although this Wind Riding Technique was picked up by Yang Xiaobao at the auction, but the future is right, this Wind Riding Technique can really save lives at critical moments, can it be used by these nine Wu Zun powerhouses now? It is all up to him to escape from being chased by him.

(End of this chapter)

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