Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 193 The King's Worries

Chapter 193 The King's Worries

Yang Xiaobao used the Wind Riding Technique for a while, and after pulling away for a certain distance, he fell to the ground again. After all, this technique consumes too much energy to use, and if he accidentally loses his strength, it will be over.

Of course Yang Xiaobao didn't stop after falling down, but continued to run forward, but even so, the nine Martial Masters behind him quickly caught up again.

Yang Xiaobao had no choice but to use the Wind Riding Technique again, like a gust of wind, he floated into the air in an instant, and in this way, the two sides opened up a lot of distance.

All of a sudden, there was a gust of wind, but fortunately it was a tailwind, and the speed of raising Xiaobao was even faster, so the distance was getting farther and farther. It seemed that God really wanted to help Xiaobao escape from the pursuit up.

Then there was thunder again, and in an instant, a huge torrential rain poured down, just like a river bursting its embankment suddenly. In a short while, this large fertile field was filled with half-human water. As soon as the water blocked it, the speed immediately slowed down, but Yang Xiaobao's flying speed in the air did not decrease at all. In this way, Yang Xiaobao quickly got rid of the pursuit of these powerful Wu Zuns.

Immediately Yang Xiaobao fell to the surface of the water, started walking in the void again, ran on the water like flying, like a dragonfly touching the water, skimmed away, and soon passed through such a large fertile field and entered a large forest. Baocai breathed a sigh of relief, even if those few Wu Zun powerhouses were chasing after him at this moment, he still had a way to deal with it calmly.


Kunyu royal family.

The King of Kunyu Kingdom is also as anxious as an ant on a hot nest at the moment. Originally, raising Xiaobao to come to the royal family that day, and being with his daughter Qinghan, the affectionate appearance made him very happy. The son-in-law Longguai came to the door, but he just spoke out. Yang Xiaobao hadn't expressed a clear attitude, but was urged away by a phone call, and he still left in such a hurry and in such a hurry.

That's all. He thought that raising Xiaobao would return immediately after finishing his work. If so, he would be able to confirm his daughter's lifelong affairs, but he didn't expect that this raising Xiaobao would never return. The father and daughter waited for a day and a night.

That's all, even if Raising Xiaobao is delayed by something important, it doesn't matter that he won't be able to come back for a while, as long as he comes back safe and sound, but things didn't develop like this. Said, but heard that Yang Xiaobao actually killed all the princes of the empire.

The courage to raise Xiaobao is too great, the prince of the empire, what kind of identity is that, can he be killed easily?The Huayang Empire has a history of thousands of years, and there has never been a case where the crown prince was killed. This is the only time in thousands of years, and this time it was actually done by Yang Xiaobao. Po was really speechless.

It stands to reason that the prince should also be protected by high-end martial arts powerhouses. I really don't know how Yang Xiaobao can kill him. Could it be that these protectors are all fucking food?

But in fact, the prince was killed under the protection of a master. I heard that even the head was cut off by Yang Xiaobao. My God, this Yang Xiaobao is really reckless in doing things, really Too young, too impulsive.

Not to mention killing the prince of the empire, but also cutting off his head, what kind of concept is this? With the dignity of the imperial family, if such a thing happens, it must be a thunderbolt, and the emperor of the empire seeks revenge from Yang Xiaobao. It is certain to kill the Nine Clans, but it seems that Yang Xiaobao doesn't have any relatives. If he wants to kill his Nine Clans, I'm afraid it's impossible.

However, the emperor of the empire would definitely not let it go so easily, and would definitely involve colleagues and friends in the unit who raised Xiaobao. Three thousand elite mecha soldiers rushed to Starry Sky Academy in a hurry.

That's all, I didn't expect that more than 1000 people in the Star Academy were slaughtered. When the king heard the news, he immediately sat on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. This news is too shocking. There are more than 1000 people. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. It seems that the emperor of the empire is really crazy.

Of course, the reason why the king was so shocked when he heard the news was not entirely because of pity for these innocent people, but more importantly, there was a feeling of sorrow for the death of a rabbit, and there was a greater worry in it.

Because Yang Xiaobao once participated in the competition assessment of Lingyu Valley on behalf of the power of the Kunyu royal family, this means that his relationship with Yang Xiaobao has long been known by the imperial family. The man has already left, and it is inevitable that the emperor will not come to trouble him again with the Kunyu royal family. Of course, it is a small matter to cause trouble, but if it is not done well, it will be involved in a wide range, and it is very likely that the entire Kunyu royal family will be involved.

This possibility is not impossible, isn't Star Academy the best example?What should I do now?What should I do?

Therefore, King Kunyu is more anxious than the ants on the hot nest at the moment, but there is nothing he can do. After all, the power of the empire is not comparable to that of a vassal state. To say something that should not be said, even if he wants to rebel , I don’t have this strength, I can only die.

However, the current situation is quite anxious, and it is uncertain when the royal family will send troops. Wang Shangsi thought about it, but he couldn't think of any good way to deal with it. He was even more anxious.

No way, the king had no choice but to order someone to call his daughter Qinghan. Now the only one who can negotiate with her is her daughter. Others really can't be trusted, and there is no one to discuss with. If it is really a last resort Under such circumstances, he had no choice but to abandon the royal regime and flee with his family.

Tang Qinghan heard her father's call, and ran over quickly. She was also very anxious now. Ever since she heard that Yang Xiaobao had killed the prince, she was completely confused. She also knew that Yang Xiaobao was brave, but But I didn't expect it to be so outrageous that even the prince was killed.

But now that she's killed, there's nothing she can do about it. She's very worried that Yang Xiaobao will be caught by someone sent by the emperor of the empire. Once caught, he will definitely die an ugly death, and it is very likely that he will be tortured The kind of people who have to die and die, but can't survive.

Of course, Tang Qinghan was worried about Gui Gui, but she had nothing to do, and she couldn't help anything. She could only secretly pray that the person who raised Baoji would have his own destiny and escape from the pursuit of the imperial family as soon as possible.

As for whether the emperor of the empire would involve her, her father, and the entire Kunyu royal family, she hadn't considered it. It wasn't that she was not smart enough to think about it, but that her whole mind was focused on raising Xiaobao. body, it is inevitable that she will ignore her own situation and safety.

(End of this chapter)

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