Chapter 194
After Yang Xiaobao entered the woods, he didn't continue to run, because his heart had already settled down, and because of the buffer of this forest, even if the nine strong martial arts masters of the ninth level of Wu Zun chased him, he would not run away. It is also possible to escape calmly, after all, there are shelters everywhere in the woods, and it is no longer as unobstructed as the wilderness, which is clear at a glance.

Of course, after Yang Xiaobao stopped, he was not idle. He wanted to seize the time to arrange a chain of traps. The so-called chain of traps is to arrange nine small traps in a row according to the shape of nine palaces. But it doesn't exist in isolation, but one barrier is connected to another, one ring is connected to another, and the rings are intertwined, relying on each other.

Once such a series of trapped formations is completed, not to mention trapping the nine Martial Venerables, even three to fifty people will be trapped until they cannot move, and they will only be slaughtered.

However, arranging such a series of trap formations is much more complicated and complicated than simply arranging a single trap formation, and Xiaobao himself is not proficient in arranging the formation, strictly speaking, it is still very unfamiliar, after all he It's just two or three trapped formations.

Fortunately, since Yang Xiaobao was reborn, not only his memory is amazing, but also his comprehension ability and adaptability are quite against the sky, so for such a series of traps derived from a single trap, after Yang Xiaobao can draw inferences about other cases from one example , I quickly understood the mystery of it, so it didn't feel very difficult to arrange it.

About 10 minutes later, the chain of traps was finally set up successfully, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help sweating, if he was proficient, he could finish it in a minute at most, but he didn't expect it to take more than 1 minutes, but Since it is the first time, it is not surprising that it can be regarded as a big victory if it can be arranged successfully.

Fortunately, there was a heavy rain just now, and the nine Wu Zun strongmen were blocked for so long, otherwise, how could it have been so long for Yang Xiaobao to set up the formation?
It seems that a person's life and death, success and failure, often depends on a certain amount of luck, and only those with great luck can achieve great achievements.

This is like after a big battle, only those who are lucky enough to survive have the chance to be promoted and make a fortune, and those who die are at most a martyr.

After raising Xiaobao for a long time, he saw that those strong men hadn't chased after him, so he couldn't help saying in his heart, it seems that these people are really slow enough, could it be that these strong Wu Zun have been frightened by the heavy rain Let's go, if this is really the case, wouldn't it be a waste of the series of troubles that Yang Xiaobao carefully prepared for them?
However, if they really turned around and went back, there was no way for Yang Xiaobao to go out and lure them to come. Such a stupid thing, Yang Xiaobao would definitely not be able to do it.

Yang Xiaobao decided to wait here for half an hour. If he still sees them coming after half an hour, Yang Xiaobao will not wait any longer. Not only is it useless to stay here, but there may also be new dangers. Who knows if the emperor of the empire will send masters to capture him after he knows his whereabouts?
However, Yang Xiaobao didn't wait for half an hour, that is, about ten minutes. The nine Wu Zun powerhouses had already arrived one after another. They ran away, and they had already made plans to follow him for a long time, but they didn't expect Yang Xiaobao to still be here. Could it be that this kid is stupid?Or is it concluded that they will not chase after a heavy rain?
If this kid really thinks so, then he underestimates them too much. How can warriors who can cultivate to the level of Wuzun not have a certain amount of perseverance? If a heavy rain stops their progress, it is impossible for them to have the current level Achievement.

However, Yang Xiaobao doesn't care what they think of him, no matter how badly they think about him, he doesn't care. Anyway, these people will be dead in a short time. What do they care about?

Raising Xiaobao was afraid that they would not come after them. If he didn't come, his expression would be wasted. After all, it was the first time for such a series of traps to be arranged, and he didn't want to let it go without passing the inspection. .

As long as they chase after them, they will inevitably fall into the series of traps he arranged. Sure enough, after these high-end martial arts experts at the ninth level of Wu Zun took a look at Yang Xiaobao, they all smiled involuntarily. Said that this kid is really stupid, now that they have all chased him in front of him, but he is still standing here without moving a step, does this kid think they are coming to see if he is there?
If this is the case, this kid really has lived to the end. You must know that they dispatched nine martial arts masters in the late stage of Wu Zun, not only to catch him to receive a sky-high bounty, they received orders from the suzerain and the elder If they can't catch them alive, they will die, and I don't know what kind of enmity the boy Yang Xiaobao has with the suzerain, and the great elder, so he wants to put him to death and then hurry up.

Although these Martial Venerables don't know about it, Yang Xiaobao still knows something about it. After all, he directly or indirectly killed several inner disciples of the Nebula Sect. Of course, he only knows about one of them. I don't know the second thing, in fact, he also killed a disciple of the great elder of Xingyun Sect, that is the son of Qian Feizong, the owner of the Triumph Hotel.

The owner of the Triumph Hotel, Qian Feizong, and his old driver, A Shun, also escaped from the cliff in the back mountain recently, and they also successfully met the great elder of the Nebula Sect, Venerable Yuanhua. After Zhiyang Xiaobao killed his big apprentice, he wanted to go to Kunyu Country Star Academy to find Yang Xiaobao for revenge, but he didn't expect to hear the news that Yang Xiaobao had killed the imperial prince, and their Nebula Sect also accepted When it came to the top ten sects of the empire, they were asked to issue a martial arts general order to raise Xiaobao.

Master Yuanhua couldn't help being shocked when he heard the news. He didn't expect that Yang Xiaobao was really evil to the extreme. Not only did he kill his disciple, he even killed the prince of the empire. It seems that this The boy really lived to the end, so after Master Yuanhua learned that Yang Xiaobao had fled to Yuanshi Kingdom, he immediately discussed with the suzerain and sent nine strong men of level nine Wuzun down the mountain to chase and kill Yang Xiaobao .

If he hadn't been unable to get away for a while, he would have come to capture Yang Xiaobao himself. However, he was very relieved to send nine martial arts experts. No matter how powerful Yang Xiaobao was, he couldn't be The opponents of nine Wu Zun ninth-level martial arts experts.

In fact, he really guessed right, if raising Xiaobao only depends on his cultivation, let alone nine martial masters, even one martial master, he would be very difficult to deal with, but he didn't know, In addition to force cultivation, raising Xiaobao also has various methods that are hard to guard against.

(End of this chapter)

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