Chapter 199
Hu Yanhu, the commander of the guards of the Huayang Empire, led [-] elite mecha soldiers, and traveled all day and night to Yuanshi Kingdom. By the next morning, they had already entered the territory of Yuanshi Kingdom. As they were marching, a special mecha soldier came to report , saying that they have found Yang Xiaobao's whereabouts, because they found Yang Xiaobao's mobile phone signal direction through the remote positioning system.

Hu Yanhu was overjoyed when he heard the good news, he finally found the news about Yang Xiaobao, you must know that in order to find out Yang Xiaobao, the murderer who killed the prince, he was almost tortured madly, and the emperor even went insane every now and then. He ordered people to ask him how his hunt was going, but since Yang Xiaobao killed the prince and escaped, it seemed like he had evaporated from the world, and there was no clue at all.

If they want to find Yang Xiaobao, apart from mobilizing people who don’t know the truth to look for it through the Wulin General Order, they will find Yang Xiaobao’s mobile phone, but Yang Xiaobao’s mobile phone has always been unable to get through, or it shows that it is not available. The state of the service area, this clue is basically useless.

And now he has received Yang Xiaobao's phone location, how can this not make him feel extremely excited?

Therefore, Hu Yanhu immediately ordered the team to speed up, and the mecha infantry immediately ran with all their strength. Once the team of more than 3000 people started to run, there was a feeling of shaking from the ground.

About 20 minutes later, Hu Yanhu rushed to the location where Yang Xiaobao's mobile phone signal appeared with three thousand mecha soldiers, but after they came here, they saw only a large group of fighters, but did not see Yang Xiaobao Xiaobao's figure.

These fighters were also taken aback when they saw Hu Yanhu coming with so many mecha soldiers. They didn't know what they were doing here, but a few Wu Zun experts had clearly understood that these mecha soldiers should The emperor of the empire sent to arrest and raise Xiaobao.

So, the leader Wu Zun ninth-level martial artist saluted Hu Yanhu immediately, and asked: "My lord, did you come to arrest Tong Ji's criminal Yang Xiaobao?"

"Exactly, where is Yang Xiaobao, have you ever seen it?" Seeing this person asking, Hu Yanhu said immediately.

"My lord, you are late, Yang Xiaobao ran away, we fought him just now, but we didn't expect this Yang Xiaobao to be so powerful, he could fly, and now he has already flown away, we originally I want to chase, but I can't catch up at all." The strong Wu Zun said quickly.

"Where did you run off to? Do you know?" Hu Yanhu continued to ask, he didn't take seriously what the martial artist said about raising a little treasure to fly, and said in his heart that these people would always exaggerate in order to cover up their incompetence The strength of the opponent.

"Flying away in the direction of Kunyu Kingdom, my lord." The strong Wu Zun replied hastily.

"The direction of Kunyu country? We came from that direction, why didn't we see it?" Hu Yanhu heard that Yang Xiaobao ran towards Kunyu country, so he said suspiciously, of course, he was in the direction of Kunyu country. Before I saw it with my own eyes, I didn't think Yang Xiaobao could fly.

"It's true, my lord, we all saw Yang Xiaobao flying away in the direction of Kunyu Kingdom." The people present heard Hu Yanhu's questioning voice, so they all said in unison.

After hearing so many people's answers, Hu Yanhu couldn't help but believe it. Could it be that this little treasure can really fly?It should be, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people telling lies at the same time. It is estimated that some people can fly, but it is impossible to be as outrageous as they said. You know, it is thousands of kilometers away from here to Kunyu Kingdom. How could it be that Bao could have flown there? They mecha soldiers have been running for such a long time relying on high-tech running tools. How can this Yang Xiaobao fly in the air for so long?

However, despite Hu Yanhu's skeptical attitude, Yang Xiaobao did fly away. Believe it or not, no one will give him a clear answer. After all, everyone present has seen it, and they are still shocked. .

Hu Yanhu had no choice but to let the special mech soldier continue to search for Yang Xiaobao's cell phone signal, but no matter how the soldier searched, he couldn't find Yang Xiaobao's cell phone signal. Huhui reported: "Master, Yang Xiaobao's mobile phone signal has disappeared, and there is no information at all. There is no way to find out."

Of course, it's right that the soldier can't find Yang Xiaobao's cell phone signal, because Yang Xiaobao has already put the cell phone into the system space, if he can find his cell phone signal, that would be a strange thing!
Hu Yanhu nodded helplessly when he heard the soldier's report, and waved him to go, but he was also very depressed in his heart, after finally finding out Yang Xiaobao's whereabouts, and now he was broken again.

No way, Hu Yanhu had no choice but to report the situation to the emperor truthfully, and also specifically mentioned the matter of raising Xiaobao to be able to fly, and the emperor of the empire was in a state of desperation at this time, he did not expect that Huyanhu would send back such a frustrated message News, so he immediately yelled at Hu Yanhu: "Trash, you are a **** trash, even worse than trash, with so many people, and the most advanced equipment in the empire, you have not caught it until now. What is there to raise a little treasure, if you don't catch it, you will lose it, hurry up and chase it, if you can't catch it, you can't catch it, you don't have to come back, you trash."

Hu Yanhu was scolded by the emperor for a while, and he couldn't help the cold sweat on his forehead. For many years, he has been loyal to the royal family, and he has saved the emperor's life several times. It can be said that the emperor has great trust in him, and he has never scolded him like this , Now for the matter of raising Xiaobao, he has scolded him like this. Raising Xiaobao, raising Xiaobao, it is best not to let me catch you. If you catch him, you will not be able to survive or die.

Hu Yanhu was scolded by the emperor, and he also scolded Yang Xiaobao in his heart, and then hurriedly led the team back to Kunyu Kingdom without stopping. The sky blocks out the sun.

It took another day and night before returning to Kunyu Country, but after arriving in Kunyu Country, he still couldn't find any traces of Yang Xiaobao, not even any news, which is strange. Could it be that Yang Xiaobao is so big? The living just disappeared out of thin air?
Hu Yanhu was about to go crazy, and the Emperor of the Empire was urging him so hard, and even though he had rushed back to Kunyu Country, he still had no news of raising Xiaobao, which made him suddenly very angry, just This anger had nowhere to vent, and it almost made him sick.

(End of this chapter)

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