Chapter 200 Slaying the Enemy
After Hu Yanhu, the commander of the imperial guards of the empire, returned to Kunyu Kingdom, he still couldn't find Yang Xiaobao, which made him anxious and angry, almost going crazy, but there was nothing he could do.

And Yang Xiaobao was also very angry at this time, because he found his enemy Ouyang Afraid under a cliff in a valley. It can be said that Ouyang Afraid was Yang Xiaobao's biggest enemy after he came to this world, because Ouyang Afraid killed his mother and sister The means are so outrageous that Yang Xiaobao still remembers the original oath: "If you don't kill Ouyang, I will not be a human being when I raise Xiaobao."

God is so pitiful, now he has finally met Ouyang, who is afraid of this beast, who will kill his enemies today to comfort his mother and sister's soul in heaven.

But Ouyang was afraid to hear that Yang Xiaobao called out his name, so he immediately felt reckless. He couldn't remember who this young man was. In other words, he had never met Yang Xiaobao at all. Knowing how this young man called out his name, it is not surprising to call out his name. After all, Ouyang is afraid that as a gang leader, there are many people who know him.

It's just that he doesn't understand how this young man can hate him so much, as if he saw his father and enemy killed, but this is not surprising, after all, he has had countless lives in his hands. His hands are full of bloody smell, yes, it seems that these should be the descendants of someone he once killed.

However, when he saw that Yang Xiaobao's body hadn't revealed any vitality, Ouyang laughed immediately. It seemed that he was another brat who didn't know how to be tall and thick. It was just such an ordinary, ordinary kid who wanted to find him. Revenge is really beyond self-control. It seems that this kid has read too many martial arts novels. Does he think that he can easily find someone to take revenge on himself?
However, he will soon know who is self-indulgent, who is naive and ridiculous.

After Yang Xiaobao yelled, he stopped talking, let alone caring about Ouyang's fearful thoughts, and immediately jumped down from the tree. He was still in the air, and with a thought, the Tai Chi gun appeared in his body. In his hand, he attacked Ouyang Fear with three moves in a row. For a moment, countless gun shadows flew around, stabbing Ouyang Fear angrily.

Ouyang was afraid that when he saw Yang Xiaobao take out the Tai Chi gun, there was still a trace of greed in his eyes, but when he saw Yang Xiaobao's sudden spear attacking towards him like overwhelming, he immediately became reckless. , this kid is not an ordinary person, he is a martial arts master at all.

Ouyang was afraid that Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi gun had already killed him as soon as he thought about it, but with Ouyang's current Wuheng level [-] cultivation base, it would be impossible to parry him, even if he wanted to avoid it, so, Ouyang was afraid that tragedy would happen immediately.

Just in an instant, Ouyang was afraid that he would suffer hundreds of wounds. There was not a piece of complete skin on his whole body, let alone complete flesh. Broken all over the place.

Originally, if you wanted to kill Ouyang Fear with Yang Xiaobao Wuzhen's second-level cultivation base, you didn't need to use the Tai Chi gun at all, but Yang Xiaobao hated Ouyang Fear too much, so every shot was a thunderstorm, and every shot was a gust of wind The heavy rain would not give Ouyang any chance at all, so he must kill him if he takes a shot, and it must be a lore. Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be relieved.

Yang Xiaobao looked at the puddle of blood and broken flesh in front of him, the hatred in his heart was finally eliminated, today he finally slaughtered his enemy Ouyang Fear with his own hands, his mother can rest in peace, and so can his sister.

After Yang Xiaobao slaughtered his enemy Ouyang Fear, his mood quickly returned to calm, so he found a place to practice. He didn't expect that the place where he accidentally fell, the vitality of the world was stronger than what he didn't know outside How many times richer it is, it is almost catching up with Lingyu Valley. This really made him feel overjoyed. Originally, after using the Wind Riding Technique for a long time, the vitality in his body was basically exhausted, but he did not expect it to just fall Going to such a place full of vitality from heaven and earth allowed him to immediately replenish his vitality.

If it wasn't for the fact that the vitality of the world here is very strong, and he was allowed to replenish the exhausted vitality in time, then he would be the one who died now, not Ouyang. I'm afraid. You know, when he fell just now, he was almost exhausted. Under such circumstances, not to mention Ouyang Fear, who already has the fifth level of Wu Heng, even a slightly stronger ordinary person can kill him at any time.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobao was secretly thankful, so he must hurry up to practice now, after all, he is still under the control of the whole empire, and he is full of dangers all the time, or the royal family did not send troops over, If the royal family sent troops over, his danger would be even greater. After all, he could not deal with the sophisticated thermal weapons equipped in the army at all.

If he has sufficient vitality in his body, then his life safety will naturally be much more guaranteed. After all, he also has such a sky-defying lightness technique like riding the wind, and he can escape quite quickly, as long as he does not encounter missiles , he may still escape, of course it depends on his luck.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao entered the state of cultivation, the vitality of heaven and earth in the valley rushed towards him from all directions in an instant. In a short while, a layer of vitality mist formed around Yang Xiaobao, covering his entire body Inside, it's like a cocoon.

The speed at which Yang Xiaobao absorbs vitality like this is really incomparable. If outsiders see this, they may be scared to death. Of course, Yang Xiaobao has entered a state of deep practice now, and it is impossible for him to take care of outsiders. idea.

However, no one came down such a cliff at all, and no one else could come down even if they wanted to, because Ouyang was afraid that after coming in again, in order to practice hard here, in order to prevent others from discovering this place, he actually gave up the stone wall stairs. It's flattened, anyway, he has a sword that cuts iron like mud in his hand, if he wants to go up, he can just cut it again at any time.

However, Ouyang was afraid of thousands of calculations, but he didn't calculate that Yang Xiaobao would fall directly from the sky, and he didn't calculate that the person who fell was actually the enemy who killed his son, let alone that his enemy raised Xiaobao. Little Treasure is so powerful that he was assassinated to a pulp with just one face-to-face encounter.

After about five or six hours, the vitality of Yang Xiaobao's two dantians is almost full. I believe that with five or six hours of such crazy absorption of vitality, Yang Xiaobao should be able to break through.

However, under Yang Xiaobao's crazy absorption, after an hour, Yang Xiaobao can fill up the vitality of the two dantians, and then no matter how he cultivates, he will not make any progress, because the vitality here has been exhausted. Consumed by him.

(End of this chapter)

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