Chapter 201

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao had to stop his cultivation. Although he was still a little bit unsatisfied, he was quite satisfied. After all, he hadn't enjoyed the treatment of absorbing the vitality of the world like this for a long time since he came out of Lingyu Valley. pass.

Since you can no longer practice here, then staying here will lose any meaning, so Yang Xiaobao decided to leave here and continue to go to the forest of thousands of thousands. Yang Xiaobao then checked in this valley and found that this is A Jedi with no way out at all.

However, this does not hinder Yang Xiaobao, because he has the technique of riding the wind, no matter how high the cliff is, it is not a problem for Yang Xiaobao, so Yang Xiaobao immediately resorted to Riding the wind technique, he immediately flew up like a gust of wind, and after a few minutes, he flew to the top of this seemingly bottomless cliff.

After Yang Xiaobao came up, he thought about it for a while, and felt that now that he had returned to Kunyu Country, it was still necessary to visit Starry Sky Academy. It's a farewell.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately took out his mobile phone and looked at the navigation to Shanshui City Star Academy. After reading it, he put the mobile phone back into the system space with a thought.

And just when Yang Xiaobao took out his mobile phone, Hu Yanhu, the commander of the imperial guards, immediately received a report from the special armored soldiers, saying that he had found Yang Xiaobao's whereabouts, and that he was in Kunyu Kingdom.

When Hu Yanhu heard the news, he immediately lifted his spirits. Finally, he heard another good news. He didn't expect that this little treasure was actually in Kunyu Country. Well, it's so damn good, you damn good Can't it fly?See if you can fly past laser bullets.

Hu Yanhu immediately ordered the team to assemble urgently, and then marched in the direction of Yang Xiaobao's cell phone signal.

But Yang Xiaobao will not wait for Hu Yanhu to catch him. When Hu Yanhu gathers his team, he will start, and the speed is not as fast as usual. He entered Shanshui City in just a few minutes. Little Treasure also entered the city, just like this very cleverly staggered, if Hu Yanhu knew this, then he would regret it to death.

After Yang Xiaobao entered the city, he stopped a taxi directly, but when the driver heard that Yang Xiaobao was going to the Starry Sky Academy, he couldn't help but looked at Yangxiaobao very strangely, thinking that the Starry Sky Academy was empty now. It's empty, and I heard that it's been haunted all the time, what is this young man doing there?But he was just thinking about it in his heart, and he didn't say it out. After all, he was just doing business, and the customers could go wherever they wanted, as long as they had money.

However, after Yang Xiaobao got into the car, he took a close look at Yang Xiaobao, and immediately recognized that Yang Xiaobao was a key criminal in the imperial family's annals. Regarding Yang Xiaobao's description of killing the prince in the order, Yang Xiaobao was really vicious to a heinous level.

So, the driver didn't dare to say anything more, he was afraid that if he didn't say a word well, he would provoke this murderous maniac, and he was afraid that his life would be lost, so he immediately stepped up the accelerator and drove towards the Starry Sky Academy, thinking that the sooner the better, the better. After all, there was a convict of the imperial family in the car, which was too much pressure for this ordinary driver.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao didn't understand what the driver was thinking. Seeing him driving fast was exactly what Yang Xiaobao wanted. There may be danger, of course, the sooner you arrive, the better.

It didn't take much time, about ten minutes, the taxi stopped at the gate of Starry Sky Academy, Yang Xiaobao took out a gold coin and handed it to the driver. Turned around and left at the fastest speed, feeling both nervous and excited. Originally, the normal price was less than two silver coins. Unexpectedly, the general prisoner of the imperial family gave him a gold coin without change. Yes, it seems that now there is a topic of pretending to be aggressive in front of other colleagues.

After Yang Xiaobao got out of the car, he saw that Starry Sky Academy didn't even have a guard, showing a withered and decayed look, he couldn't help but was shocked. It seems that after he made troubles in Starry Sky Academy, the academy also got into trouble. .

Yang Xiaobao thought of this, and ran into the Starry Sky Academy as fast as he could, but he didn't even see a single person, it was empty everywhere, and there were gusts of wind blowing from time to time, as if countless innocent souls were shouting Roaring, giving people a creepy feeling.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao never believed in ghosts. Even if there were ghosts, he wasn't afraid. After all, wouldn't it be a joke if he was frightened by ghosts as a living person?
However, Yang Xiaobao always feels very uncomfortable when he thinks of the prosperity of Starry Sky Academy in the past, but now it is such a depression.

However, he still doesn't know what happened to the former students. He doesn't know whether they were killed by the imperial family or they left Starry Sky Academy on their own.

However, now there is no one here, and there is no one to ask, so I have to let this matter go.

Yang Xiaobao then came to Dean Ling's small building, which was also very dilapidated and dilapidated. Yang Xiaobao shook his head, then opened the door and walked in, only to find all the decorations made of gold inside. The clothes and furniture were all gone, obviously they were looted, Yang Xiaobao sighed deeply when he recalled the resplendent scene here in the past, but now it has fallen into such a wasteland.

If the imperial family really sent someone to do it, the dog emperor is too bullying. Of course, raising Xiaobao is nothing more than cursing in his heart. For the huge imperial family, raising Xiaobao is nothing now, of course Don't talk about revenge or anything like that.

However, the words should not be too absolute. The old saying is good, don't bully the young and poor, how can you know that after raising Xiaobao, you will not be able to become a strong one and achieve supreme hegemony?When this day really comes, it is not impossible to seek revenge from the imperial family.

Yang Xiaobao walked around Starry Sky Academy with a heavy heart, only seeing peach blossoms all over the courtyard, red and white competing for beauty, but no one could be seen anymore, Yang Xiaobao suddenly remembered a song poem to:
"Last year in this door today,

The peach blossoms on the human face are red,
I don’t know where to go,
Love and be loved. "

Yang Xiaobao lamented for a while, then walked out of Starry Sky Academy, calmed down, and decided to go to Ten Thousand Forests, leaving Huayang Empire first.

(End of this chapter)

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