Chapter 209

When Yang Xiaobao heard Du Cun, the deputy commander of the royal guards, roaring at him, he also cursed a few words in his heart to be paralyzed.

Of course Yang Xiaobao didn't know who this person was, nor why he hated him so much.

However, he also guessed that this person must be a member of the royal family, otherwise, who would go all the way to Ten Thousand Forests to scold him?
Thinking of those uniform footsteps just now, it is estimated that this guy is a member of the mecha unit of the imperial family. It is estimated that this person cannot find him, and he is in a hurry.

Are you in a hurry?Don't you want my brother to come out?

Hey, brother, I just won't come out, you're so paralyzed that you came to bite me!


After Du Cun, the deputy commander of the imperial guards, roared, he also felt better.

He was relieved, but the mecha soldiers under him cursed him in their hearts: "I thought that the guard commander Hu Yanhu had a bad temper, but I didn't expect that the new one would be the same. These officials are not good eggs."

Of course, Du Cun, the vice-commander of the royal guards, didn't know the dissatisfaction and curses of the mecha soldiers under him.

If you let him know, maybe you will be angry again.

So it is said that what you don’t know also has the benefits of not knowing. This is how life is. There is no need to know everything. Knowing more is not necessarily a good thing, because what you don’t know will not hurt you.

Just like Du Cun, the deputy commander of the royal guards, didn't know that the mecha soldiers under him cursed him, so he didn't get angry, and naturally he wouldn't get hurt if he wasn't angry.

However, although he had no reason to be angry, he found that a new problem had arisen.

After all, his purpose of coming here was to capture Yang Xiaobao, and now he didn't know where he was.

Even if he really came to these thousands of forests, if he really wanted to find a person in such a vast mountain, it would be much easier than looking for a needle in a haystack.

So, here comes the new question.

Moreover, this problem cannot be solved in a short while. If Yang Xiaobao's mobile phone is not turned on, he will have no clue at all.

Without information, even 2000 people would not be able to find this cunning fox.

Seeing that it was getting dark, there was no point in searching any further, so it was better to take a rest on the spot and make plans tomorrow.

Therefore, Du Cun, the deputy commander of the royal guards, immediately decided to camp in the same place.

When the mecha soldiers heard the order to camp in place, they immediately became happy, so they were busy setting up their tents.

After all, these soldiers have been on the road day and night these days, and they have already passed away. Now hearing the order to camp is just a good thing they can't wait for.

It just so happens that there are still three big wild boars here, which are just right for the tooth-making sacrifice.

As a result, the Huotou army had already shaved the bodies of the three monster wild boars, removed their internal organs, cleaned them up, and then set up a marching cauldron, and then began to stew the wild boar.

It didn't take much time, and soon there was a burst of meaty smell, even Yang Xiaobao, who was more than ten miles away, could smell it.

When Yang Xiaobao smelled the smell of meat, he couldn't help but arouse the greedy, but he could only hold back.

After all, now knowing that there is a team hunting him, how can he take care of his appetite?
Just take care of your own life first.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately got rid of distracting thoughts and performed the magic energy of Yangyi Qigong. After a few weeks, the desire for food disappeared immediately.

However, Yang Xiaobao didn't practice cultivation, although he also knew that in terms of the concentration of spiritual energy in the tens of thousands of forests, he could completely cultivate here.

But don't forget, once Yang Xiaobao cultivates, all the spiritual energy around him will rush towards him. If this happens, he will be exposed immediately.


As a high-end martial artist, Du Cun, the deputy commander of the royal guards, doesn't have much need for food, even if he doesn't eat for a month or two, he won't have a problem.

So he wasn't interested in the wild pork in the cauldron, and he also knew that although the meat smelled delicious, it really didn't taste as good as the pork raised at home.

After all, the wild boars that have been cultivated into monsters have gone through countless years. These wild boars are not only a thousand years old, but also eight hundred years old.

Such an old wild boar meat would be strange if it tastes good.

But there is one thing, although the meat of these monsters is not delicious, but its meat contains a certain amount of spiritual energy, which can be said to be a great tonic.

Of course, this is only relative to ordinary people, and it is of little significance to strong martial arts, especially high-end martial arts.

But this is not the case for ordinary people. If an ordinary person often eats monster meat, as long as he has a practice method, he can easily cultivate vitality and become an entry-level martial artist.

Of course, if you continue to practice, you will become stronger. After all, cultivation depends on persistence and continuous hard work.

It is completely unrealistic to want to become a god or immortal overnight.

Even Yang Xiaobao's cultivation method, which has Tai Chi and Tai Chu's magical skills, is not good, and it must be supported by strong spiritual vitality, otherwise, it will not be able to practice.

Therefore, although Du Cun, the commander of the royal guards, and the ten powerful warriors looked down on these stewed wild pork, for those mech soldiers, it was a delicacy they had never enjoyed before.

Moreover, each of these mech soldiers did not get much wild meat, just a small bowl.

Therefore, not only was the wild boar meat divided up, but there was not even a drop of soup left.

As a result, these mecha soldiers held empty bowls and refused to put them down, and some simply knocked on the bowls to express that they were not full.

Du Cun, the deputy commander of the royal guards, was thinking about how to find Yang Xiaobao, but the mecha soldiers interrupted his thoughts as soon as they knocked on the bowl.

So, the deputy commander, Du Cun, immediately yelled, "Are you all fucking starving ghosts reincarnated?"

These mecha soldiers had no choice but to sit down when they heard the voice of the deputy commander Du Cun.

However, after a while, someone knocked on the bowl again. After all, the feeling of being half full is really uncomfortable.

Du Cun, the vice-commander of the royal guards, was annoyed by their beatings, so he said to one of the platoon officers: "Take out a squad of people to go hunting. There are plenty of prey in this big forest. Let them eat as much as they come back. As long as they can eat it."

These mecha soldiers immediately became happy when they heard this order, and they never knocked on the bowl again.

And this row pipe is also quite happy, after all, he himself is not full, and he is also longing for the delicious food in the forest.

So he immediately arranged for a squad of mech soldiers to go hunting, and asked them to bring back more prey.

Hehe, the squad supervisor of this squad, heard the order from the platoon supervisor, and immediately happily led a squad of mecha soldiers to lead the order.

But He Xi led a team of people and ran for seven or eight miles, but still didn't see a single prey.

Of course, it is normal that there is no prey around here, because before this, there were three five-level monster beasts here, so how could there be wild beasts here?
And let alone ordinary beasts, even low-level monsters dare not stay here.

So these mecha soldiers had no choice but to continue walking forward, and after a few more miles, they still didn't see a single beast.

They had no choice but to keep moving forward. After all, they couldn't go back empty-handed before completing the task.

Soon, they came to the huge old tree where Yang Xiaobao was.

After these people came over, of course Yang Xiaobao saw them.

When Yang Xiaobao saw these mecha soldiers with submachine guns, he immediately became reckless.

Unexpectedly, it was really the mecha troops sent by the imperial family to arrest him.

Yang Xiaobao hid in the canopy of the tree, and saw these mecha soldiers clearly.

There are only ten of them in total, but they don't have any vitality fluctuations, so they should be real ordinary people.

Of course, it is not true to say that they are ordinary people. After all, these people have also undergone special training, and they are also armed to the teeth with weapons and mechas. Whether it is physical quality or psychological quality, they are not ordinary.

If we really want to give them a definition, we can only say that they are special and special ordinary people. Of course, their special and special are different from Yang Xiaobao's own special and special.

After all, Yang Xiaobao is a real martial arts expert, and they haven't really practiced it yet, so naturally they cannot be compared.

Yang Xiaobao reckoned that if there was a sneak attack, he would still be sure to kill this group of people in an instant.

It's just that he didn't know how many people came in their army. If they killed them rashly, they might startle them.

Moreover, he didn't know what the specific purpose of this group of people came here.

But looking around they seemed to be looking for something.

Are these people looking for him?

With the idea of ​​raising Xiaobao, he immediately felt that something was wrong. If they really wanted to look for him, it was impossible for these mech soldiers not to be on guard.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao decided to observe for a while.

So, Yang Xiaobao waited for them to walk forward for a while, and immediately used the wind riding technique, and fell lightly from the tree crown.

Then quietly followed these people to see what they were looking for.

After following for a while, Yang Xiaobao suddenly heard gunshots coming from the front.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately moved closer, and immediately understood.

It turned out that this group of people came out to hunt, because he saw a mecha soldier holding a dead rabbit, and he was as happy as something.

After Yang Xiaobao knew the true intention of these mecha soldiers coming out alone, he immediately decided to kill this group of people.

Because this is definitely a good opportunity, even if there is any abnormal sound in the battle with these people, their large troops will not suspect anything.

Since they were out hunting, of course there would be noises, even if they were shooting, it was normal.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately touched the back of a mecha soldier, and immediately slapped it down.

(End of this chapter)

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