Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 210 Special Operations Army

Chapter 210 Special Operations Army

Yang Xiaobao slapped the mecha soldier on the back of the head, and the mecha soldier fell down without a sound.

Yang Xiaobao continued to do the same, because his speed was too fast, and he knocked down six mecha soldiers in just a few seconds.

However, when Yang Xiaobao was about to shoot No. 7 mecha soldier, he was discovered by the class supervisor.

He Xi raised his submachine gun and sent a swarm of laser bullets at Yang Xiaobao.

But none of these bullets hit, because Yang Xiaobao moved too fast and quickly avoided it.

Of course it's not that Yang Xiaobao's movements are faster than laser bullets, this is impossible, at least in terms of Yang Xiaobao's current Wuzhen second-level skill cultivation base, it is impossible to be faster than laser bullets, unless his cultivation base reaches Martial Saint only possible later.

To speak quickly here is that the action of raising Xiaobao is much, much faster than that of the class supervisor.

And that's enough, after all, laser guns need to be operated by people.

Therefore, it is enough to raise Xiaobao as long as he can outrun the person who controls the laser gun.

Of course it sounds slow, but in fact it takes less than a second.

Yang Xiaobao found out just when He Xi raised the gun, and immediately a gourd rolled to the side.

The moment Yang Xiaobao heard the gunshot, he had already acted quickly.

At such a critical moment, there is no room for hesitation, no delay, and the action must be as fast as thunder, as fast as lightning.

Yes, the action of raising Xiaobao is so fast.

In just a moment, he came to He Zhi, and before he could react, Yang Xiaobao punched him in the face.

He Zhi was immediately hit by this punch, his face was covered with tears, tears, snot, and blood flowed out at the same time, his face looked mottled and wet.

He Xie was in pain, and had reached a critical point. He closed his eyes, and then a stream of bullets shot out. Of course, he didn't want to close his eyes, because his eyes couldn't be opened at all.

Undoubtedly, the bullet fired by He Zi with his eyes closed still missed, and he didn't know where he shot it.

Yang Xiaobao immediately snatched his submachine gun, but at this time, the remaining three mecha soldiers realized it.

Then there was a burst of gunfire, because the submachine guns in the hands of the three mecha soldiers fired at the same time, of course they would fire, after all, they were all specially trained mecha soldiers, and although their reactions could not be compared with Yang Xiaobao's, they were better than ordinary people. Still a lot faster.

After Yang Xiaobao snatched He Xie's submachine gun, he immediately took control of He Xie and stopped him in front of him.

The action of raising Xiaobao was well done and timely.

In this way, all the laser bullets fired by the three mecha soldiers at Yang Xiaobao were blocked by He Xi's body. Although he was not willing to block the bullets for Yang Xiao Bao, there was no way he could let him now.

Although the mecha on He Chuan's body has a certain degree of defense, it can't withstand such dense laser bullets.

Therefore, in just a short while, He Xi's body was shot with countless bullets.

Therefore, He Xiang was shot to death, but Yang Xiaobao was still alive, because He Xiang helped Yang Xiaobao block all the bullets. I have to.

Seeing this scene, the remaining three mecha soldiers immediately stopped shooting. It was impossible to stop, after all, all the bullets fired were blocked somewhere. No matter how many bullets were fired, it would be of no avail. I can't hit Yang Xiaobao even a single hair.

Seeing this scene, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help laughing out of joy, and then said in a very pretentious manner: "Hurry up, come and shoot me, Nima is already orgasmed and still doesn't shoot, do you still want to shoot the bullet?" Is it okay to keep hunting birds?"

Ding, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the master 'Yang Xiaobao' for successfully acting in-depth, the special reward is [-] points for pretending, [-] points for the system, and [-] points for experience." At the same time, the system light curtain interface appeared in his mind :
"The master raises the little treasure,

Boundary: Wu Zhen Level [-]

Experience Points: 980 points

Points: 230 points

Pretentious value: [-] points

Occupation: None

"Hey, the pretense was successful, it's still deep pretense, good, the pretense value is [-] points again, this deep pretense is not bad, unexpectedly gave two thousand pretense points in one go, good, very good, very good it is good."

After Yang Xiaobao succeeded in pretending to be deep, he was in a good mood. After all, with more pretending value, the killer weapon of system energy blessing can be used at any time, and life safety is another layer of protection.

And the three mecha soldiers couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded when they heard Yang Xiaobao's pretentious words, and at the same time they were very shocked and terrified by the method of raising Xiaobao.

Yang Xiaobao originally wanted to shoot and kill these mech soldiers immediately, but now that he is in a good mood, he suddenly doesn't want to kill them. After all, these people are also following orders, and he doesn't have much enmity with him.

After all, God has the virtue of being good at life, so let's forgive others.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao doesn't want to kill them anymore, but it also depends on whether they are sensible. If they still resist, Yang Xiaobao doesn't mind killing them right away.

So Yang Xiaobao went on to say: "You don't need to shoot, then surrender."

When the three mecha soldiers heard Yang Xiaobao's words, they immediately put down their guns, because they also knew that the three of them were definitely not Yang Xiaobao's opponents, and they might be able to save their lives if they surrendered. If you don't surrender, you will die.

"Raise the gun, or just put it on the ground. Since you want to surrender, you have to raise the gun, and you have to look like you're surrendering. What's the matter if you don't lift it and don't let it go?" Yang Xiaobao saw that they were about to surrender. The muzzle of the gun was facing down, but it was still held in the hand, and it was not placed on the ground, so he immediately added another sentence.

When the three mecha soldiers heard Yang Xiaobao's words, they immediately forced themselves, thinking that this is how they surrendered with their guns pointed down. This man is really strange.

However, the three mecha soldiers just muttered in their hearts, and immediately put the guns on the ground according to Yang Xiaobao's request.

That's right, since this person can do whatever he asks for, why bother him so much?As long as you can save your life.

Seeing that the three of them put their guns on the ground according to his request, Yang Xiaobao immediately nodded his head to express his satisfaction.

Of course, you don't have to kill them to raise Xiaobao, but you can't just make these people so cheap, and you have to be punished to a certain extent. The ghost told them to come and kill him!It is quite merciful not to kill them now.

However, there is one more important thing to do now.

This matter is indeed very important, so important that it will affect Yang Xiaobao's next plans and strategies.

So what is it all about?

In fact, this matter is not complicated at all, and it is very simple to say.

But no matter how simple things are, they must be done, and they must be done well.

If you don't do simple things, if you can't do simple things well, it will be very troublesome.

And it's not an ordinary trouble, because if there are more troubles like this, it will become a big trouble.

So no matter how simple something is, do it now and do it well.

Only by doing simple things well can we do more complex things.

So is what raising Xiaobao has to do now is simple or complicated?

If you want to put it seriously and put it bluntly, this problem is not a problem at all.

Because this question is very simple and not complicated at all.

Yes, it's very simple, as simple as a few words.

Of course, these few words are very simple, but they are very, very important words.

It's a bit slow to say, but in fact it's just a moment, just a thought.

With the idea of ​​raising Xiaobao, he immediately said very seriously: "Brother, I'm going to ask you a few words now, and you all have to answer honestly. If I let my brother find out who has said lies, empty words, or big words, then don't blame my brother." I am not polite, if I am not polite, the problem will be very serious, so serious that I feel scared myself."

"Hero, just ask, we will never tell lies, nor empty words, let alone big words." One of the older mecha soldiers immediately vowed.

"Which team are you from?" Yang Xiaobao was quite satisfied with this man's answer, so he stopped talking about lace, and went straight to the point.

"We used to be part of the Imperial Mecha Infantry Regiment, but now we have been transferred by the Imperial Royal Family to set up a special operations force, which is responsible for arresting the murderer Yang Xiaobao." The older mecha soldier replied truthfully.

When Yang Xiaobao heard the mecha soldier's answer, his heart still skipped a beat. Although he also knew that the imperial family would send troops to hunt him down, he did not expect to set up a special operation army. It seems that the dog emperor In order to catch himself, he is really willing to spend money.

Yang Xiaobao then asked again: "Who is your leader? Is he the one who scolded me loudly just now?"

When these mecha soldiers heard Yang Xiaobao's words, they were stunned for a moment. They didn't react immediately. Of course, it wasn't that they didn't know Yang Xiaobao. Although they had never seen Yang Xiaobao in person before, I have seen his photo, mainly because I don't understand what Yang Xiaobao means by leader, because there has never been such a title as leader in their mech troops.

Of course, after a while, they still understood the meaning of raising Xiaobao, so the mecha soldier immediately replied: "Our leader is Du Cun, who used to be the deputy commander of the royal guards, but now is our special operations army." The Military Commander."

"Is this deputy commander of the guards, Du Cun, a martial artist?" Yang Xiaobao continued to ask.

"Yes, Mr. Ducun is a martial artist, and he is also a high-end martial artist at the ninth level of Wu Zun." The slightly older mecha soldier replied immediately. Xiu they still understand, and must understand.

(End of this chapter)

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