Chapter 215
Raising Xiaobao sees that going on like this is not an option, if no measures are taken, brother Bai Shuangfei is really in danger!

I'm afraid it's not just dangerous, I'm afraid that after a long time, no matter whether it's his brother Bai Shuangfei or his raising Xiaobao himself, they will all be eaten by these monsters and rats.

Of course, it is not difficult to kill these monsters and rats. After all, they are all first-level and second-level monsters, and the highest ones are third-level monsters. Yang Xiaobao can kill them with a wave of his palm. up.

But the problem is, there are too many of these monsters. Along the way, there are many monsters and rats coming out to block the way.

Brother Bai Shuangfei already had many wounds on his body, Yang Xiaobao had no choice but to protect him first, and then with a thought, he took out a few special pills placed in the system space, handed them to Bai Shuangfei and said, "Brother, Take this pill quickly, the mouths of these monsters and rats are probably poisonous, you should take some detoxification pills, I guess you have been poisoned."

Hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, Bai Shuangfei quickly took Yang Xiaobao's special pill and swallowed it immediately. He couldn't help but feel numb all over his body, which must be a sign of poisoning.

Fortunately, after swallowing Yang Xiaobao's special pill, the numbness disappeared immediately, and his spirit was much better. It looked like he was poisoned.

I didn't expect that my eldest brother actually had an antidote pill on him, and it was also thanks to the elder brother's antidote pill, otherwise, it would be really dangerous.

Once the poison on Bai Shuangfei's body was removed, his whole body became more energetic and his movements became more agile. Just at this time, several second-level monster rats rushed towards him.

Immediately, Bai Shuangfei stabbed down with two swords, and immediately stabbed straight. The two big monster rats rolled their eyes and immediately rolled to the ground, unable to get up again, they must be dead.

Seeing that he had killed two level [-] monsters in an instant, Bai Shuangfei couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Yang Xiaobao is very happy to see that his brother Bai Shuangfei has recovered after taking the detoxification pill. It's much easier to be a beast or a big mouse.

No matter how many monsters and rats there are, they are fearless.

Damn, it's also strange, these big rat monsters seem to be endless.

Along the way, not to mention killing a thousand, seven or eight hundred rats were killed, but a few or a dozen big rats still jumped out from time to time.

However, as long as Bai Shuangfei is fine now, it is even more impossible for him to raise Xiaobao. Even if there are more of these big rat monsters, what's the problem?
It's just that as soon as the idea of ​​raising Xiaobao came up, a group of big rat monsters really appeared, yes, just a group, not a few, not a dozen, not dozens, but a group The monster rat suddenly appeared.

I don't know where they all came from, they looked dark, and they all stared at Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei with a pair of small mung bean-like eyes.

The strange thing is that the group of monster rats that just appeared didn't rush to bite them immediately, they seemed to be waiting for something.

Yang Xiaobao suddenly saw so many monster rats appearing all at once, he couldn't help feeling reckless, wondering what the situation was, why did these monster rats specifically fuck with his two brothers.

Bai Shuangfei's whole body also became tense, which is no wonder, after all, anyone would be nervous when they saw so many big mice surrounding him, if it was a girl, she would have screamed in fright.

Bai Shuangfei also finds it very strange. I remember when he was a child, when he and his adoptive father walked this road, there were no such monsters and rats. I didn't expect so many monsters and rats to appear here in just a few years. , what the heck, it's really strange.

After a stalemate like this for a while, these big rat monsters started to stir up, and one after another made way out of the way, as if they were welcoming the rat king.

But let alone, it is really the Mouse King who is here.

Just after these big monster rats got out of the way, a gigantic big rat appeared, its size was even bigger than a dog.

Moreover, this big mouse is not only huge in size, but the hair all over its body is not black or gray, but red, fiery red, which looks very eye-catching.

And behind this fiery red big mouse monster, there are actually five big blue mouse monsters all over the body.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being shocked when he suddenly saw the appearance of these six extraordinary monster rats. He couldn't help but be shocked, because these big mice were not only tall, but also high-level monsters.

What the hell, these monsters and rats are all five-level monsters, especially the fiery red big mouse is even more powerful, and there are faint signs of breaking through the fifth level and advancing to the sixth-level monster .

What kind of situation is this? I really didn't expect it. It seems that I broke into the rat's nest.

There is no other way now, so we have to fight, no matter whether the outcome is life or death, today's battle is inevitable.

However, since we have already met, there is only one battle, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Bai Shuangfei proudly: "Brother, today's battle is inevitable, and these monsters and rats are also powerful enemies that I have never met, maybe we brothers will die today Here, brother, are you afraid?"

Bai Shuangfei was already a little scared when he saw so many high-level big rat monsters suddenly appearing, but now he forgot to be afraid when he heard the big brother speak so boldly, so he immediately puffed out his chest and said, "Big brother, I'm not afraid. "

"Okay, good brother, don't worry, big brother will protect you." After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he immediately stopped in front of Bai Shuangfei, and immediately with a thought, the Tai Chi gun appeared in his hand.

At this moment, although the several high-level monster rats of different colors did not attack Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei, they uttered an unpleasant cry, which was obviously an order for the group of rats to attack.

Immediately, countless low-level monster rats rushed towards Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei one after another.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao saw so many monsters and rats rushing towards him, he didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately used the first three moves of the Tai Chi gun technique:

"The first trick: the sun, the moon, the universe,

The second measure: heaven and earth are impermanent,

The third trick: Jianghe transposition. "

All of a sudden, countless gun shadows poured out like mountains and seas, and these low-level monsters and rats were immediately hit by these gun shadows, and fell to the ground one after another to die.

However, one batch of these monster rats died, and another batch came again, as if they couldn't finish killing them all. The corpses of monster rats and rats in front of Yang Xiaobao were already piled up like a mountain, and there were still more.

Fortunately, raising Xiaobao only lost some vitality. He and Bai Shuangfei have not been injured so far.

After killing another batch of low-level monster rats, they were completely quiet, because all the low-level monster rats had been wiped out by Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi gun.

Yes, all of them were wiped out, not one left, not a single living low-level monster mouse, and all that remained were the fiery red peak-level five-level monster mouse and five blue five-level monster mice. It's a big mouse.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help taking a deep breath, because he knew deeply that the real battle had not yet begun.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao urgently summoned the future in his heart: "In the future, speed up the system energy blessing, next brother, I still have a tough battle to fight."

"Okay, dear master, the system energy blessing is starting, and it will be available in a second." The pleasant voice of the future immediately whispered in Yang Xiaobao's ear.

Bai Shuangfei's eyes widened in shock when he saw that Yang Xiaobao killed so many monsters and rats at once, it's really amazing my brother.

However, Bai Shuangfei was only secretly shocked in his heart, because he also knew that the real victory had not yet come, and it was obviously too early to be happy, and the real tough battle would come next.

And the six high-level monster rats are also looking at Yang Xiaobao like a monster at this time. After all, they can cultivate to the fifth-level monster, obviously they already have some intelligence. They are also very shocked now, and they are also full of excitement. got angry.

This hateful human being is simply too hateful to wipe out its entire group of monsters. It is tolerable, what is unbearable.

Although this hateful human is a bit powerful, it is not enough to look at them in front of their fifth-level monsters.

Then the big fiery red monster mouse immediately uttered another ugly cry.

Then two of the five monster rats rushed towards Yang Xiaobao immediately, the reason why they didn't have five at the same time, probably because they didn't think it was necessary.

After all, they are five-level monsters, so they have dignity. In their view, two five-level monsters at a time are quite worthy of raising Xiaobao, an ordinary human being.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help smiling when he saw that it was just two level five monster rats rushing towards him. Since that was the case, he only needed to activate the system energy boost for one second to kill these two level five monster rats. .

If these five big blue monster rats came together, it is estimated that raising Xiaobao would require at least six seconds of system energy blessing. Now that these monsters and big mice have been scattered to deal with him, the pressure on raising Xiaobao will be relieved Not a lot, but it is still very dangerous. After all, there is still the big fiery red monster mouse that has not moved. This big guy is the real enemy.

After all, Yang Xiaobao only has [-] pretense value now, that is to say, he can only use the system energy blessing for [-] seconds. It can only be said to be just right to deal with these five blue monster rats. Now these five The monster beast and the big mouse were so big that they didn't attack him together. It seems that the sky will not kill me.

(End of this chapter)

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