Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 216 The price of pretending

Chapter 216 The price of pretending
When Yang Xiaobao saw these two big blue level five monsters rushing towards him, he naturally didn't dare to be careless. These are level five monsters, and they are martial arts equivalent to human warriors. The beast is equivalent to two strong warriors.

And with Yang Xiaobao's current Wuzhen second-level cultivation base, even if he can leapfrog the challenge, it is quite reluctant to defeat a strong Wu Zun, not to mention two fifth-level monsters that are equivalent to human Wu Zun strong. What about the big rat?
If you don't deal with it carefully, you don't know how to die, how dare you have the slightest carelessness?
However, the current critical situation does not allow Yang Xiaobao to think too much, because the attack of the two five-level monster beasts and rats has come in front of Yang Xiaobao, and Yang Xiaobao hastily resorted to the front of Yang Xiaobao's marksmanship. Two tricks:
"The first trick: the sun, the moon, the universe,

The second trick: the world is impermanent. "

It was too late, but soon, Yang Xiaobao's two moves of Tai Chi gun immediately met the two five-level monster rats, and in just an instant, the two five-level monster rats were on the ground. After being hit several times, he immediately fell to the ground and died without even struggling.

Seeing this scene, Bai Shuangfei was so startled that his jaw almost dropped. He couldn't help but be very surprised. After all, this is a level five monster, and it was still an instant kill. The last time he killed a level four monster, the big wild boar Quite shocked, but now the fifth-level monster is still instant kill.

What is this concept?This is simply killing brother.

Of course, Bai Shuangfei didn't know that Yang Xiaobao had already activated the system energy blessing for a second. If he didn't use such a heaven-defying method, Yang Xiaobao would kill these two level five monster rats in seconds. It has already been defeated by now.

And if Yang Xiaobao loses, the two brothers are afraid that their lives will be lost, they will definitely die without a place to die, and they will definitely be divided and eaten by these monsters and rats.

Of course, not only Bai Shuangfei was surprised, but also the few remaining monsters and rats. They also didn't expect this ordinary human being to be so powerful.

And the fiery red monster mouse didn't stay in a daze for long, just in the blink of an eye, it made an ugly sound again, apparently giving the order to attack again.

As soon as the roar of the fiery red monster mouse stopped, the remaining three big blue mice rushed towards Yang Xiaobao. launched an attack.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the three monsters and rats were approaching aggressively, and they cooperated with each other tacitly, so he didn't dare to be slow, and immediately used the first five moves of the Tai Chi gun:
"The first trick: the sun, the moon, the universe,

The second measure: heaven and earth are impermanent,

The third trick: Jianghe transposition,

The fourth trick: the front line of life and death,
The fifth trick: advance and retreat freely. "

All of a sudden, the shadows of the spear were heavy, falling down like a waterfall. Since Yang Xiaobao fired the spear too fast, and also activated the system energy blessing, no matter whether the five moves of the Tai Chi marksmanship are fast, accurate, or ruthless, They all increased several times in an instant.

Therefore, under the blessing of the system's energy, these marksmanship moves were immediately overwhelmed like mountains and seas, and they all hit the three five-level monster rats in an instant.

Undoubtedly, the three monster rats were all dead, and they died horribly, with bullet holes all over their bodies, and the blood kept flowing, flowing, until they died, until they could no longer flow.

Yang Xiaobao also did not expect that this Tai Chi gun would produce such terrifying power after being fired with five moves in a row, and then strengthened by the energy of the system.

Seeing such a result, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but feel relieved. Although there was a fiery red monster rat at the peak of level five, Yang Xiaobao's confidence in himself had increased a lot now.

After all, the system energy boost can still be used for three seconds, so it is estimated that there should be no big problem in dealing with this mouse king.

And Bai Shuangfei was surprised when he saw the super combat power displayed by his elder brother Yang Xiaobao this time, but he was not as excited as before. He was now accustomed to Yang Xiaobao's super combat power.

Even if Yang Xiaobao is stronger, Bai Shuangfei is not surprised now, he believes that there will always be miracles in Yang Xiaobao.

Of course, Bai Shuangfei wasn't surprised, but the fiery red monster Mouse King couldn't calm down anymore.

Even if it is the Mouse King, now it is the only one left alone, and the entire monster group here has been wiped out by Yang Xiaobao.

The Shu King gave a few strange screams habitually, but there were no other monsters to serve him, and he had to go into battle himself if he wanted to.

As soon as the Shu King's ugly cry stopped, the fiery red hair all over his body stood up immediately, and he looked very scary, as if he should not be approached by strangers.

The Mouse King put on such a pretentious posture, and Yang Xiaobao laughed immediately, and then said very pretentiously: "What the hell, you are a damn big mouse, are you going to become a sperm? Putting on such an appearance, trying to scare someone, believe it or not, brother, I will stab you to death with my finger."

It's just that as soon as Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he immediately became reckless, because the mouse king rushed towards Yang Xiaobao in an instant, without even a slight warning in advance.

Yang Xiaobao was caught off guard and was almost rushed by it.

Although Yang Xiaobao avoided the Shu King's attack by turning around in the air during his busy schedule, he still couldn't dodge it completely. He was still hit by the Shu King's tail on his thigh, which caused Yang Xiaobao a lot of pain. Almost shed tears.

This is just a slight sweep, if the mouse king's tail is all swept, I'm afraid Yang Xiaobao's leg will be gone.

This is the price of pretending to be coercive. Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but sweat a little while suffering.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded with a "ding": "Congratulations to the master 'Yang Xiaobao' for successfully pretending to be a PK, the special reward is [-] points for acting, [-] system points, and [-] experience points." At the same time, the system light curtain interface appeared in my mind:
"The master raises the little treasure,

Boundary: Wu Zhen Level [-]

Experience points: 780 points

Points: 32 points
Pretending value: [-] points
Occupation: None

"Hey, the pretense is successful, it's still PK pretense, pretense can still PK, interesting, really interesting, very good, I like this PK pretense brother very much, although the price is a bit high, but the reward is quite high , It’s unprecedented to reward [-] pretense points all at once, even the experience points and points are also increased by [-] each.”

After Yang Xiaobao succeeded in pretending to be PK, he immediately smiled, but it was just a smile, after all, now is not the time to be happy.

It's really not the time to be happy, you have to be on guard against the attack of the monster rat king, if you are suddenly attacked by it again, it will be bad if you fall into its trap.

This mouse king is also too shameless, when Yang Xiaobao hadn't prepared for it just now, it suddenly rushed over.

Of course, it is no longer possible for the Shu King to play yin again.

Because Yang Xiaobao is always on guard against it now?As long as it makes a move, Yang Xiaobao will give it a ruthless trick, and it will never return.

And Bai Shuangfei was sweating for raising Xiaobao just now, but fortunately the elder brother was safe and sound this time, otherwise the two brothers would have to confess here today.

Yang Xiaobao became impatient when he saw that the mouse king hadn't moved for a long time, and he didn't intend to wait for the mouse king to make a move first.

It's just that when Yang Xiaobao was about to take the initiative to attack, the mouse king immediately moved again. However, instead of attacking Yang Xiaobao, it turned around and ran away, faster than a rabbit.

Yang Xiaobao didn't expect that the mouse king would run away without a fight. After reacting, Yang Xiaobao immediately took out a laser submachine gun and fired a stream of bullets behind it.

Yang Xiaobao also knew that this laser bullet would not do much harm to this fifth-level monster, but he always felt unwilling to see the mouse king running away, so he gave it such a blow, regardless of whether he hit it or not. Yes, it can be regarded as a sigh of relief, and it can be regarded as avenging the hatred of being attacked by it just now.

But there is another point, what Yang Xiaobao didn't expect is that the gunshot just now almost broke his eardrums, because the gun he just hit just hit an echo wall, and the echo came back all at once. , almost broke Yang Xiaobao's ears.

Not only him, but Bai Shuangfei also covered his ears with his hands at this moment, with a distressed expression on his face.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but smiled wryly, he didn't expect that the shot just now not only failed to hit the despicable and shameless Mouse King, but caused a lot of damage to his two brothers.

But there is another thing that Yang Xiaobao didn't expect was that the sound of his gunshot was sensed by Du Cun, the deputy commander of the royal guard who was struggling to find Yang Xiaobao in thousands of forests.

Yes, it was induction, because the gunshot came from underground, and it was impossible for Du Village to hear it very clearly, but he still sensed it.

After Du Cun sensed the gunshot, he was puzzled and confused for a while, and couldn't figure out what was going on, so he had to continue searching for Yang Xiaobao's whereabouts in the thousands of forests.

Yang Xiaobao didn't expect that his shot would have so many reactions. Of course, he didn't know that Du Cun, the deputy commander of the royal guards, was now breaking up a team of thousands of people, and scattered thousands of people in the tens of thousands of forests. Zhang made a big net against him for raising Xiaobao.

However, even if he knew Du Cun's big move, he would not be afraid, let alone accompany him.

The current goal of raising Xiaobao is the Yuanshi Kingdom, and he is on his way back. If there are no accidents, I believe he will soon be able to set foot on the land of the Yuanshi Kingdom.

What the hell, isn't Du Cun, the deputy commander of the royal guards, going to lead someone to arrest him?Don't you want to catch him and raise Xiaobao to go back to receive the reward? Don't you want to catch him and raise Xiaobao to go back to get promoted and make a fortune?
However, regardless of whether Du Cun, the deputy commander of the royal guards, wanted to capture him or kill him, Yang Xiaobao would no longer accompany him, and let him lead a large army to toss in the Ten Thousand Forest by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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