Chapter 218
After Yang Xiaobao felt the true love of this world, he was also touched a lot in his heart. He always thought that this world is a world where people cannibalize people, but now it seems that it is not always the case.

There are cannibals in this world, but not all of them are like that. After all, there are still some good people, and that's enough.

No matter which world it is, it is impossible to be full of good people, and it is impossible to be full of bad people. Most of the people are neither good nor bad.

A person can have selfishness, but he can't be without conscience, whether he is a high-ranking official or a commoner.

If a person doesn't even have the most basic conscience, he is worse than a beast.

After Yang Xiaobao's mood was agitated for a while, he suddenly remembered that he was still being pursued by the imperial family, and was still under the general orders of martial arts from various sects. If he entered the city rashly, he would probably be recognized immediately.

Although there is no fear of raising Xiaobao, even though he is not afraid of being hunted down, it is not a problem that people will always be chased after him. The best thing is to change his appearance, the best thing is to hide his name first.

When Yang Xiaobao thought of changing his face, he immediately thought of a human skin mask, but he doesn't have this thing now, but the system should have it.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately summoned the future in his heart: "In the future, my brother, I am now being tracked down, and I want to remain anonymous for a while, what do you think?"

"Dear master, this is a good idea for you. After all, now that you have been ordered by the powerful, it is better to hide it for a while. A man can bend and stretch. In the future, I believe that you will have a bright future." The beautiful voice of the future is in Xiaobao's ears Bian said, this voice is not only nice, but also faintly has an irresistible allure.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but then calmed down, after all, he hasn't done his business yet!

So Yang Xiaobao immediately said to the future in his heart: "In the future, is there anyone in the system mall with a leather mask?"

"Dear master, there is no human skin mask in the system. Such low-level things have been eliminated long ago. If you need to change your appearance, master, you can immediately change your appearance and even your voice by practicing a kind of kung fu." The pleasant voice in the future continued to speak in Yang Xiaobao's ear.

"Oh, that's great, what kind of exercise is it, and how long does it take to practice it?" Yang Xiaobao was overjoyed when he heard that there was such an appearance-changing exercise, which is better than a human skin mask There are too many, so I hurriedly asked the future.

"This exercise is called Variety Magic Ability. With your current skills, master, it only takes a few weeks to practice. Dear master, are you sure you need to buy it?" Future's pleasant voice continued.

"In the future, brother, after I practice this exercise, can I change my appearance again in the future?" Yang Xiaobao then asked, if after practicing this exercise, he can never return to his original appearance, That's not good, although it doesn't affect anything, Yang Xiaobao still feels that the original appearance is better, if it can't be changed back, I still have some resistance in my heart.

"Dear master, you don't have to worry about this at all. As long as you want the master, you can change back at any time. Not only can you change back, but this technique can support at least a hundred changes, so he is called the ever-changing supernatural power. Yes." Future's pleasant voice continued to whisper in Yang Xiaobao's ear.

When Yang Xiaobao heard from the future that after practicing this technique, he could not only change back to his original appearance, but also support a hundred kinds of changes, he was so happy that he didn't know what to do.

It's no wonder that he is happy, even Sun Wukong has only 72 changes, but after he practiced this technique, there are [-] changes, of course he must be happy, just being happy is not enough, he must be excited, and very excited.

"Dear master, are you sure you want to buy it now?" Future's pleasant voice continued to ask.

"Of course I have to buy it, I have to buy it, in the future, hurry up and buy it." When Yang Xiaobao heard that the future asked him if he wanted to buy it, he couldn't wait to say, yes, everything is good in the future, sometimes it is too rigid Now, when is this? If you don’t buy such a good exercise, when will you have to wait to buy it?

"Okay, dear master, I will buy it in the future, a book of the Variety Magic Ability, the required gold coins are 880 million, master, you have 880 million in the system space, deduct 110 [-], and there are [-] gold coins left." Future's pleasant voice continued to speak unhurriedly.

When Yang Xiaobao heard that the future remembered the gold coins in the system space so clearly, he was a little speechless immediately. This future is really an out-and-out housekeeper.

Then a book of exercises information appeared in Yang Xiaobao's mind, Yang Xiaobao immediately opened it with his mind, and found that the book was only one page.

Yang Xiaobao then checked all the content of this book, and found that the practice of this exercise is indeed simple enough. In the future, it is said that it will take a few weeks, but according to Yang Xiaobao's estimate, it only takes one week.

Sure enough, Yang Xiaobao has already practiced this ever-changing supernatural power after practicing for a week according to the introduction of the exercises.

Immediately, Yang Xiaobao remembered the appearance of the Kung Fu superstar Cheng Long on Earth in his previous life, so with a thought, the kung fu was running immediately, and immediately felt a change in his body. In order to verify the effect of the change, Yang Xiaobao immediately started from the system space. He took out a mirror and looked at it, and was shocked immediately, and found that he had turned into a kung fu superstar Cheng Long, and he looked a little more handsome than Cheng Long.

Yang Xiaobao was very satisfied with the effect of this change, and couldn't help laughing out of joy.

And his smile didn't matter, it immediately alarmed the brothers Bai Shuangfei in front of him, as well as that big fool.

When Bai Shuangfei saw someone he didn't know sitting behind him, he was immediately taken aback, and said nervously, "Who are you? Where's my elder brother?"

Yang Xiaobao was touched when he saw his brother Bai Shuangfei's nervous appearance, this brother really had nothing to say to him, very handy.

In order not to make Bai Shuangfei too anxious, Yang Xiaobao practiced the kung fu for a while, then changed back to his original appearance and said, "Brother, it's me, brother, I'm practicing a changing kung fu!"

As soon as Bai Shuangfei saw Yang Xiaobao, he immediately let go of his hanging heart. He was really frightened just now. He thought that something happened to Yang Xiaobao?

However, when he saw Yang Xiaobao's changing skills, he also became curious. It's impossible not to be curious, because it's too miraculous and unbelievable.

Yang Xiaobao then changed back to Chenglong's appearance, and then said to Bai Shuangfei: "Brother, brother, I will become like this in the future, as long as you know it."

Bai Shuangfei immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I know." Bai Shuangfei immediately understood when he saw that Yang Xiaobao had become like this. After all, Yang Xiaobao once told him about being hunted down by the imperial family. Of course, the big brother changed his appearance now to deal with the pursuit of those people.

And the stupid big man saw Yang Xiaobao's changes, not only didn't feel surprised, but he laughed, and then said happily, "Immortal, you are really an immortal."

Yang Xiaobao was a little speechless after listening to this stupid man, obviously this time this stupid man dared to really regard him as a god.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately said: "Big man, are you really not afraid of seeing gods?"

The silly big man immediately said cheerfully: "It's good that you are a god, why should I be afraid, how good it is for me to be with the gods."

Yang Xiaobao was stunned when he heard what the big fool said, but that's okay, since the big fool has identified himself as a god, it's a good thing, so the big fool won't talk nonsense What's the matter, no matter what he says, no one will believe it.

That's right, if this stupid big man said in front of others that he was with a god, it would be strange that others would believe him.

Soon, the boat docked, Yang Xiaobao found a place, dug a big hole, and buried all these corpses together with that stupid big man.

After burying these corpses, Yang Xiaobao decided to walk towards the direction of the first city immediately. Unexpectedly, the stupid big man also followed, and he laughed at Yang Xiaobao from time to time.

Yang Xiaobao didn't say anything, since he was willing to follow, he followed. After all, Yang Xiaobao still had a good impression of this stupid guy. Although he was a bit nervous, he was a kind-hearted and kind person.

The three of Yang Xiaobao walked forward for a while, and when they were about to approach the outside of the first city, they suddenly saw a place full of people. Not only was it full of people, but there were also many mecha soldiers standing guard on the outside, and many Reporters from TV stations and websites have all kinds of long guns and short cannons, and they are interviewing and filming something.

Yang Xiaobao and the three went up to watch, but when they were still some distance away from the reporters, they were stopped by the mecha soldiers standing guard.

However, standing here, Yang Xiaobao could see what was happening inside clearly, so he didn't care about anything, so he stood outside and watched.

After looking at it for a while, Yang Xiaobao finally understood what was going on. It turned out that the Minister of the Empire Zhang Yuqian was condolences to the victims of the flood.

Yang Xiaobao looked at these TV stations again, the reporters on the website were all here concentrating on interviewing and filming, and the Prime Minister of the Huayang Empire was also talking eloquently, and he couldn't help feeling a burst of sadness in his heart.

Just now he saw with his own eyes so many floating corpses floating on the water and no one took care of them, but now the Prime Minister has started a live broadcast of condolences to the victims. This show is so damn speechless.

At this time, at the shooting scene inside, several disaster victims in ragged clothes each took a box of instant noodles in their hands, and then knelt down on the ground, talking loudly about the mighty grace of the emperor...

(End of this chapter)

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