Chapter 219
"Brother, why are you blushing?" Bai Shuangfei suddenly saw Yang Xiaobao's face blushing, so he asked very puzzled.

"It's okay, brother, brother, it was caused by my practice just now." Yang Xiaobao hurriedly said something under cover, and then said: "Brother, don't you want to learn how to fly? Brother, I will teach you right now. "

"Okay, brother, teach me quickly." When Bai Shuangfei heard that he was going to be taught how to fly, he couldn't wait to say. He also longed for Xiaobao to be able to fly for a long time. I didn't even find a chance to talk to my elder brother. I didn't expect Yang Xiaobao to offer to teach him now. Of course, it's what I wish for.

"This technique is called Riding the Wind Technique. It is a technique handed down from ancient times, but the ones that have been handed down outside are incomplete and cannot be cultivated at all. Only my brother's technique can be cultivated, and it is the most complete. Yes." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

Bai Shuangfei nodded, and then waited for Yang Xiaobao's next words.

"Brother, it was only by chance and coincidence that I supplemented the wind riding technique. So far, I have not taught it to anyone except a friend, so I hope you will not spread it to others after you learn it. "Yang Xiaobao continued.

"Brother, don't worry, I have learned this Wind Riding Technique and will never spread it to the outside world." Bai Shuangfei said immediately.

Seeing that Bai Shuangfei agreed very readily, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help smiling. He wasn't afraid that Bai Shuangfei would pass it on to others after he learned it. In fact, it didn't matter whether he passed it on or not. Just learn it faster.

Yang Xiaobao then taught his brother Bai Shuangfei one by one the techniques of Chengfengshu and let him learn it by himself.

However, what Yang Xiaobao didn't expect was that Bai Shuangfei's comprehension was really extraordinary, and he realized the artistic conception of wind in just a few hours, which was almost catching up with his original speed. Very pleased.

Perhaps, Bai Shuangfei was because he had learned light kung fu and agility from his adoptive father. After all, having a foundation and not having a foundation are two completely different concepts.

After Yang Xiaobao saw that Bai Shuangfei had started to learn, he immediately said to him: "Brother, let's comprehend this technique first, after all, it is best to practice this technique in the wild to get twice the result with half the effort. "

When Bai Shuangfei heard Yang Xiaobao's words, his heart suddenly became enlightened. It turned out that the technique of riding the wind was closely related to the wind, so he simply stopped comprehending it, and let's wait until the field.

Yang Xiaobao then said to Bai Shuangfei: "Brother, you also know that brother, I have offended a big shot now, and I am always in danger of being chased and killed, so it is also full of danger for you to follow my brother."

"Brother, I'm not afraid. Since we are brothers, we will share the blessings and share the difficulties." Bai Shuangfei said without thinking.

"Okay, good brother, big brother is very pleased to have a brother like you." After Yang Xiaobao said a word of gratitude, he continued: "However, we still have to plan ahead. Now brother, I just learned a skill and supernatural power. , I will also teach you."

"Brother, what supernatural power is it? Is it a skill that can change the voice, appearance and appearance?" Bai Shuangfei immediately asked.

Seeing that Bai Shuangfei immediately asked the point, Yang Xiaobao nodded approvingly, and then said: "This skill is indeed a skill that can transform. After learning it, you can have a hundred changes, so it Another name is 'Various Magic Ability'."

"Various magical powers, good name, this technique must be very powerful." Bai Shuangfei immediately said with bright eyes.

"Of course it's awesome. Didn't you see that my brother and I are completely different now?" Yang Xiaobao said proudly.

"It's indeed completely different, big brother, if you hadn't transformed back once, I really wouldn't have recognized you brother." Bai Shuangfei said immediately.

"Okay, brother, I'll teach you now, brother, but you still can't pass on this skill easily." Yang Xiaobao continued.

"Brother, don't worry, I will never spread it to the outside world." Bai Shuangfei was no less yearning for this skill that can change his appearance than he was for the skill of Riding the Wind, so he immediately agreed.

Of course, that's what Yang Xiaobao said, and he doesn't care whether he will spread it or not. Since he has already taught him, it is his own business whether to spread it or not. It doesn't affect anything for him to raise Xiaobao.

However, with Bai Shuangfei's temperament, as long as he agrees to Yang Xiaobao, it will definitely not be rumored. Yang Xiaobao still believes in this point.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao then passed on this ever-changing magical power to his brother Bai Shuangfei.

Of course, although this skill is very powerful, it is not difficult to learn, nor is it difficult to practice. Bai Shuangfei learned it thoroughly after practicing it for more than a dozen weeks.

Therefore, in order to test the effect of this ever-changing supernatural power technique, Bai Shuangfei immediately transformed himself into the appearance of his adoptive father.

Immediately a blond old man appeared in front of Yang Xiaobao, and Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being surprised when he suddenly saw such an old man appearing in front of him.

If he hadn't known in advance that this was his brother Bai Shuangfei, he wouldn't have recognized him at all.

And Bai Shuangfei himself saw that he had completely changed into the appearance of his adoptive father in front of the mirror, and he was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

It's amazing, it's really amazing, Bai Shuangfei is completely blindfolded now, and he just feels the word "magical" in his mind.

After a long time, Bai Shuangfei continued to change back to his original appearance.

Then he said to Yang Xiaobao: "Brother, this exercise is really powerful and amazing."

Yang Xiaobao nodded with a smile. After all, he had already been shocked a long time ago, but he still finds it very interesting to see Bai Shuangfei's shocked look.

Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei taught and learned one by one, and both of them were very involved, very excited, very shocked, so the time passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was time for dinner.

Yang Xiaobao also felt a little hungry, so he said to Bai Shuangfei: "Brother, let's go out to eat."

"Okay, big brother, if you don't tell me, I don't think so much. Now that you talk about eating, I really feel hungry." Bai Shuangfei felt hungry immediately when he heard Yang Xiaobao said that he wanted to eat, so Hastily agreed.

Seeing that Bai Shuangfei agreed so simply and frankly, Yang Xiaobao smiled immediately, feeling very good, this is a man with true temperament.

So Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei walked out of the room immediately, but Yang Xiaobao froze immediately after opening the door of the room.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao's expression like this, Bai Shuangfei couldn't help feeling a little strange.

Indeed, he has always felt very calm and calm in raising Xiaobao. Now he suddenly sees the expression of his eldest brother, of course he will feel strange.

However, Bai Shuangfei immediately discovered the reason why Yang Xiaobao looked strange, because it was just across from their room.

The door of the room opposite the room was also suddenly opened.

Of course, it is not surprising that the door of the opposite room is open, after all, the door is always open.

Because when the opposite room opened, a beautiful woman walked out immediately.

And she's a big beauty.

When Bai Shuangfei saw this beauty, although he felt a little surprised, he didn't feel anything unusual, and he didn't intend to call.

But when he saw the elder brother raising Xiaobao, his expression suddenly changed.

Therefore, Bai Shuangfei couldn't help laughing, and said to himself that the eldest brother has taken a fancy to this beauty,

In fact, Bai Shuangfei's thinking cannot be said to be wrong, nor can it be said to be completely right.

Because this beauty Yang Xiaobao knows her, and she has known her for a long time, at least half a year.

Moreover, Yang Xiaobao has several connections with this beauty.

Every time is stronger and more exciting.

The first time was in that pond in Lingyu Valley.

That time Yang Xiaobao jumped into the pond impatiently because he couldn't wait to wash off the fishy smell on his body.

And also took off all the clothes on his body.

Of course, it is not uncommon for a big man to take off his clothes and take a shower.

However, what people didn't expect was that after Yang Xiaobao jumped into the pond, there was another person in the pond.

And this person is a woman, and a young woman, and a young and beautiful woman, and a young and beautiful woman without clothes.

Moreover, this woman is not ordinary beautiful, but very beautiful, very beautiful, very beautiful, if you want to compare it with beautiful women, it should be a bit more beautiful than Diao Chan in the Three Kingdoms.

This beautiful woman is none other than Xie Yixiang, an inner disciple of Shuangxue Sect, one of the top ten sects of the Huayang Empire.

At this time, as soon as Yang Xiaobao opened the door, Xie Yixiang also opened the door and came out, so they both saw each other.

Xie Yixiang was also stunned for a moment, she suddenly felt that the young man who came out from the opposite seemed somewhat familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her.

Or maybe you haven't seen it at all, it's just a feeling.

Therefore, Xie Yixiang just glanced at Yang Xiaobao, and then walked out.

The reason why Xie Yixiang didn't recognize Yang Xiaobao is not surprising at all. After all, Yang Xiaobao has completely changed his appearance now, and has changed into the appearance of a kung fu superstar on earth in his previous life. It would be strange if she could recognize him.

But the feeling of raising Xiaobao is completely different, he recognizes and understands Yi Xiang immediately.

Of course, they recognized it at a glance, after all, they had been together in Lingyu Valley for such a long time, and even faced each other naked, how could they not recognize each other right away?
(End of this chapter)

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