Chapter 239 Unexpectedly
Bai Yunfei, Shan Kaihuai and other seven new outer disciples, led by the great monk Zhan Kuang and other senior brothers and sisters, soon came to the door of a bamboo house that looked quite big.

Bai Yunfei turned his head and took a look. The elder in charge who said he would arrange work for them had long since disappeared, and he didn't know when he left. Now, apart from their seven new disciples, they were the ones raised by their eldest brother. Little Treasure is now competing with his brothers and sisters in the central square of the empire.

Although Bai Yunfei felt that something was wrong, he didn't take it to heart, he was at ease when it came, and he didn't have anything to think about.

That Gongsun Ju, who was exhausted after fighting Yang Xiaobao for several rounds in the arena in the central square of the Empire, opened the door of the bamboo house immediately.

But as soon as the door was opened, there was a musty smell coming from inside, and a group of rats were scurrying back and forth inside, Gongsun Ju hurriedly backed out covering her nose.

Then the great monk said to Bai Yunfei and the others: "Little children, you will live here from now on, go in and clean up by yourself first."

When Bai Yunfei and the other seven outer disciples saw that the house was so dirty, messy, and poor, they were still required to live here, so they immediately became reckless.

They have long heard how rich Lingdanshe is and how awesome this sect is, but they didn't expect to live in such a moldy and smelly house after they came in, it's incredible.

Suddenly a new chubby disciple from the outer sect said: "This house is not for people to live in. It's not bad for keeping pigs. The pig pens where my pigs are kept are cleaner than this house, and they are much better than this house."

This fat man's name is Zhang Dafu, he was originally the fourth son of a rich man, because Zhang Dafu once received a martial arts instruction, and his physique is not bad, so he also cultivated to the second level of martial arts.

So the rich man wanted to let his fourth son enter the Dazong sect for further studies, so that he could go home to protect his family's wealth after he finished his cultivation. If the rich man's idea was really good, Zhang Dafu was also very happy, and even made up for it. The content of the Complete Book of Herbs has thus entered the panacea that everyone wants to enter but cannot.

After Zhang Dafu happily entered the Spirit Pill Shed, he was also delighted to see that it was like a paradise. He was originally full of good expectations, but he never expected to be arranged to live in such a house that was not even as good as a pigsty.

The contrast was too great for him to accept at once, so he couldn't help but complained and expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Go in quickly, you must understand your own identities, you are outer disciples, you are just doing odd jobs, it is good to have a place to live, and you are picky." That Liu Shuimu suddenly roared viciously.

However, these few new outer disciples ignored him, after all, Liu Shuimu's cultivation was not much higher than theirs, and if compared with Bai Yunfei's real cultivation, it was even worse.

"Stop talking, go in and clean up. We all lived in this house, and all the new disciples are the same." That Feng Dong said immediately, but his tone was gentle.

After Bai Yunfei waited for Feng Dong to finish speaking, he was the first to step into the room. With Bai Yunfei taking the lead, the other six people also walked in. Although they all felt that the boss was unwilling, they couldn't help it. .

Seeing that they finally walked into this musty and smelly room, the great monk couldn't help grinning. He also remembered that when he first entered the Spirit Pill House, when others let him live in this house, he almost had a fight with others. scene of getting up.

Fengdong and the others also showed wicked smiles. After laughing, Fengdong immediately said to the few people inside: "I'll give you 10 minutes to clean up, and you have to move faster. If you can't clean up in 10 minutes Well, when you come back at night, you have to sleep with the dead mouse, and we will wait outside and take you to work."


The girl who brought Xiaobao into the bamboo building is indeed an alchemist, and she is the only female alchemist in the Lingdanshe. Because she has been promoted to an alchemist for less than a year, she has no personal medicine boy. She arranged for Yang Xiaobao, who had outstanding performance in the assessment, to be her personal drug boy.

This female alchemist is named Jin Ximei, she is the daughter of the suzerain Jin Wancheng, otherwise, the sect would not be able to arrange such a good medicine boy for her.

Therefore, this is not only Jin Ximei's good luck, but also good luck for raising Xiaobao.

If it weren't for such a coincidence, it would be impossible for Yang Xiaobao to become the alchemist's personal medicine boy all at once. If an outside disciple wanted to become the alchemist's personal medicine boy, it would be really difficult. Dong and the others have been in Lingdanshe for several years, and they have never had such an opportunity. Up to now, they are still a martial artist who can't get better, and they are still groping and practicing by themselves, and they don't even have a master.

Of course, for the outer disciples entering the Spirit Alchemy House, martial cultivation is not their first choice. Those who come in all have the dream of becoming alchemists one day, but unfortunately, there are very few such dreams that can be realized.

Some outer sect disciples have worked in the alchemy house for decades, or even hundreds of years, but have not become alchemists. Even if they can become a personal medicine boy, they are extremely happy.

Of course, the main reason is that these people do not seek to make progress. After entering, they just pass by. Being a monk for a day hits the clock, neither practicing martial arts nor studying alchemy. There are many opportunities.

First of all, there are complete materials here. There are several in the Library Pavilion alone, all of which are open to these outer disciples, but they require work points. As for work points, as long as you work hard, you can easily get them.

What's more, every week, there are alchemists giving lectures on alchemy, and all outer disciples can go to listen and learn, and there is no need for work points.

If Jin Ximei hadn't just been promoted to alchemist, if it wasn't for Jin Ximei's strong background, it would be impossible for the sect to arrange for her an outstanding outer disciple like Yang Xiaobao.

Of course, if it wasn't for Jin Ximei's needs, it would be impossible for Yang Xiaobao to become the alchemist's personal medicine boy as soon as he came in, let alone live in such a good bamboo house as soon as he came in.

If it weren't for such a coincidence, Yang Xiaobao would still have to live in that musty and smelly big house for a month like Bai Yunfei and others before he would be arranged to work as a medicine boy in the elixir garden. After one month of being a drug boy in the elixir garden, he will be selected by the alchemist to be a personal drug boy.

To say that this alchemist Jin Ximei was really good to Yang Xiaobao, after he came in, he didn't let Yang Xiaobao work, but let him move around in this bamboo building at will, first understand the working environment here.

So, Yang Xiaobao looked around inside and outside the bamboo building, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, and he thought it was really good.

It feels good to raise Xiaobao here, but Bai Yunfei and the others are miserable.

After Bai Yunfei and the others went in, they held back the bad smells and cleared out some rotten things inside, including a lot of dead mice and some messy moldy things. When we worked together, after two to ten minutes of cleaning, it was finally cleaned up. After cleaning up, the house looked pretty good, and it was quite spacious.

Bai Yunfei looked at it, and was more or less satisfied. After all, he grew up in a cave since he was a child, and he didn't care about suffering.

The great monk and the others couldn't help being surprised when they saw that Bai Yunfei and the others had cleared the house in 10 minutes. You must know that when they came in back then, not to mention 10 minutes, they didn't clear the house until the next night. After cleaning up, it was because they slept in it that night, and it was too bad and uncomfortable, so they made up their minds to clean it up the next day.

In the same way, as soon as the time of 10 minutes was up, the great monk immediately called Bai Yunfei and the others out, and did not forget to praise them a few words: "Good job, much faster than that of the Sa family."

Bai Yunfei and the others couldn't help but smile when they heard what the great monk said. The reason why these people worked so fast was that Bai Yunfei played a good leading role. That's why these people were mobilized.

"Okay, now I'll take you to the place of work." Liu Shuimu suddenly said in a strange way.

When Bai Yunfei and the other seven people heard that they were going to work, everyone immediately thought of the large elixir garden, and couldn't help getting a little excited. Can they finally see the elixir?
Therefore, Bai Yunfei and the seven new outer disciples happily followed behind the senior brothers and sisters, wishing to go to the elixir garden and see what the elixir in the elixir garden looked like. Although I have heard of the elixir, I have never seen it with my own eyes.

Fengdong and the others went forward and turned over two hills, then turned two more bends, passed two rows of bamboo houses, and stopped outside a big square house.

When Bai Yunfei and the others saw this big, boxy house, they became a little curious. They wondered what the seniors brought them here for. Could it be that this is the workplace they mentioned?But there is no elixir garden here either.

The Great Monk saw Bai Yunfei and the others' surprised faces, and couldn't help but find it funny. You know, they were even more surprised and reckless than the few of them when they came here.

Liu Shuimu laughed even more and said, "Here, your work place is here."

"Is this right here? Brother." A new outer disciple asked very puzzled.

"It's here. Let's go, everyone, come and have a look. You will all work here from now on." Feng Dong also said, and then walked over first, and then opened the big square The gate of the house.

Bai Yunfei and others came over to see that there were hundreds of big fat pigs locked inside.

When Bai Yunfei and the others saw these big fat pigs, they immediately became reckless. Could it be that their job is to come here to raise these hundreds of big fat pigs?

(End of this chapter)

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