Chapter 240 The New First Family
In the compound of the Niu Family in Qingyang City, Wanguo.

Master Yuanhua, the grand elder of Xingyun Sect in Yuanshi Kingdom, drank the good tea warmly received by the head of the Niu family, while his thoughts were wandering, thinking of his love and hatred with Ling Feixue, the dean of Star Academy Ling, when he was young.

As the thoughts drift away, the distant memories gradually become not far away, as if it happened just yesterday.

That night, Master Yuanhua invited Ling Feixue to Gaoshang Restaurant for dinner. Since Ling Feixue and Master Yuanhua were brothers and sisters of the same school, and they had always had a good relationship, he did not doubt that there was him, so he went happily.

When Ling Feixue arrived, Master Yuanhua immediately asked the waiter to serve the food, and specially served Ling Feixue's favorite dish, and Ling Feixue's favorite dish was big lobster.

As soon as the big lobster came up, Ling Feixue didn't care about her ladylike image, and immediately used both hands to eat it with great enjoyment.

Master Yuan Hua was even more diligent in persuading him to drink, but Ling Feixue couldn't shirk it, and almost had to drink when he got drunk.

So, when the two plates of lobsters were finished, Ling Feixue was also completely drunk.

Master Yuanhua then helped Ling Feixue to the room that had been prepared, and then began to undress.

But Master Yuan Hua hadn't had time to take off Ling Feixue's clothes when someone kicked the door open.

The one who opened the door was Master Yuanhua's senior brother and Ling Feixue's senior brother Jiang Leitian.

After Jiang Leitian came in, he found that Ling Feixue's clothes were still on, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He was also very fortunate, fortunately, he rushed to the Gaoshang Restaurant as soon as he felt that the situation was not right. After hurrying, he finally caught up at the most critical moment.

However, when he saw Master Yuanhua stripped himself naked, his body covered in white fat, like a fat pig that had just been shaved, he couldn't help feeling sick.

So Jiang Leitian immediately yelled at Venerable Yuanhua with contempt: "Yuanhua, you are so shameless, so vile, so disgusting."

When Master Yuanhua saw Jiang Leitian suddenly barging in and ruining his good deed, he was also furious and almost went mad, but he didn't feel ashamed at all.

But he has nothing to do. Although he is a big brother, he is not as high as his junior brother Jiang Leitian in terms of skill and cultivation, and his appearance is even more incomparable.

I planned to have a good deed with my junior sister Ling Feixue, and make cooked rice with uncooked rice. Ling Feixue may follow him in the future, and may hate him to the bone, but no matter what, if I can have a good night with my junior sister Ling Feixue, it will comfort me. Even if he was struck by a thunderbolt, Master Yuanhua would not feel bad about his years of lovesickness.

However, the good thing hadn't come to fruition yet, and it was destroyed by Jiang Leitian. Master Yuanhua was so angry that he slammed into Jiang Leitian's chest naked, intending to die with Jiang Leitian.

However, it was impossible for Jiang Leitian to do what he wished. Seeing Master Yuanhua bumping into him, he quickly used a small shift of the universe, and instantly dodged aside. He hit his head against the wall, bleeding, and then passed out.

Jiang Leitian no longer cared about Master Yuanhua's life and death, and immediately picked up Ling Feixue, who was lying on the bed with drunken eyes, and left the Gaoshang Restaurant.

When Master Yuanhua woke up, he found that it was pitch black around him, so he touched it casually, and found that he was packed in a sack, so he quickly broke free from the sealed sack, and then got out.

After Master Yuanhua got out of the sack, he found himself in a garbage dump.

Master Yuanhua recalled this, and an unknown dark fire arose in his heart. He shouted loudly, and then punched the table.

The Patriarch of the Niu family saw this valuable nanmu table being smashed to pieces, and couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything, and he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction, for fear that the great elder of the Nebula Sect would fall on him. With such a punch, wouldn't he be as shattered as this table?

You know, this nanmu table is extremely hard, and it won't break if you drop it normally, but this grand elder of Nebula Sect just smashed it with a random punch. Such a ruthless person cannot be provoked by his family.

The Patriarch of the Niu Family, Niu Shuzhen's father Niu Xingming and other members of the Niu Family are all looking at the Grand Elder of the Xingyun Sect, Venerable Yuanhua, with great anxiety, wondering what he wants to do in the Niu Family now. things come.

The grand elder of the Nebula Sect was originally brought by the head of the Li family, Li Badi, but he didn't expect Li Badi to be slapped to death by Master Yuanhua, who was led by him. Master Hua asked Niu Xingming about his daughter Niu Shuzhen, intending to take her as his disciple.

However, Niu Xingming told Master Yuanhua that his daughter Niu Shuzhen had worshiped Dean Ling of the Kunyu Country Star Academy as her teacher. Therefore, Master Yuanhua immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to accept Niu Shuzhen, and also aroused some dissatisfaction. Memories of well-known past events.

Now everyone in the Niu family hopes that Master Yuanhua will leave as soon as possible, but the more they think this way, the more Master Yuanhua will not leave easily, and he sat down leisurely. I have to be courteous.

But I didn't expect that Master Yuanhua would sit for ten minutes without talking to anyone, just sitting there leisurely and fascinated. Unexpectedly, he smashed a good nanmu table in Niu's house with one blow.

Well, since you are in a bad mood and smashed the table, it will be broken if you smash it, I, the Niu family, will not say anything, and of course I dare not say a bad word, but you should leave if you smash the table Alright.

The Patriarch of the Niu family was praying in his heart that Master Yuanhua, the terrible god of plague, would get out of Niu's house sooner, but Master Yuanhua really stood up from his seat.

Therefore, the head of the Niu family, Niu Xingming and other Niu family members were all ecstatic in their hearts. Is this plague god really leaving?

However, although their ideas were good, they didn't come true. The Great Elder of the Nebula Sect, Venerable Yuan Hua, stood up and walked around, then sat down in front of another table.

I dare say that after he smashed that table, he wanted to change another table.

The Patriarch of the Niu family couldn't help feeling a pang of heartache. Could it be that the God of Plague is going to smash all the nanmu tables in his house?
Forget it, as long as he doesn't hurt anyone anymore, let's smash these tables.

Therefore, the Patriarch of the Niu Family hurriedly called for someone to refill Master Yuanhua with a cup of high-quality tea. Do you know a man named Yang Xiaobao?"

"I don't know." The Patriarch of the Niu family immediately replied, because he really didn't know him, so of course he answered without hesitation, and besides, he didn't dare to tell lies in front of this plague god, even though he is now in his seventies and eighties He is dead, but he doesn't want to die yet, especially now that the Niu family is booming, so he naturally wants to live another 500 years.

Niu Xingming knew Yang Xiaobao, and not only knew him, but this Yang Xiaobao was also the boyfriend of his daughter Niu Shuzhen. Of course he wouldn't ask for trouble by telling him about his relationship with Yang Xiaobao.

Indeed, it is right that Niu Xingming did not reveal his relationship with Yang Xiaobao. If Venerable Yuanhua knew that Niu Xingming had such an extraordinary relationship with Yang Xiaobao, I am afraid that the Niu family would be in danger. up.

Master Yuanhua heard the answer from the Patriarch of the Niu Family, and nodded imperceptibly, and then he also planned to leave the Niu Family. After all, Niu Shuzhen is not at home now, and he is still a disciple of his old friend Ling Feixue, so he also Dispelled the idea of ​​charging Niu Shuzhen.

It can't be dismissed, after all, he doesn't want to have anything to do with his old friend and junior sister anymore, the past is over, whether it's good or bad, let it go with the wind.

Of course Master Yuan Hua could tell that the Niu family wanted him to leave immediately, although he was a little annoyed that he hadn't achieved the purpose of this trip, and wanted to have another attack, but after recalling the past, It suddenly became calm.

That being the case, he didn't want to do anything with the Niu's house anymore, so he just forgot it and let the Niu's house go, after all, he drank two cups of good tea here and broke a good table.

Now it's better to look for Yang Xiaobao, not only for the martial arts order, but also to avenge his disciples, as long as he can catch Yang Xiaobao or kill him, it will be a worthwhile trip.

Therefore, Master Yuan Hua didn't look at the Niu family members any more, and immediately led a group of strong martial artists out of the Niu family compound, and then went straight to the Ten Thousand Forest.

The head of the Niu family, Niu Xingming and all other members of the Niu family saw that Master Yuanhua, the God of Plague, had finally left the Niu family. Immediately, countless hanging hearts were relieved, and they finally felt at ease.

When Niu Xingming saw the body of Li Badi, the Patriarch of the Li family, lying on the ground in the yard again, he couldn't help but sighed. He didn't expect Li Badi to end up like this.

Although Li Badi had been dead for a long time, his eyes were still wide open, and it seemed that he would not rest in peace.

It's a strange thing to be able to rest in peace, he never thought that the master he brought back would beat him to death with a single palm, and this master was also his son's master, and he didn't understand until the end of his life why the great elder of the Nebula Sect would suddenly treat him He made a move, and it was a deadly move.

However, no matter whether he wants to understand it or not, he is dead or dead, even if he dies in peace, no one sympathizes with him now, let alone the Niu family.

It would be strange if the Niu family sympathized with him. No one in the Niu family knew that Li Badi was bringing people to trouble his Niu family. I am very happy.

After all, once Li Badi died, the Li family would no longer be an opponent of the Niu family, and the Niu family would soon replace the Li family as the number one family in Qingyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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