Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 243 Veteran Cadres Encounter New Problems

Chapter 243 Veteran Cadres Encounter New Problems
"Brother, what should I do if I want to become a drug boy?" Bai Yunfei asked suddenly.

When Bai Yunfei opened his mouth, the rest of the people were stunned. After all, Bai Yunfei had never spoken much, and the question he was asking now was a question of common concern to everyone, so these new outer disciples all gathered together. Looking at Feng Dong, he wanted to know the answer.

When Feng Dong heard Bai Yunfei's question, he didn't answer immediately, but touched his nose in a rare way, coughed, and then said: "Bai Yunfei, your question is very good, I believe everyone wants it Knowing the answer to this question, after all, if you want to become an alchemist, you must first become a medicine boy, so how can you become a medicine boy?"

Feng Dong paused for a while when he said this, and seeing that these new outer disciples were all listening attentively, he couldn't help nodding his head, and then continued: "Actually, this question is also very simple, but it's not simple. The simple thing is that if you want to become a drug boy, you have to go through the test, and after passing the test, you can become a drug boy in the elixir garden. What's not simple is that this test is not easy."

"Why is it so difficult to break through what level?" A new outer disciple asked immediately.

"As for what level to break through, you will know in a few days. As for why the level is so difficult to break through, this question is also easy to understand. If it is not difficult to break through, wouldn't all the disciples of the outer sect become drug boys? Some people may be talented in martial arts, such as the Great Monk, and some people may be talented in alchemy, such as Wen Danxi who came in with you, this means that there is a specialization in the arts, this is not difficult to understand." Feng Dong Then he explained, and explained it in great detail.

Now, everyone understands, at least the general direction they have figured out, what to do next, whether it is martial arts or alchemy, only after they have truly passed the test can they make a decision that suits each person's own conditions.

"So, what do we need to do now?" A new outer disciple asked immediately.

"Now you can walk around and look around, as long as you don't break into the forbidden area, you can walk here freely, but you just have to remember to come back at night and drive these big fat pigs back." Fengdong still took the trouble to reply, and still The answer is very detailed.

These new outer disciples heard that they could move around freely, so they were all happy. They wanted to take a look at this world like a paradise for a long time, so they were all ready to leave.

"Everyone wait a minute, I still have something to say." Bai Yunfei said suddenly.

Hearing Bai Yunfei's words, everyone stopped the steps they were about to take and looked at Bai Yunfei, not knowing what Bai Yunfei had to say.

"Brother, I would like to ask, if one person is arranged to herd pigs and drive pigs in turn every day, do you think it will work? If so, it will save a lot of time for cultivation." Bai Yunfei said immediately.

Yes, if this is the case, don't you have more time to play?These new outer disciples all felt that Bai Yunfei asked a very good question, but they didn't think about it.

"In principle, it is not allowed, because at this time, if you can really discuss and coordinate the work of all of you, as long as there are no mistakes, generally no one will take care of it, but once you lose the big fat pig, all of you Everyone has to bear the responsibility." Feng Dong thought for a while before saying.

"Thank you, brother, for clarifying the confusion. Let's discuss it ourselves." Bai Yunfei immediately thanked Feng Dong. He also felt that Feng Dong was really a good person.

"Okay, you are free to move about now. Remember that you must do a good job of herding pigs every day. This is a task that must be completed. If such a simple task is not completed well, it will not be your turn for good things to happen in the future. Yes." Feng Dong looked at Bai Yunfei and nodded, then said.

"Brother, please rest assured, we will definitely complete the task of herding pigs every day." These new outer disciples all said in unison.

Feng Dong immediately nodded, and then drifted away, and the rest of the senior brothers and one senior sister also left. Now there are only seven new outer disciples, including Bai Yunfei, left.

Now everyone is looking at Bai Yunfei, because everyone thinks that the idea of ​​taking turns to herd pigs that he put forward just now is good, so it is better for him to take the lead in discussing this matter.

Of course, Bai Yunfei also understood the meaning of these people, so he said immediately: "I think it's better not to take turns for the time being, let's put it together for a week first, and then take turns after a week. After all, we all came in at once, and we are together every day. We can also communicate with each other while releasing the pigs. Besides, we are not very familiar with the environment here. If the brother on duty doesn’t release the pigs in time, wouldn’t it be a waste of time? Therefore, it’s better for everyone to release the pigs together in the first week , with so many of us, it’s unlikely that none of them will be able to come back, so it’s much safer, what do you think?”

"Okay, Brother Yunfei, it's better that you think carefully, so let's do it this way." Shan Kaihuai immediately echoed, and he really felt that Bai Yunfei was very thoughtful.

The rest of the people also nodded to express their opinions with Bai Yunfei. After all, Bai Yunfei thought so thoroughly and took care of everyone's interests. What reason do they have to disagree?
The matter was settled, so everyone left separately to explore this brand new world. Of course, if there is a good relationship, they should go together, and Shan Kaihuai didn't leave alone, but stayed by Bai Yunfei's side.

Seeing Shan Kaihuai taking the initiative to walk with him, Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "Let's go too."

"Okay, brother Yunfei." Shan Kaihuai said happily immediately.

Bai Yunfei and Shan Kaihuai immediately walked to the east. After walking for a while, they came to a town. They said it was a town, but it was actually a relatively large village, but this village was still quite big. There are as many as four or five streets, horizontal and vertical, and there are many people on the streets.

However, there are only pedestrians on these streets, and some people on horseback. As for cars, there are no cars at all. The whole looks very simple and primitive.

Bai Yunfei and Shan Kaihuai came to a restaurant and stopped immediately, because both of them felt a little hungry, so they walked into this restaurant immediately, no matter what, they had to eat their fill first Say it again.

As soon as the two of Bai Yunfei came in, a waiter came up to greet them warmly, and Bai Yunfei followed the waiter up to the second floor, and then sat down at a table by the window.

As soon as Bai Yunfei sat down, he immediately said to the waiter in the shop: "Serve the best wine and the best food."

Bai Yunfei was also influenced by his elder brother raising Xiaobao, so he said that when he went to the restaurant, because he and his elder brother raising Xiaobao only had to go to the restaurant to eat, and raising Xiaobao must live in the best room and serve the best food , served the best wine, so Bai Yunfei was unknowingly affected.

"Okay, two distinguished guests, wait a moment, the good wine and food will be here soon." The waiter in the shop said happily, it's no wonder he was happy, because he didn't meet many customers like Bai Yunfei, because The food in this restaurant is not cheap, the best wine and the best dishes are even more expensive, and ordinary people can't afford it at all.

It didn't take much time, a table of good food and two jars of good wine were served.

It was true that Bai Yunfei and Shan Kaihuai were hungry, so they immediately started eating, and then they toasted each other. After a few glasses of wine, the strange feelings between the two of them disappeared, and they quickly warmed up.

So the two let go of talking, drinking, and eating.

Shan Kaihuai immediately asked Bai Yunfei: "Brother Yunfei, do you want to cultivate martial arts or make alchemy?"

"I want to make alchemy." Bai Yunfei said without thinking.

The reason why he said that was because the eldest brother Yang Xiaobao was already the alchemist's personal drug boy. Of course he couldn't hold back the elder brother. Only by learning the real skills by himself, he would be able to help the poor and save people like the elder brother in the future in a hurry.

"Brother Kaihuai, what about you?" Bai Yunfei then asked Shan Kaihuai again.

"I want to practice martial arts." Shan Kaihuai hesitated for a moment, then said.

"Since you want to practice martial arts, why don't you go to the top ten sects?" Bai Yunfei asked a little puzzled.

"Brother Yunfei, you probably don't know that this elixir house is not only outstanding in alchemy, but also in martial arts. A strong martial artist is only a half-step martial saint." Shan Kaihuai said immediately.

"Oh, I really don't know about this." Bai Yunfei said immediately, he really didn't know about these things, after all, his adoptive father didn't tell him about it, and as for the elder brother raising the little treasure, it was even more impossible to know.

"I heard that Lingdanshe has a 'Dan Dian Shen Gong', I don't know where I can find it." Shan Kaihuai said something immediately, as if talking to himself, because he also knew that Bai Yunfei had just come in with him , it is impossible to know.

Indeed, Bai Yunfei naturally didn't know about it, not only did he not know where to find the "Dan Dian Divine Art", but it was also the first time he had heard of this "Dan Dian Divine Art".

"Are the two distinguished guests new to the sect?" the waiter suddenly asked.

"Yeah, little brother, what's the matter?" Bai Yunfei couldn't help asking in surprise when he saw the shop boy suddenly take the initiative to talk to them.

"I can help you answer the question that this honored guest just mentioned about where can I find the magical skills of the Dandian." The waiter immediately said with a smile.

"Second Brother, tell me quickly, where can I see the Alchemy Art?" Shan Kaihuai asked eagerly, and he couldn't be blamed for being anxious, after all, he also wanted to practice this Alchemy Art as soon as possible, and then participate in the competition. The Zongmen's inner disciples are assessed, and only after becoming an inner disciple can they get more cultivation resources from Lingdanshe.

"You can see it in the Cangshu Pavilion, because this alchemy is open to all outer disciples, and everyone can practice it." Xiaoer Dian then said patiently.

"Brother Yunfei, take it easy, I'm going to the library first." Shan Kaihuai put down his wine glass as soon as he heard the waiter's explanation, and walked out of the restaurant impatiently.

Seeing Shan Kaihuai's impatient look, Bai Yunfei couldn't help smiling, and now that he had finished eating, he also stood up and was about to leave the restaurant.

But as soon as he took a step, he was immediately stopped by the shop waiter, because they haven't settled the bill yet?
As soon as Bai Yunfei heard that the waiter asked him to pay the bill, he immediately acted recklessly, because he didn't have a penny on him, and every time he went to the restaurant to eat, he never asked him to pay the bill, because he was not with him. Being with foster father means being with elder brother and raising Xiaobao. The payment has never been his business, but now the waiter in the shop asks him to pay, what should he pay?
Bai Yunfei has eaten in restaurants a lot, and he can be said to be a veteran cadre, but he has encountered a new problem of asking him to pay the bill, so how to solve this problem now?
(End of this chapter)

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