Chapter 244 The Third Dantian

Yang Xiaobao suddenly heard from Master Cheap that he had to abolish the original martial arts before practicing this alchemy, so he couldn't help being stunned.

Why do you feel that this alchemy is a bit like the sunflower book!
Although the exercises in the Sunflower Collection are good, there is one thing, that is, if you want to practice magical skills, you must first go to the palace.

But Yue Buqun really did it himself in order to practice the Sunflower Book, and then he practiced his magic skills, but Yue Buqun became a man and woman.

Fortunately, this alchemy magic skill is not to ask people to leave the palace, but to abolish martial arts, and this has nothing to do with it.

But because others can't see the fluctuations in Yang Xiaobao's vitality, they all think that he is just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who has never practiced, but how do they know that Yang Xiaobao has not only practiced, but also cultivated The power is the most heaven-defying, and the most terrifying Taiji Taichu divine art that absorbs spiritual energy.

Yang Xiaobao also doesn't know if his own Tai Chi and Tai Chu magical skills will affect this Dandian magical skill, so he should ask the future.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately summoned the future urgently in his heart: "In the future, the cheap master said that she must abolish her original strength cultivation before she can practice this alchemy, otherwise she will go crazy. In the future, Brother, will my Taiji Taichu affect my cultivation of the Dandian Divine Art? Will I go mad?"

"Dear master, the future once said that Taiji Taichu Divine Art is an ancient divine art. It can cultivate eight dantians and has the characteristics of being inclusive of all rivers. In other words, Taiji Taichu Divine Art can accommodate all exercises. How could it affect and Compared with the so-called alchemy magic that is nothing compared to Taiji and Taichu magic skills? As for going crazy, it is even more unlikely to happen, you don’t have to worry about it, you can practice with confidence.” Future’s nice voice whispered in Yang Xiaobao’s ear Come on.

"Oh, so that's the case, my dear Future, then I can rest assured." Hearing what Future said, Yang Xiaobao finally felt relieved.

"Wen Danxi, I'm talking to you, why are you in a daze?" Jin Ximei said dissatisfiedly when she saw that Yang Xiaobao was distracted again.

"Master, I was wondering if this alchemy is very powerful?" Yang Xiaobao said hastily.

"Of course it's amazing, isn't it amazing?" Jin Ximei couldn't help but glared at Yang Xiaobao before saying.

"Oh, then when will I learn this powerful magic skill?" Yang Xiaobao asked eagerly, he was really a little eager, because of the special nature of his Tai Chi and Tai Chu magic skills, so he didn't know it for a long time. I have practiced, and now there is a skill that can be cultivated, so naturally I can't wait.

"Don't be impatient, Wen Danxi, come with me to the room, and I will teach you the cultivation method of the Dandian magic skill." Seeing Yang Xiaobao's impatient look, Jin Ximei reprimanded her with a face, and then went to the room go.

Yang Xiaobao had no choice but to quickly follow Master Cheap, and then walked with her to Jin Ximei's room.

Yang Xiaobao came in and took a look, and found that there were a lot of tricks in the cheap master's room. It is also full of books.

However, the furniture in this room is also quite messy. Not only are there many miscellaneous gadgets, but there is also a bed with a potted flower on the head of the bed. I really don't know how this cheap master made such a mess.

As soon as Master Jin Ximei entered the room, he immediately took out a book from the bookcase and handed it to Yang Xiaobao, saying, "This is the magical skill of Dandian. You can practice it yourself. If you don't understand, just ask me." Just sat down on the bed.

Yang Xiaobao quickly took the book and said hello, so he immediately flipped through the book, with Yang Xiaobao's current memory that is so heaven-defying, he finished it in just over ten minutes, and because his own foundation is good , and there is nothing I don't understand.

However, this alchemy skill is still very unusual. It is also a heaven-level skill. Although it is not one-tenth of the Taiji Taichu magic skill, it is because the Taiji Taichu magic skill is so good, so there is a difference between the two. It can't be compared with this, but if it is compared with ordinary cultivation methods, it can be regarded as a divine skill.

Yang Xiaobao quickly went through the alchemy of the alchemy in his heart, and when he fully mastered it, he sat down cross-legged and began to practice the alchemy of the alchemy.

Jin Ximei sat on the bed in her spare time and watched Yang Xiaobao all the time. She thought that Yang Xiaobao would ask her many questions, but she didn't expect Yang Xiaobao to open a book of alchemy without even asking her a word, and Also see so fast.

At first, she thought that Yang Xiaobao just read it briefly, and then continued to read it carefully, but she didn't expect that Yang Xiaobao only read it very quickly, and then stopped reading it again.

Jin Ximei couldn't help being surprised, could it be that her apprentice could memorize everything just by reading it so quickly?

Originally, she also had a lot of doubts, wondering if Yang Xiaobao remembered it, and then she saw Yang Xiaobao think about it with his eyes closed, and then began to practice cross-legged, which made Jin Ximei even more surprised , she was even more puzzled, and she didn't know what Yang Xiaobao was doing, and she still couldn't believe it if it was said that Yang Xiaobao learned a magic skill in just over ten minutes.

You know, it took her three days to learn this Dandian magic skill before she understood it thoroughly, and she also asked the suzerain, that is, her father.

However, what happened next was not a question of whether she believed it or not, but was too shocked.

Because Yang Xiaobao has only cultivated for less than an hour, and he has already cultivated from an ordinary person without any vitality to Wuyuan level. This can be seen from the fluctuation of Yang Xiaobao's vitality.

This situation shocked Jin Ximei too much. What kind of cultivation speed is this? This is simply faster than riding a rocket. You must know that the first breakthrough is always the hardest when it comes to cultivation, especially from ordinary people to Wu Yuan. Level [-] entry, this is a big hurdle in martial arts. It is impossible for ordinary people to reach it without practicing for ten days and a half months. Even some martial arts geniuses, the fastest will take one or two days. It took less than an hour to cross the most difficult hurdle in martial arts.

Jin Ximei couldn't help but be shocked by this.

Not to mention how shocked Jin Ximei was, even Yang Xiaobao didn't understand now. Originally, Yang Xiaobao couldn't see any vitality fluctuations on his body, but after practicing this alchemy magic skill, he could actually see the vitality on his body again. He has gained vitality, and he can intuitively see the level of cultivation on his body, which makes Yang Xiaobao a little strange.

Of course, this kind of effect is of course the best, if Yang Xiaobao doesn't have vitality on his body after practicing the alchemy, that would be terrible!
Therefore, after Yang Xiaobao felt the change in his vitality, although he was a little surprised, he felt relieved.

Then Yang Xiaobao began to practice the alchemy magic again. After two hours, his cheap master Jin Ximei was even more shocked, even more unbelievable, even more unbelievable.

Because, she went to Yang Xiaobao to break through again, and she broke through continuously. The breakthrough speed was too fast, first from the first level of Wuyuan to the second level, then to the third level, and then to the ninth level of Wuyuan It took more than ten minutes to keep it.

That's not counting, and then began to break through to the first level of Wu Heng, and there was no sign of stopping. He continued to advance all the way, and did not stop until he broke through to the second level of Wu Li.

After reaching the second level of martial arts, Yang Xiaobao didn't practice anymore, because he really encountered a bottleneck when he practiced his alchemy magic here. If he couldn't break through this bottleneck, it would be useless to continue practicing.

Of course, for Yang Xiaobao, breaking through to the second level of strength is nothing, but for others, this speed is indescribably fast.

It's almost unbelievable.

Anyway, now, the cheap master who raised Xiaobao is now so shocked that his cherry mouth is wide open, and he can't close it at all. She never dreamed that she just accepted a disciple randomly, and she turned out to be such a genius in martial arts , this is tantamount to a treasure suddenly falling from the sky, and she just happened to pick it up.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao is also very excited now, although Yang Xiaobao's current cultivation base is not the same as his original Taiji Taichu Divine Kungfu cultivation base, but the cultivation base he has cultivated now is also real.

But Yang Xiaobao originally practiced to the second level of Wuzhen, but now this alchemy magic skill has only been cultivated to the second level of martial arts. Does that mean that Yang Xiaobao's cultivation has regressed?

Of course this is not the case, as I have said before, before practicing the Dandian Divine Art, one must abolish the original cultivation. If eight dantians can be cultivated, then Yang Xiaobao is probably insane by now. This is not alarmist talk, it is actually the case.

You must know that Yang Xiaobao's level [-] martial arts vitality cultivation base is only the third pubic area besides his original two dantians, and it is separate from the original two dantians, so it will not make any mistakes. He Shui, that is to say, the current situation is that the two magical skills of Yang Xiaobao can be practiced at the same time.

Of course, it is possible to practice at the same time in theory, but in fact, you can only practice one magical skill, because in such a place where the vitality of the world is not very sufficient, the Taiji and Taichu magical skills that raise Xiaobao can't be practiced even if they want to practice, so raising Xiaobao Now it is still only possible to practice the alchemy magic skill.

However, although it is said that Yang Xiaobao's current cultivation is only at the second level of martial arts, of course the skill he can really use is not only at the second level of martial arts, but infinitely close to the peak of Wuzhen's third level.

This is actually not difficult to understand, because Yang Xiaobao now has three dantians in cultivation, and the cultivation of his three dantians can be superimposed, so Yang Xiaobao originally has Wuzhen's second-level cultivation, plus Now the cultivation base of the third dantian has naturally reached Wu Zhen's third level or above, and if he wants to exert it to the maximum extent, it is estimated that it is far more than that.

(End of this chapter)

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