Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 245 Ancient World and Future World

Chapter 245 Ancient World and Future World

Yang Xiaobao stood up from the ground after finishing his work, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange when he saw that Master Cheap had opened his small mouth and hadn't closed it.

What's wrong with this cheap master?Is menopause early again?
No, this cheap master is only about the same age as him, and it has only been a while before he has become like this, it shouldn't be.

Seeing her like this, Yang Xiaobao was still a little worried, so he called out: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Jin Ximei came back to her senses when she heard Yang Xiaobao's words. This is why she was so shocked when she saw that Yang Xiaobao's consecutive breakthroughs were too shocking.

Now that I came back to my senses, I felt that I was too rude just now, and I felt a little embarrassed, so I made an excuse and said: "It's okay, I have a toothache."

"Toothache, see a doctor quickly, Master, is it not uncomfortable for you to be so stiff?" Yang Xiaobao didn't know whether she had a real toothache or a fake toothache, but he still said comfortingly.

"Okay, it's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore." Jin Ximei had no choice but to say something more, but her voice was not as confident as she said just now, and she seemed a little embarrassed.

Yang Xiaobao also doesn't know what's wrong with his cheap master, since she doesn't have a toothache, it's the best, otherwise, it's not a problem for this young old toothache!
"Wen Danxi, how did you practice so fast? How did you break through so fast?" Jin Ximei still couldn't help asking.

"I don't know either. I've made a breakthrough in this practice. I've made a breakthrough in one practice. What's wrong? Master, what's the problem?" Why did he open his mouth but couldn't close it just now? It turned out that this cheap master was surprised by the breakthrough too fast when he was practicing just now.

However, this kind of breakthrough is really nothing to Yang Xiaobao. You must know that when he was practicing Taiji Taichu in Lingyu Valley, he broke through several major levels in a row, which is terrifying!If he, a cheap master, knew about it, he would be so shocked.

"No problem, it's not a bad thing to be able to break through so quickly." Jin Ximei said immediately.

When Jin Ximei said this, she paused for a while and then said: "You have studied well, let me take you out to have a look."

Originally, Jin Ximei wanted to praise Yang Xiaobao a few words. After all, the surprise and surprise that Yang Xiaobao brought her today was too great, but she couldn't find any good words for a while, so she had to give up. However, she still felt that it was necessary to take her disciple out for a stroll, as a reward.

Yang Xiaobao was overjoyed when he heard that he wanted to go out to have a look. After all, he has been staying in this bamboo building since he came to this spirit pill house, and he hasn't had a good look at the world yet?

And now that his cheap master wants to take him out to see the world, of course it couldn't be better.

So Yang Xiaobao couldn't help saying yes repeatedly.

And Jin Ximei was also secretly happy to see Yang Xiaobao so happy. She didn't expect her disciple to like shopping as much as she did. Not bad, not bad, really good.

It's just that she didn't know that Yang Xiaobao didn't like shopping at all, okay? He just came here and didn't know much about the world, so he was so happy. She didn't expect that his cheap master would think that he also liked it. Go shopping!It's all about where.

But anyway, it's pretty good to go out and have a look, take a walk, if you stay in such a bamboo building all the time, you won't be bored, will you?
So, with Jin Ximei in the front and Yang Xiaobao in the back, they left the bamboo building one after the other.

After going out, Yang Xiaobao didn't see the car, so he just walked and walked.

However, what Yang Xiaobao didn't expect was that Jin Ximei actually walked faster and faster, and in the end it was almost faster than running. After Yang Xiaobao followed for a while, he stopped leaving immediately.

Of course, it's not that Yang Xiaobao can't keep up. If Yang Xiaobao uses the Wind Riding Technique, even his cheap master may not be able to outrun him.

However, Yang Xiaobao obviously can't use the Wind Riding Technique here. If Yang Xiaobao uses the Wind Riding Technique recklessly here, I don't know what serious consequences it will lead to.

Therefore, it is obvious that Yang Xiaobao really can't run without using the Wind Riding Technique. After all, Jin Ximei has used her unique lightness kung fu, so it is too natural for Yang Xiaobao to be unable to keep up But that's all.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao finally stopped, Jin Ximei couldn't help nodding her head. She didn't expect that Yang Xiaobao not only learned the Dandian magic skills so quickly, but also ran so fast. It's really amazing my brother.

You must know that she just used the six-success power of her unique lightness kungfu just now, and Yang Xiaobao obviously ran hard just now, and she doesn't know any lightness kungfu at all, but she was able to keep up with her for such a long time. Jin Ximei was surprised.

Yang Xiaobao ran up to Jin Ximei panting like a bull and said, "Master, why are you walking so fast? I'm almost exhausted."

Seeing that raising Xiaobao was so tired, Jin Ximei felt a burst of heartache for no reason, so she said softly: "Well, I won't walk fast anymore, let's just walk slowly, anyway, I'm not far from Lengxing City." Not far away."

Yang Xiaobao suddenly heard that Lengxing City couldn't help but feel a little strange. After all, it was the first time he heard that there was such a city, so he immediately said to Jin Ximei: "Master, is this Lengxing City very big?"

"It's not very big, but it's not very small either." Jin Ximei replied immediately.

"Master, what are there in Cold Star City?" Yang Xiaobao immediately asked curiously.

"You'll know when you go there. There are many things in Cold Star City. There are all kinds of fun and delicious food." Jin Ximei immediately replied, her tone was surprisingly gentle, and she seemed very patient.

Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei talked and walked like this, and they didn't feel tired at all. However, they walked very slowly. It didn't look like Wu Xiu was walking at all. It wasn't much faster than ordinary people. Time was like this quietly passed away.

Yang Xiaobao was walking like this, and suddenly remembered that time when Tang Qinghan and Tang Qinghan walked from Shanshui City to the royal family for a whole day, until it was dark before reaching the palace. Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but feel a little dazed , he doesn't know how Tang Qinghan is doing now, nor does he know if the Kunyu royal family has been implicated by him. After all, the relationship between his raising Xiaobao and the Kunyu royal family is very clear to the imperial royal family. Yang Xiaobao participated in the assessment in the name of the Kunyu royal family.

However, no matter what they are doing now, Yang Xiaobao can only think about it casually. You must know that raising Xiaobao himself is difficult to protect himself, and he was chased by the royal family of the Huayang Empire. When you arrive in the capital of the empire, you dare not look at people with their true colors.

As for the Kunyu royal family, they can only ask for their own blessings. Even if they are affected by Yang Xiaobao, there is nothing they can do about it. They can only feel sorry for the king of Kunyu Kingdom for the time being.

When Yang Xiaobao thought of the king of Kunyu Kingdom, he still felt very warm in his heart. After all, the king and his daughter Tang Qinghan treated him well for raising Xiaobao. It's a pity that the prince incident happened later, otherwise, Yang Xiaobao is now also the guest of honor on King Kunyu.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao suddenly stopped talking, Jin Ximei gave him a strange look and asked, "Wen Danxi, what's wrong with you?"

"Master, I'm a little tired." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"It's almost there, why don't I take you for a while, or else, it will be dark." After Jin Ximei finished speaking, without waiting for Yang Xiaobao's answer, she directly carried Yang Xiaobao on her back, and then resorted to With her unique lightness kung fu and body technique, she immediately flew into the air.

Yang Xiaobao leaned on the back of his cheap master, and suddenly felt a very special feeling, it felt good and wonderful, and after Jin Ximei flew for a while, Yang Xiaobao actually had a feeling of flying through the clouds.

Of course, there will be no such thing as a real ride through the clouds, it's just a feeling. After all, Yang Xiaobao's riding the wind technique is also a very heaven-defying lightness kungfu, which is even worse than Jin Ximei's lightness kungfu .

It's just that Yang Xiaobao's cultivation is not as high as Jin Ximei's now, so if Yang Xiaobao uses the Wind Riding Technique now, the speed is probably about the same as Jin Ximei's unique lightness skill. After his cultivation level catches up with that of his cheap master, the speed of raising Xiaobao will definitely be faster than Jin Ximei's unique lightness kung fu.

Now that Jin Ximei performed her unique lightness kung fu, her speed increased rapidly. Therefore, in less than 10 minutes, she came to Lengxing City.

As soon as they arrived in Cold Star City, Jin Ximei landed with Yang Xiaobao, and the two immediately walked towards the city gate.

The two came to the gate of the city. Yang Xiaobao originally thought that this Lengxing City also had to collect city fees, but he didn't expect that the soldiers guarding the city not only did not charge their entry fees, but also saluted Jin Ximei very respectfully. I also followed suit.

Yang Xiaobao didn't expect that when he came to Cold Star City with his master, there would be such a good courtesy. Of course, Yang Xiaobao didn't know his identity as a cheap master. If he knew Jin Ximei's true identity, he would Not so surprised.

Yang Xiaobao took a look at the attire and equipment of these guarding soldiers, and found that they were still wearing ancient armor and holding cold weapons, not laser guns like the soldiers in the capital of the Huayang Empire.

It seems that the world here is really different from the outside world, but this world looks isolated from the outside world, but it is always connected with the outside world, and going out from here is the Huayang Empire.

Moreover, people here can still go out to the outside world at any time, as long as they open a stone door, of course, whether everyone here can go out to the outside world, Yang Xiaobao is still unknown.

It can be said that the world inside the Lingdanshe and the outside world are not only the ancient world and the future world, but also two parallel worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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